
We Demand to Be Mexican Citizens

DianaT - 10-19-2007 at 09:08 PM

Hey, this is Thomas and Maggie Trotter speaking in unison. We are the two pictured to the left in Mom and Dad’s Avatar. We are on strike, took over the computer, and we are demanding Mexican Citizenship. We now only answer to Tomas y Margarita. The next time our parents return to the United States, we may refuse to join them. Baja is where we want to be.

OK, we still appreciate the Frontline and Heartguard from the US and yes we needed that rattlesnake training and vaccinations, and we expect the proper health care. We feel safer patrolling those dunes. But canine friends, this is living down here.

Back in Imperial Beach there is this stupid thing called a fence in our front yard. It means we have to bark at passing dogs and we really dislike skateboarders. Here, with no fence in front, we handle the passing dogs our own way. I, Tomas run through the dunes and make friends with all who pass. I even play for a while and then return to mom and dad. I, Maggie, the little one, well I try to play a little with some of them, or I run them off and no one gets angry if I am a little crabby. OK, one of the workers here named me Maggie Cabron,, but it is so much fun running off those big German Sheppard dogs---yea, if they growl at me I run and hide behind dad’s legs. It is such a fun game

Every evening we all walk and never with those awful leashes we have to tolerate in the United States. Off we go. We often walk, run and romp around a place where we hear that a person called Diver and his two big dogs own. Well, they are not here, and we rule that place for now. We have marked all that territory. Now we have also started marking all that Gypsy land.

We are just enjoying being dogs without all the restrictions while appreciating all the indulgences of being born US citizens. Duel citizenship has to be the greatest. Leaving now for a romp through the dunes----those thousands of birds down by the beach need attention.

[Edited on 10-20-2007 by jdtrotter]

[Edited on 10-20-2007 by jdtrotter]

fdt - 10-19-2007 at 09:19 PM

What a great story you tell Tomas y Margarita, Sofia loved it.


gibson - 10-19-2007 at 09:23 PM

first thing you should be demanding is that mamabear not spend somuch time in front of computer screen. Get outside sometime for christos sake!

debindesert - 10-19-2007 at 09:24 PM

Woof! Woof! Perros...

Woof! Woof! Aves...

DianaT - 10-19-2007 at 09:33 PM

Originally posted by gibson
first thing you should be demanding is that mamabear not spend somuch time in front of computer screen. Get outside sometime for christos sake!

So right--so many projects she needs to work on in the US, she is not outside enough---but when in our Baja home, well, that is different--another reason for staying in Baja,

Paulina - 10-19-2007 at 09:39 PM

I loved this post! Very creative and so right in tune with what probably goes through our dog's mind as well. I swear she gets sooo depressed when the truck ride turns Stateside. Our Bulldog Charlito Burrito (his Mexican name, D.E.P.) used to hide under the trailer in Bahia when it came time to load up. Every - Single - Time.
Terrific post and I won't ever look at your avatar the same again.


DianaT - 10-19-2007 at 09:41 PM

Originally posted by fdt
What a great story you tell Tomas y Margarita, Sofia loved it.

Would love of picture of Sofia with us, Tomas y Marguerita---we saw her with Doug''s son, and she is a doll baby---we think they made a great couple.

DianaT - 10-19-2007 at 09:48 PM

Originally posted by Paulina
I loved this post! Very creative and so right in tune with what probably goes through our dog's mind as well. I swear she gets sooo depressed when the truck ride turns Stateside. Our Bulldog Charlito Burrito (his Mexican name, D.E.P.) used to hide under the trailer in Bahia when it came time to load up. Every - Single - Time.
Terrific post and I won't ever look at your avatar the same again.


Tomas here, and here is what I look like when they want to return to the US. I just don't want to come. They have to bribe me to load up.

Paulina - 10-19-2007 at 09:51 PM

I can see the pitty look on your face, Tomas. I know that look well!

Diver - 10-19-2007 at 09:55 PM

Lucy is already a citizen. Nice life, hanging at Shari's !

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Diver - 10-19-2007 at 09:56 PM

Hey, my name is Marguarita !!
Marguarita Banana child escort in Asuncion !
I want my citizenship too !!

