
fun loving youngsters commit "faut pas" in Asuncion

shari - 10-21-2007 at 09:44 AM

This is a report of a trippy bunch of canucks who shook up our quiet little village. As Nomad Fritzke(?), driven here by curiosity, and driven crazy by 4 youngsters and 4 dogs, pulled up at the blowhole and spilled out of the old van, things got progressively interesting. Lots of peeing, stretching and butt sniffing as all the species got introduced to each other....beers cracked as the gaggle gawked at the magnificent coastline. I remember that dazed look as they took it all in....I had it too long ago (and still do!)

I showed the dusty tribe the descent to our private beach and kicking off their thongs(all of them) in the blink of an eye some of em were out of their gear(yup, beechee) and giggling and dancing down to the water. And my friends, there was ne'er a hesitation nor shriek of surprise at the cold they dove screaming with delight...ahhh gotta love the canadian youth! The good thing was they were in the water where passerbys on the road couldn't tell they were butt naked....After frolicking for a few minutes they decided to swim out to a little rock island in front of our place which is no easy feat...then I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw them all up dancing naked on the rock!!! Oh much for being inconspicuos! Some kids on a little quad drove by and did a U'ey and came back down to watch the show. So needless to say, the whole town knows about the crazy naked dancers on the rocks! Ni modo...the kids had a fabulous time and after showering I stuffed them full of yellowtail burritos. We did a beer run, the whole gang shouting and waving at everyone from the back of Juan's pick-up...nope not your typical Nomad visitors. It was fun to see all the smiles on the locals faces as this exhuberant bunch paraded around the village. After dinner, it was time for Juan to teach these city kids how to skin the snake they had run over. All the animal pack ate snake and the skin was pinned to a board and salted. It was a lively discussion around the table that night and Caroliina from Quebec made me a lovely pair of feather earrings. Fortunately they had to hit the road early in the morning as Nomad Barb was in a big hurry to get to her rancho...good thing, no telling what another day with them would have brought.

[Edited on 10-21-2007 by shari]

[Edited on 10-23-2007 by shari]

[Edited on 10-23-2007 by shari]

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shari - 10-21-2007 at 09:53 AM

strange new species sighted on rock island in front of the blowhole :wow:

ontherocks.jpg - 27kB

Paulina - 10-21-2007 at 10:04 AM


It's a good thing you didn't have a telephoto lens handy!


DianaT - 10-21-2007 at 11:16 AM

It is difficult to understand why tourists travel to a remote, traditional and conservative fishing village and do things offensive to the local customs. :?:

In this case it is especially difficult to understand since there are miles and miles of isolated beaches close by where they could have been alone.


Bob and Susan - 10-21-2007 at 11:55 AM

don't canadians know about COLD water and "shrinkage"????

Minnow - 10-21-2007 at 12:02 PM

Bob and babe, Real men know that alcohol overrides that fact.:biggrin:

Al G - 10-21-2007 at 12:46 PM

Originally posted by jdtrotter
It is difficult to understand why tourists travel to a remote, traditional and conservative fishing village and do things offensive to the local customs. :?:

In this case it is especially difficult to understand since there are miles and miles of isolated beaches close by where they could have been alone.


I with you John...if I had been there i would have told them so...well that is if I could have gotten my mouth to close....:lol::lol::lol:

DianaT - 10-21-2007 at 12:59 PM

Originally posted by Al G

I with you John...if I had been there i would have told them so...well that is if I could have gotten my mouth to close....:lol::lol::lol:

Sure nothing wrong with skinny dipping where it is appropriate to do so. :yes:

As some of you probably remember, in the old days, female tourists wearing shorts were apt to be P-nched by the local women. :lol::lol:


vandenberg - 10-21-2007 at 01:14 PM

Well, I posted a pic. of one floating in the surf, but apparently some more prudish entity on this board removed it.:saint::saint::rolleyes:

Minnow - 10-21-2007 at 01:17 PM

They probably should/would have been thrown in jail if it were not for Shari.

Sadly, taking off your clothes and running around naked is one of the most offensive things you can to in Mexico.:no: Usually with good reason.:biggrin:

Bajalero - 10-21-2007 at 01:24 PM

Originally posted by jdtrotter
It is difficult to understand why tourists travel to a remote, traditional and conservative fishing village and do things offensive to the local customs. :?:

In this case it is especially difficult to understand since there are miles and miles of isolated beaches close by where they could have been alone.


Ditto John,

There are many to quickly point out "the ugly American". This type of behavior is rude and in poor taste , Canadian or whomever. A little discretion down the beach a few miles would have at least shown a little intelligence and respect.

skinny dippin

islandmusicteach - 10-21-2007 at 02:32 PM

I say we take a poll....

How many of you think beautiful nude bathing beauties from Canada are offensive and how many think they are delicious?


BTW how do I set up one of those "polls" anyway?

[Edited on 10-21-2007 by islandmusicteach]

comitan - 10-21-2007 at 02:44 PM

Its not about what we think, its how the Mexican people take that kind of activity. I think that Shari didn't know this was going to happen,or that sharing her private beach it was secluded enough if she did know. Its her community she should know whats acceptable not us.

toneart - 10-21-2007 at 02:48 PM

Originally posted by islandmusicteach
I say we take a poll....

How many of you think beautiful nude bathing beauties from Canada are offensive and how many think they are delicious?


BTW how do I set up one of those "polls" anyway?

[Edited on 10-21-2007 by islandmusicteach]

I could leer and letch all day long, but that's not the point. It is offensive to Mexican culture. We must respect that. I think Shari did a good job of covering (excuse the pun) for the Canucks.:o

The Canuts are at it again!

