
Every Day Dreams

Eli - 10-20-2007 at 07:04 AM

A few years ago, when I first came to Oaxaca, I was walking down the street and I passed by a funky little Plaza named Artes y Tradiciones, there were little shops and one café surrounding a inner courtyard. In the middle patio there were a couple of artist working on a sculpture. I just thought this was the most intriguing place and I fantasized about what if there was a little room in the back and I could live in such a perfectly creative place surrounded by all this art.

Well, a few days later, again, I was walking by, and there was a room for rent sign on the entry to this same plaza. Of course, I rented the room, and it was soooo cheap, I just couldn't believe my good fortune.

A couple of months later, an artist showed up and created a studio-art school up stairs from my room in the back of the same little plaza.

This is now my third season living at the little plaza, honing my art with this most profoundly versatile Master who has taught me so much. I cannot believe my good fortune.

Right now we are preparing and decorating plaster cast skulls, human in size and shape to boarder a Sand Tapete ( a relief laid flat on the ground about the same dimensions as a grave) for this years Alter for Dia de Muerto. It will be built in the same patio that I saw the Artist's working in that first time I walked by this little plaza.

I am amazed to realize that I am now the artist creating the art in the very same spot where just a few years ago, I was so intrigued to watch the creative process grow and I realize the magic of an every day dream come true.

[Edited on 10-20-2007 by Eli]

Eli - 10-20-2007 at 07:14 AM

Opps, sorry, I meant to post this in General Discussions, kind of got lost in Nena's alters on the way, (which by the way was certainly the thread that inspired this, and well, sorta missed getting to General Discussion, ni modo.

Paula - 10-20-2007 at 07:23 AM

Sara, maybe the slip up was because you are already seeing the photos in your mind that I hope you'll be posting when the work is altar is completed.

Will you still be in Oaxaca for Dia de los Muertos?

Diver - 10-20-2007 at 07:25 AM

What a wonderful tale of dreams and dream-making !
Congratultions on your "art in the plaza" project. I can only imagine the wonderful feelings you will have when you are able to stand back and view your finished work.
I just had a body giggle like when my first child was born, just thinkng about it.
We all hope to "find our place" at times in our lives.
It is warming to know that you have found yours.

Please share photos of your complete work - I can't wait !


Eli - 10-20-2007 at 07:34 AM

Paula, I will be here until dawn of Nov 2nd., I plan to visit as many of the Cemeteries as I can and than I have a ride to Mexico City with my Maestro Armando. I fly home on Nov. 3rd. I am ready to come home ni modo how sweet Oaxaca be, I miss Baja more than ever,

Someday, somehow, I am going to learn how to post pictures on this site. Last year I figured out how to down size, but now I don't get how everyone is getting the pix's back up so big again so that you can see them so beautifully, huuuuummmmmmm.

Paula - 10-20-2007 at 07:56 AM

Sara, I wish I could help you on how to post pictures. Don helped me to post mine from San Francisco de la Sierra last year, and now I just follow that procedure. I haven't a clue how it actually works, or how to change the size. Maybe one of the more computer savvy can help you here.

Your pictures that I have seen from Southern Mexico are amazing! You sure dofind the best out of the way places to visit.

Crusoe - 10-20-2007 at 08:31 AM

Eli........Very lovely post!!! THANK YOU.......++C++

DianaT - 10-20-2007 at 08:54 AM

Wonderful story---thanks. You MUST learn to post pictures so you can share your art---that would be really great.

Also, on the thread about shrines and churches, my first thoughts were about the beautiful church in Oaxaca and hoped you would post a picture---mine are old and fuzzy.

Enjoy the holiday

Eli - 10-20-2007 at 09:02 AM

Well, I am glad the someone around here knows what they are doing, (certainly isn't me!), and I got moved to General Discussions, sort of where I belong, or at least as close to it has we presently have on this board.

Diver, so glad to share the dream with someone who knows how to feel.
Crusoe, thank you!

Paula, someday, I will figure out this posting picture thing, it is after all, one of my dreams, to share my art in the form of fotos, I mean. In the meanwhile, little by little I up date on the Picasa Album, and I will let you know when I have something new and exceptional to share.

meanwhile, anyone interested in those pictures of out-of-the way pictures might try the below link, maybe it will work.

Eli - 10-20-2007 at 09:06 AM

Oh my gosh, I just tried the above link myself, and it works! O.k., maybe I have just fullfilled another one of those little ol every day dream today, cool!


Baja Bernie - 10-20-2007 at 09:31 AM

So glad you are writing again. Referring back to your first visit with the little people brought bach a story you told me, it seems so long ago, about a chance meeting at an intersection that seemed to add a spark to your life. As I remember that one you ended up in a beautiful church speaking quite personally to someone there.

Perhaps it was the hummingbird thread that released matter I am happy for you.

Say had to Don Jimmy for me.

Paulina - 10-20-2007 at 10:28 AM

That was a lovely story. Most of us have wishes and in real life they don't often come true. I think that is what our dreams are for, the realization of our inner desires.

