
Story Time.....

motoged - 10-11-2007 at 02:43 PM

On the "Baja Questions and Answers" section, I have recently asked questions about getting alternative insurance for rental cars in Mexico. One of the interesting stories that indirectly came out of that thread for me was the following story:

I am not trying to create more panic and fear with this story .... just want to share an interesting read.

The moral of the story for me is...:
"He should have stayed one more day in Bahia de los Angeles and done more fishing!" :light:

Maybe this is an old read for some....great entertainment....glad it wasn't me....

CaboRon - 10-11-2007 at 07:31 PM

Very scary, sounds like a Catch-22..........


woody with a view - 10-12-2007 at 08:19 AM

just another possible outcome when you roll the dice, err, i mean cross the border.


Iflyfish - 10-12-2007 at 08:38 AM


Love the avatar! Yikes!!!


motoged - 10-12-2007 at 10:07 AM

Originally posted by Iflyfish
Love the avatar! Yikes!!!

Cabo Ron,
I watched a cowboy movies last night with Henry Fonda and Glen Ford called The Rounders (I thinks) that was shot in early 60's near Sedona....and it looked like that mountain in the background....where is your mountain???


bajajudy - 10-12-2007 at 10:35 AM

My guess would be Tibet on the mountain.

toneart - 10-12-2007 at 11:05 AM

Wow! His human form has become quite ethereal. I guess if your life makes you smile a lot, that happens. I like it, Ron!

:bounce: <<<<<<<<<<<This is me trying to get spiritually high. guess I need to work on it more. ;)

DENNIS - 10-12-2007 at 11:23 AM


danaeb - 10-12-2007 at 12:38 PM

Grand Tetons?

woody with a view - 10-12-2007 at 12:41 PM

san pedro de martir from hwy1?????

mar 2006  (Small).jpg - 42kB

805gregg - 10-12-2007 at 01:08 PM

That's one expensive dive trip, how can a country bordering ours malfunction so often? I might add that I was always under the impression that if any thing goes wrong, it's time to "bolt for the border" anyone else head of this method of dealing with corupt officials? I wonder if the good vagabundo that stopped would have given him a ride to within walking distance of the border and saved him a lot of problems and money.You've got to wonder about a society that produces public servents that would prey upon victims that are most vunerable. Sorry but someones got to say it.

[Edited on 10-13-2007 by 805gregg]