
BAJA SPELL CHECKER '07 (most misspelled places)

David K - 10-11-2007 at 07:36 PM

Perhaps it is time again to remind Nomads that if a place is spelled wrong, you may be in the wrong place or worse!

NOTE: This post is for fun and education on the places we love! We should at least spell the places correctly, no?

Here is a list of places I can think of off hand, I see spelled wrong most often (I can add to it with your input)...

Here is the CORRECT (and): Incorrect spelling

BAJA: Baha :light:

TIJUANA: Tiajuana


ALGODONES: ??? (how did Max say the sign spelled it?)

ROSARITO: Rosarita (Yes, it is really Playas de Rosarito)

ENSENADA: Encinada, Ensinada

SANTO TOMAS: Santo Thomas

SAN FELIPE: San Felipi, San Felippi

SAN QUINTIN: San Quentin, San Quinten

PUERTECITOS: Puertocitos (one of the most often misspelled places in Baja)

SANTA YNEZ (or INES)*: Santa Ynes, Santa Inez
(The owner prefers 'Ynez', but maps and road signs maintain that it is 'Ines'... The last straw on insisting it is 'Ynez' is when I bought a shirt from Matilda there, spelled 'Ines'!):rolleyes:

ALFONSINA'S: Alphonsina's

LAGUNA CHAPALA: Laguna Chapalla


SAN FRANCISQUITO: San Fran&%$#@?:rolleyes:

GUERRERO NEGRO: Guerro Negro (the next most often misspelled place in Baja)

MALARRIMO: Mallarimo, Mallarrimo

VIZCAINO: Viscaino

BAHIA ASUNCION: Bahia Asencion

MULEGE: Muleje

LORETO: Loretto

LOS BARRILES: Los Barilles

Anyway amigos, if you can suggest more Baja places you have seen misspelled in publications, signs or on the Internet please reply and I will add them!

[Edited on 10-12-2007 by David K]

BAJACAT - 10-12-2007 at 04:25 PM

Here is my share


San Felipe-San Felo
Puertecitos-where it the @&%$?# is this place at.
Guerrero Negro-Black Warrior
Playas de Tijuana-Playas
Playas de Rosarito-Rosaro
Parque Nacional Constitucion de 1857-Laguna Hanson
Laguna Juarez-Laguna Hanson

[Edited on 10-12-2007 by BAJACAT]

DianaT - 10-12-2007 at 04:34 PM


Tijuana has been called Tia Juana---remember those great pictures FDT posted? So out of respect for history, maybe Tia Juana is OK. :lol:

I seldom notice the errors and would never correct anyone's spelling. I know I make spelling errors----some real and some are typos---just don't think it is that important, JMHO

[Edited on 10-12-2007 by jdtrotter]

BajaGeoff - 10-12-2007 at 04:42 PM

Here are a few that I have noticed...

Correct - Incorrect

Scorpion Bay - Scorpian Bay
Border - Boarder
Salsipuedes - Salsapuedes

DENNIS - 10-12-2007 at 04:47 PM

How about "Smell Check" for some of these claims of mayhem on the road south? They all can't be true.

Hey wait a minute...

vgabndo - 10-12-2007 at 04:49 PM

Isn't that JEFF Hill??? :lol:

DanO - 10-12-2007 at 05:30 PM

Originally posted by DENNIS
How about "Smell Check" for some of these claims of mayhem on the road south? They all can't be true.

IMHO, if this board had a BS meter, there'd be a lot less stuff to read. I take it all with a big grin (below) and big grain of (sea) salt.


Spell check

tortuga - 10-12-2007 at 06:10 PM

Good point , where is the spell check in the "post reply" area . Wish I was in Las Barrels ! OOOOOOOPS !!
Saloodos Tartooga:lol::lol::lol::lol:

I need one !

tortuga - 10-12-2007 at 06:20 PM

Hose A ,
Can I get one of them at Home Depot . I could really use one at work !

bajajudy - 10-12-2007 at 06:44 PM


What is if you can!
I am all for that. I think that we should dance whenever we can.

Baja Place Names Spelling Bee

ElFaro - 10-12-2007 at 08:20 PM

Peachalingay...or Pitchalingay...or Pichalengue...the list is endless.

I'm surprised nobody mentioned it !


"a corruption of Vlissingen or Flushing in Holland, the home port of Dutch freebooters; the term came to be applied to buccaneers of any nationality" - from Gehard & Gulick ed. 1970, pg. 204.

These kind of nuggets found in the G&G were definitely from Gehard - he was the one who spoke and read fluent Spanish and did the research of the meaning behind the historical Baja past!!

David K - 10-14-2007 at 01:03 PM

ElFaro, did you see that spelling published somewhere? I will happily add Baja place names misspelled online, in books or on signs...

Now, time for some football!:cool:

bajalera - 10-14-2007 at 11:05 PM

Fine, Judy, gimme the salsa puedes. Can I have some more totopos with that?