You are a very fortunate woman in that you have a way of making a reality out of what most of us can only dream about.

The photographs were beautiful. They made me want to braid ribbons in my hair and fancy up my aprons.


edit: rearranging words, cause sometimes I'm not sure if I understand what the heck I'm talking about.

[Edited on 20-10-2007 by Paulina]

Natalie Ann - 10-20-2007 at 10:38 AM

Reading her stories, seeing her work... these things give one only a glimpse of the true beauty of mi amiga Sara. She is truly one of the most beautiful and magical human beings I've had the pleasure to meet this time round, and I hold her dear in my heart. She is one special woman!

And Sara dulcemia - I do hope to be hugging you in person soon after the first of the year. Don't like waiting so long, but we will be our own reward. Can hardly wait to see the art you bring back this time!


bajalera - 10-20-2007 at 11:06 AM

Nice story, Sara. You should do more writing!

shari - 10-20-2007 at 12:23 PM

Oh Sara, gracias for sharing your dreams...these dreams come true are especially reminded me of the first day I saw Asuncion...I immediately knew I'd found my place but the dilema the heck could I possibly support myself living in a poor fishing village????? Just about impossible but I coninued to dream it into existance...I'm not sure if our destinies are laid before us to somehow find our way to fullfilling them or if we dream our future into existance....kind of the chicken or the egg thing.....but I am happy to have fulfilled my dreams of living here and having the man of my dreams my cake and am enjoying eating it! Salud amiga...felizidades...and to all you dreamers...dream on!

Eli - 10-21-2007 at 08:41 AM

Of course there is soooooooooo much more to say than than just THANK YOU, Shari, Paulina, Bernie, Nena, Lee, but I got a load of packing to do right now. So I just wanted to let you know, I do so appreciate your comments and thoughts this thread has so far provoked. Hasta Prontito, Sara

GeoRock - 10-21-2007 at 02:24 PM

Joshua and I (Suzanne/GeoRock) often think of you. I am so glad you found a great place to live in Oaxaca. Wondered what happened to you.

Please stay in touch from here on, send me a U2U for my email address.

Your Oaxaca Buddies! (What a great month that was, we often think of that Oaxaca visit. Am glad we got to know you!)

islandmusicteach - 10-21-2007 at 02:37 PM

Great story and can't wait to hear more about your unique live/work space. :tumble:

Eli - 10-21-2007 at 07:47 PM

jdtrotter, sorry I missed you on that last round of thank you's. I will dig thru my files, I think I might have some pictures of inside Santo Domingo besides just inside my minds eye. You are most correct, it is an awesome Church, I think best visited late afternoon when the Sun shines in from the West side and all the gold gild shines. Bernie, that is the same church you are referring to, when you mentioned my first visit and the story I sent.

And Yes, of course I remember meeting You Suzanne and Josh. I remember he played a little with clay at Armando's studio, was it still downstairs then?

islandmusicteach, good to meet you in a cyber sort of way. One of these days I will get back to the "story".

At least I got a load packed today. I got some great art going back to the gallery this year. Some unique stuff, to say the least.

wilderone - 10-22-2007 at 09:29 AM

Eli, do you know my friend Alan G. who lives in Oaxaca and volunteers at the English book store? He's an author too.

Gnome-ad - 10-22-2007 at 06:31 PM

Hola Sara ~

Thank you for sharing this beautiful dream come true. I love how that happens sometimes. Very special. Sometimes we ask and then there it is ...

We are both packing right now. You to come home here, me to go visit up north. Look forward to meeting you on the planet when I return.

Isabel found the leading man she needed ... know you'll hear all about it. Another small miracle, Baja style.

Safe journeys and enjoy the special holidays.

Eli - 10-22-2007 at 07:46 PM

Coming in from an all day trip into another world, San Marcos Tlapazola. I just spent what I expect will be my last day with my dears, Maria y Gloria until the next time I return to Oaxaca which may not occur until July 08.

Man, I am going to miss them, I Love these Ladies of the Earth, with their long ribboned braids, satin blouses and embroidered aprons. I am in awe of what they accomplish with no more than a little dirt and water, hands of steel, souls of iron everything they need to exist is born of this simple elements that they know how to use so well. These Potters, they are my heroes, some of the folks I most respect in this world. They make life work well with no more than what the earth gives them, bless them for the inspiration they give me, the belief in a simple every day magic is the world as they (I) see it. We reinforce our beliefs and faith in our fates, all is as it should be when I am with them.

Eating giant fresh tortillas cooked on a clay comal fired by wood in el hornia, along with black bean soup and white cheese, a little tomate and chili ground in their rock mocajeta, sitting in their kitchen, talking about our lives while I paint "La America" on a Comal as Gloria creates her magic in the form of a simple tortilla is better than any fancy dinner in any steak house any where on the planet.

Bless them for their nurturing natures, I am blessed by knowing them.