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Diver - 10-19-2007 at 09:58 PM

And zeke, Ezekial Banana (Rita's husband) touring the blow hole with Shari. Citizenship, eh ?? Just feed me and I don't care care !

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fdt - 10-19-2007 at 10:02 PM

here is Sofia with some citizens

DianaT - 10-19-2007 at 10:57 PM

Hey, FDT, no fair. We don't care about those canine people, but that little human girl just steals the show---she is just too cute.

Thanks for showing Lucy---she reminded us of something we forgot. There are some places where there are lots of street brothers, those lonely fur friends who do not own a humanl But we don't see that here in Bahia Asuncion. All dogs seem to own a human. Their humans really seem to love them.

Yes, there are a few, just like we see everywhere in the US, who are tied up and we hate that, but that is the exception, not the rule here. Gees, even one of the vigilancias who patrols looking for poachers travels with a little white fluffy dog on his lap.

Mom and Dad think Lucy is an awesome little dog. As a new mother, she looked up at them with eyes that said, "Please leave my babies alone." They told her--no problem. She is a great little dog.

Now, can we stay in Baja?

[Edited on 10-20-2007 by jdtrotter]

I've accepted... we are DOG people. Wouldnt trade a pound turd for a minute without unconditional loyalty!

MrsFDT - 10-20-2007 at 12:09 AM

Originally posted by fdt
here is Sofia with some citizens

Just wanted to add: Those were pups from a pregnant rescued female 2006. They were born and raised here and then adopted out.

Although born citizens, these decided they wanted to cross the river and were adopted to US to families with children. As you can see from the picture they couldnt resist the kid breath, like we cant resist puppy breath.

After snapping the pic, I had to, of course, save sofi from death by licking.... Is there such a thing as to much love? lol

If ever looking to adopt a Mexican rescue, Please look me up! I pick up a few unfortunate females dumped during the spring each year, because of unwanted pregnancies.:no: So there are usually medium to large breed pups and young female adults needing homes by early to mid summer. By then they are all treated for whatever ails them and vaccinated and evaluated for disposition.

Most breeds I find are pure bred Rotts, German Shepherds, bully breeds and of course the classic TJ perro callejero (Mutts) bred with ? who knows what, so the resulting litters are usually mixed, but man are they smart.:yes:

I've been doing this so long, that Im beginning to think people have caught on and are deliberately bringing the dogs to my neiborhood.:!:
Even puppies have shown up on my door step with no clue as where they came from.
I wake up one morning and step out the door to find an under weight malnourished puppy curled up on the door step. Explain that one to me.... This has happened a couple times over the last few years.:?:

After thought... Although a bit over the line... I wish I could just gather the wondering males, owned or not and have them snipped.:mad: Then let them go back home... But alas that is not my choice to make:saint:, as much as I hate that they let them wonder, males cant get pregnant so its not a problem for the owners.:barf:

Ok sorry I went off topic. I just have a soft spot for the one animal that never complains, always eager to please and never ever reminds you of your faults. Set backs: Lots of poop and its hard to keep them fed when we have a full house.....

Me and a Chihuahua Doxi mix. Homeless dog found in a shopping center in October last year. She is still here by the way...

Sofia and a litter of Chihuahua's in 2006

I accepted... we are DOG people. Wouldnt trade a turd for a minute without unconditional loyalty!

Mrs. FDT

DianaT - 10-20-2007 at 08:45 AM

You can bet people drop off dogs on your doorstep---I am sure you are knows as the dog rescuer. :yes:

Thank you for helping our fur friends.

Barry A. - 10-20-2007 at 08:46 AM


What an incredibly beautiful post-----------thank you for lighting up my day even tho I personally am not a "dog" person.

You are a wonderful writer, also. :yes:

shari - 10-20-2007 at 12:39 PM

Lucy BigDog here, mexicana...I find gringo dogs to be much more fun and the mexicanos should take some dog owner lessons from them and let us all in the casa and up on laps! I want to tell you about my amigo who gets to ride around on the garbage truck all day....awesome! we just had an incredible visit from a beat up old Canadian van with 5 humans stuffed in it and 4 doggies who were pretty happy to run laps around the blowhole and jump on everyones lap.They wer telling me how their human feeds them only raw meat!!!! carumba!!They even brought me a snake to eat! excellent guests indeed.

