
For Baja Wu$$ies/Pu$$ies/Woo$ies

rdrrm8e - 10-11-2007 at 01:53 PM

From the ever popular Bloody Decks Board:

First off; this is in it's infancy so don't expect anything to change overnight.
I am working with some people here in Baja Norte to combat this crime situation and the robberies of American tourists.
We are putting together a meeting with developers, business owners, and high level Mexican Goverment people to try and put together a plan that will insure safety for visitors here in Baja North. I'll post more on the meeting when we set the date and place. You will be welcome to attend along with the press, developers and business owners. Also serious suggestion are invited. Also right now I need as many complete reports, and write ups of these incendents even in the past, plus the victims experiences to use as evidence to the developers and business owners how serious this problem is.
I know that this has nothing to do with fishing but this problem concerns us all. I need to start somewhere.
PM me with any incidents, any specifics, or pertinent info.
PM me only, don't respond here.
Ps. If you have a problem get the car color and vehicle license number and a description of the vehicles, pictures if possible and BADGE NUMBERS.
I Know the right people to send this info to.
We need to fight back and not let these thieves take away OUR Baja.

tripledigitken - 10-11-2007 at 02:38 PM

This wussie will attend that meeting! Hope some other Nomads will also.


Sharksbaja - 10-11-2007 at 02:59 PM

by the way nice policeman who is robbing me at gunpoint "can I have your name and badge number?


"when you are all through of course"


Well maybe someone will listen. Let's hope so!

Hook - 10-11-2007 at 03:47 PM

Well, personally, I dont this these robberies are being commited by true policemen. They are posing as policemen.

But the meeting is a good idea.

Will The Donald be there?

CaboRon - 10-11-2007 at 04:48 PM

I would attend the meeting however, I NEVER stop or spend money north of El Rosario.


Frank - 10-11-2007 at 05:11 PM

I hope Bill is successful. Chuck thanks for bringing the post over.
Mo Betta

Bajalero - 10-11-2007 at 06:57 PM

Originally posted by Hook
Well, personally, I dont this these robberies are being commited by true policemen. They are posing as policemen.


You're kidding right? How long have you been in/ going to Baja?.

Could it be these same posers are the ones responsible who raped the wife of the guy they were robbing at the ATM in Tijuana a few years back?

I personally put nothing past a TJ cop

Von - 10-12-2007 at 07:35 AM

Dude there will always be crime and secuestros forever so just live with it it or stay in America. Mexico only cares for the ones that give the biggest mordidas and and the biggest toys, thats the fact my family has been in baja for over a hundred years and its always the same $$chit . Sorry to be so blunt. Have fun ....:P

Hook - 10-12-2007 at 08:18 AM

Originally posted by Bajalero
Originally posted by Hook
Well, personally, I dont this these robberies are being commited by true policemen. They are posing as policemen.


You're kidding right? How long have you been in/ going to Baja?.

Could it be these same posers are the ones responsible who raped the wife of the guy they were robbing at the ATM in Tijuana a few years back?

I personally put nothing past a TJ cop

I think maybe we are not talking about the same incidents.

I am talking about the recent early morning incidents where persons in private vehicles are putting up a temporary flashing red light and pulling people over with the aid of a second vehicle that pulls in front of them. The uniforms have been reported as nothing resembling the local police.

Not sure how long I have been going to Baja has to do with this but it is 38 years.

This is just an opinion.........maybe one that will be discussed at the meeting.