
Asuncion fishing cooperativas aid Abreojos fishermen

shari - 10-19-2007 at 08:19 AM

In the true cooperative style the Asuncion fishing coops have come up with a plan to help the destitute Abreojos fishermen who's lobster population was trashed by red tide this year. They have offered to accomodate 2 lobster boats from Abreojos in each fish camp in our area. This means a reduction in their own profits and income and reflects the way people help others out in need. There is no social safety net here, no one has bank accounts much less any when disaster strikes, its up to our friends, family and neighbours to come to the rescue. A woman in town, the owner of the little palapa restaurant on the beach needs an operation and all the fishermen take 100 pesos off theri paycheck to help her out....lovely!

[Edited on 10-19-2007 by shari]

Al G - 10-19-2007 at 08:31 AM

A hard...lovely I want to share:)

Bajaboy - 10-19-2007 at 08:38 AM

Hey Shari-

Thanks for sharing this with us. I'd be more than happy to make a donation to the Palapa lady. Let me know more either here or on my next visit.


jorgie - 10-19-2007 at 08:49 AM

after a visit to Asuncion, some people develop a fever that is only cured by repeated visits..........BA is the only real sea dependant village left......I am so very happy that I found it the lifestyle is as life should be which is why folks are becoming Asuncionites........hopefully we will not spoil it

DianaT - 10-19-2007 at 09:00 AM

Originally posted by jorgie
after a visit to Asuncion, some people develop a fever that is only cured by repeated visits..........BA is the only real sea dependant village left......I am so very happy that I found it the lifestyle is as life should be which is why folks are becoming Asuncionites........hopefully we will not spoil it

:yes::yes::yes: Like the way you say it.


shari - 10-19-2007 at 09:06 AM

As the fisheries around the globe decline, the ocean dependant folks must try to find other things to supplement their meagre incomes which is why I think it could be beneficial having some foreigners living and vacationing long as they don't spoil it by bringing their "northern" attitudes with them and expect them to long as they will respect and integrate into the local long as they share the sense of community that holds this magical place long as they don't build monstrous condos and chain stores.....etc.etc....but I can see very positive effects by the participation of foreigners as well as they set an example of picking up garbage, helping out with local functions etc. They will create much more work for alot of locals here and help out the struggling businesses that will go bust without some kind of change here.

DianaT - 10-19-2007 at 09:13 AM

Any thing new about the possible sale of the ejido land? That would be a MAJOR change.


shari - 10-19-2007 at 09:47 AM

I haven't been to town yet today but a private plane flew in yesterday...rumour is they had lots of $ and were here for an ejido deal...I'd better stock up on beer before it sells out! I'm sure we'll see lots of new trucks around if the deal go through.

DianaT - 10-19-2007 at 10:19 AM

Originally posted by shari
I haven't been to town yet today but a private plane flew in yesterday...rumour is they had lots of $ and were here for an ejido deal...I'd better stock up on beer before it sells out! I'm sure we'll see lots of new trucks around if the deal go through.

Keep your ears open and let us know---if they sell, I really hope they get a fair price.

Skipjack Joe - 10-19-2007 at 10:52 AM

That's really great to hear, Shari. For many reasons.

Have they determined what caused the red tide? What do they plan to do to keep it from repeating again? Was it a rare occurence or are the people on the coast accustomed to having this happen now and then?

rts551 - 10-19-2007 at 07:39 PM

The red tide happens every year.... this year was extremely bad (as you saw).

Abreojos has/had one of the richest lobster and abalone fisheries on the coast and this hurt. All the co-ops up and down the coast have been helping but there is only so much to go around.

Shari I am trying to send as many Norte Americanos to Asuncion as I can. We are starting to get more than our share