Lindalou - 10-20-2007 at 12:57 PM

This is such a fun thread.....Thank you all!

Re post of my fav story of ETA

bajajudy - 10-20-2007 at 01:19 PM

A repost of a story I wrote:


By Eta, the Mexican Mutt

Yesterday my mom(bajajudy) and I were taking our morning walk on the beach, a couple of pelicans went by and definitely got my attention but when I looked up ahead I spied something I had never seen before. It was enormous. It had what looked like a tail, a head and three little stubby arms. I became very afraid, my hackles went up(they don’t call me hacklehead for nothing) and I got into the stealth mode(in this mode I drop my tail down…see picture of tail below….and get as close to the ground as I can and still creep up on my prey).
There was a monster in the water. I had heard of the Loch Ness monster and was sure that this was the SOC Ness monster of which you hear very little. It was huge and every time a wave came, he couldn’t decide whether to come ashore or go back to sea. I was certainly hoping that he decided to go back from where he came(my mom teaches me pretty good English, eh?) but, in fact, he seemed to be getting out of the water.
What is a dog to do?
I decided that getting right behind my mom was the answer. As I looked around her legs I realized my folly….it wasn’t a monster after all. It was a tree, of all things.
Today on our walk he was gone and in his place were two ospreys, diving and soaring and occasionally getting a fish. One dropped his catch and my sister scrambled to get to it first. She really loves live fish. She looks pretty funny with the tail flipping and flopping between her lips but she says that is the only way to eat fish. She turns her nose up at the really dead ones that I like to pee pee on.
I sure hope that the monster is gone. Mom said he probably came from Matzatlan. But I think that he came from the deepest part of SOC.
Maybe tomorrow we will find a giant squid.

Well we haven’t seen the giant squid but we did see whales today. Three or four of them swimming up the SOC. It was great to see them back!
We also saw pelicans which I love to chase. One day I was chasing a bunch of them and they landed in the water, looking for fish, I think. Anyway, they were just sitting there and I decided that if I swam out, I could probably catch them so I did. I will be darned if they didn’t fly away the minute I got into the water. It was at that moment that I realized that I was in deep trouble. There was this wall of water coming at me and I had just learned how to swim that very morning so I held on for what I was afraid might be my last ride. My mom was also in the water. My dad didn’t know whether to come to me or mom. Mom came crawling out of the water on all fours covered in sand but ok. They both ran to me. Well I will tell you that I have never in my short life had anything like that happen to me. By the time they got to me I had been deposited up on the sand but my head was spinning. I heard dad say, “Jeez she has sand crammed in her nose and her ears and her eyes, she must have hit the bottom”
I thought to myself….Aha that splains a lot. I have not been for a swim since. I decided that the pelicans can have the sea but they better never step on the sand or they are MINE.

Well, that was a fine thing to do to a poor pup.
Mom and dad left for Guadalajara for some book show and left me and my sister with Tia Monica(Cabo Kennels) She is one nice lady and her helper Victor treats me real nice. He is the one who taught me to come…in Spanish, of course. Took mom a while to figure that one out!
Any way here we are in this kennel with all the OTHER dogs. My sister gets along better with other dogs than I do. You see, when I was a little girl, I was abandoned on the side of the road with my real sister. Those creeps had tied us together by our rear legs. Now how did they expect us to get along like that. Anyway before my parents came along, put us in their car, and took us to their house, I had a hell of a job. I had to find food for me and Muffin. She was really sick. At the time I did not know what was wrong with her but I knew that she was not much fun to be tied to. So along would come other dogs and I had to be really brave and keep them away from us. During this time, we ate roots and drank salty water. The roots weren’t so bad but the water seemed to make me thirsty. We later found out that Muffin had Parvo, a very deadly virus for dogs and pretty common here in Mexico. She went to doggy heaven on a Thursday and the vet said that I only had a 20% chance of making it and made me stay with him over the weekend because my mom was too stressed over Muffin to handle another puppy death. Well, boy did I show him, cause here I am in living color. However these events left me not very trusting of other dogs so when we go to the kennel only my sister and I get to play together.

When I came back from the kennel this time, my tail quit working. It wouldn’t stand up anymore. Mom was very upset so I ran away. I love fooling them. There has not a fence been built that I cannot get out of….mom and dad just spent over $400 for a palo de arco pen for us and the first day I crawled right out of that silly thing, leaving the humans scratching their heads and saying bad words. So on one of my jaunts, I saw Pintado, my neighbor and guard dog extraordinaire. Although he is my friend, I must say that he is one funny looking dude. He has a head like a Pitbull as in BIG and a body like a typical mutt except for the fact that his back legs wibble wobble when he walks or runs. He used to be tied up behind the hardware store but my dad told the guy who owns him that he should not be tied up as he had a raw place on his neck from trying to become untied all the time.

sorry the image didnt post. will look for it.

bajajudy has attached this image:
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[Edited on 10-20-2007 by bajajudy]

tortuga - 10-20-2007 at 01:20 PM

It's just a doggie dog world ! Good Thread ! :biggrin::biggrin::biggrin:

Pepe from Los Barriles

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Diver - 10-20-2007 at 01:30 PM

You're right, Shari !
Darn gringos, letting their dogs in the house and on the furniture !
Oops, this one is on your couch !! :biggrin:

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DianaT - 10-20-2007 at 01:36 PM

Love that story---thanks.


docsmom - 10-20-2007 at 01:41 PM

Great post. Give Tomas y Margarita a hug from us and tell them that David & Katarina (the humans) , Amigo, Chili & Ana (the gatos) are right with 'em! We're aching to be living the Baja lifestyle!

Mrs. FTD, I want to personally thank you for your rescue efforts. Docsdad and I always talk about adopting a dog and someday we will. We lost our beautiful golden retriever "Ginger" a few years ago and we miss her desperately. We'd love to have another dog in our lives but we know that a dog requires more time than we have to give right now. If we adopted right now our dog would have to live in the back yard from 7:30 am 'till 6:00 pm and that's not what our new family member would need! Docsdad wants another golden (so do I, they're the most lovely souls wandering this earth). I'd also love to have another little yapper (chihuahua)! I had a little chihuaha terrier mix before and had her 'till she passed at 17 years old. Docsdad doesn't want another yapper but I won't let that stop me :). Please keep on with your rescue efforts Mrs. FTD. When I can adopt I'll come to you first!

Paulina - 10-20-2007 at 01:59 PM

This is a fun thread, and like I said, Baja brings out a whole new dog in our Cora. She loves the comfy couch siestas....

But nothing feels as comfy or can create such a smile on a dog as using a cow patty for a pillow....

Unless it's a rock made just right for the shape of your head...

Or a panga ride with a boy, rocking them both to sleep...

Where in the states can she hang out in Baja race cars?

And sneak a taste of a margarita once the car wouldn't go any further...

Or sniff out stinky whale skulls?

Barking at lobsters, or waiting for Santa, it's all better in Baja.

This has been fun, thank you Tomas y Margarita for starting this thread.

Barry A. - 10-20-2007 at 02:04 PM

It looks like somebody is going to get some interesting sunburn patterns in that second picture???? Es verdad? :lol:

vandenberg - 10-20-2007 at 02:40 PM

This one demands dual citizenship. Wouldn't want to miss out on the advantages of being a 1st world citizen dog to begin with.:P:P

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vandenberg - 10-20-2007 at 02:43 PM

That's the way he travels between his two countries.:biggrin:

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SkyMedBarbara - 10-21-2007 at 06:44 AM

My two best Friends.................Ha!

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xiv015 - 10-21-2007 at 07:01 PM

Our dogs love to run around in Baja too! Just not when the Baja 500 is going on a few feet away. Adios!

- Tom (owner of Sparky and Blizzard)

docsmom - 10-21-2007 at 09:55 PM

Sorry to see Cory's so uptight! :lol:

Thanks all for your comments and photos. This is really a "good grin" thread...........