Sharksbaja - 10-21-2007 at 03:16 PM

It's interesting to note that many Canadians like to share their nakedness. They really don't make a point if others aren't around.;D Simple showmanship imo. Some would call them exhibionists but those folks would be the daring "thong hangers".:lol:

I wonder if they even give/gave cultural differences or aspects a consideration. Duhhhhhhhhh.......... wha??????????

Now from an SoCal point of view....... just show us the (girlies)goods.:wow: No implants please!:P

Shari, you are waaaaaay outnumbered.
btw, that was a gutsy post on BD. Good for you standing yer ground!

islandmusicteach - 10-21-2007 at 03:37 PM

Sexual mores aren't much different from political beliefs, in my opinion. You can call them "cultural" or you can call them... "constantly changing." Some are willing to take a stand against "la mordida," others believe it's a part of mexican culture and bend over for it. I think the god squads in Iran who whip women who show a little ankle in the marketplace are barbaric, and don't belong in ANY culture. I also think trashing Canadians who frolic in the surf on a rather isolated beach for a few minutes belongs to the "leave it to beaver" era :lol: Ever been to one of the end-of-summer parties at Tecolote beach? Not all Mexicans are offended by a little t and a - or a less church-centered notion of a women's place and proper demeanor...

Barry A. - 10-21-2007 at 03:42 PM

They (nudies) are not offensive to me, but they ARE to many folks-------people should make an effort to NOT offend others, especially when in another country-----

However, when nudies (young women) are seen by me in public, I believe that gives me the right to oggle them with binocs, or whatever.

That is my contribution to the "poll".

DianaT - 10-21-2007 at 04:03 PM

Originally posted by islandmusicteach
Sexual mores aren't much different from political beliefs, in my opinion. You can call them "cultural" or you can call them... "constantly changing." Some are willing to take a stand against "la mordida," others believe it's a part of mexican culture and bend over for it. I think the god squads in Iran who whip women who show a little ankle in the marketplace are barbaric, and don't belong in ANY culture. I also think trashing Canadians who frolic in the surf on a rather isolated beach for a few minutes belongs to the "leave it to beaver" era :lol: Ever been to one of the end-of-summer parties at Tecolote beach? Not all Mexicans are offended by a little t and a - or a less church-centered notion of a women's place and proper demeanor...

Please remember that many of us "leave it to beaver" era people came of age in the 1960s, the woodstock era. :yes:

Yes, things are changing, but Bahia Asuncion is still a rather isolated fishing village, and Shari is the first person who oftens suggests that people respect the local culture and not bring down the "northern" ideas.

She certainly cannot control everything tourists will do. Her post sounded like she was a little surprised by the naked dancing on the rock and was not unhappy when they left.

Again, skinny dipping can be fun---in the appropriate place. IHMO, we don't have to like, nor accept the local culture, but it is not up to any of us to try to "modernize" their customs, mores, and value systems. We are guests.


[Edited on 10-21-2007 by jdtrotter]

Minnow - 10-21-2007 at 04:04 PM

I personally would be way more offended by seeing Juan in his thong than one of those girls in her birthday suit.:tumble:

jorgie - 10-21-2007 at 04:11 PM

it is offensive to abuse the hospitality of a nation. Mexico has the right to determine the mores we all should accept and approve. We are guests.

Bajafun777 - 10-21-2007 at 04:19 PM

Now, there are a couple of nudist resorts in Mexico, one for sure in Cancun and the other one was in Loreto. People should be respectful of the community that they are visiting and only do these things where appropriate. I agree with Sharksbaja and BarryA. along with Minnow if they are showing and I can see, weeeeeeeeeeellllll I will look. A little look oh what the hell a lot of free looks do not hurt any as long as we do not touch, the last thing on not touching is the wife's rule and she is definately sticking to it after 32 years.

Debra - 10-21-2007 at 05:16 PM

Once while at the KOA in Chula Vista some "yahoo" (German) decided to change pool-side from his shorts into his thong in full view of everyone.......that day the pool was full of several familes with young childern (about 20 under 10yrs. old) a reunion was going on. I remember one 5yr. old little girl run screaming to her father (seemed pretty obvious what she had been through in the not to distant past) I say, keep your dang clothes on around others unless you are at a place you know for sure it is okay!

Now, I have to say, skinny dipping is, and always has been a favorite thing for me, but, I sure know when to keep it private!

Paulina - 10-21-2007 at 05:21 PM

Check your u2u.


windgrrl - 10-21-2007 at 09:06 PM

An unfortunate 2007 pool-side event at the place I stayed at lasy year in Baja:
New arrivals from USA got wasted, returned in the middle of the night, seranaded the locals and the tourists, then :barf: on the pool deck. This prompted a European to walk out of his room in the buff and loudly proclaim, "We are not all Americans around here!", then made immedistae arrangements to transfer his family to another hotel. Foolishness is not restricted to any given nation!

DianaT - 10-21-2007 at 09:12 PM

Originally posted by windgrrl
Foolishness is not restricted to any given nation!


In Bella Coola, British Columbia, we had other Germans apologizing for the behavior of one Berliner. :lol::lol:

it's time for a poll...

islandmusicteach - 10-21-2007 at 10:58 PM

David K - 10-21-2007 at 11:18 PM

Originally posted by vandenberg
Well, I posted a pic. of one floating in the surf, but apparently some more prudish entity on this board removed it.:saint::saint::rolleyes:

I think Doug (Baja Nomad) once posted he would like this board to remain family friendly and no more graphic than PG-13... I saw that photo before it was removed, and it was an R and pretty gross at that! :lol:

Minnow - 10-22-2007 at 02:04 AM

She was an example of why most of us should keep our clothes on.:lol:

Debra - 10-22-2007 at 04:36 AM

Windgrrl, Diane............point taken

My pointing out that the man was from Germany was not to say that the Germans are all "Foolish" (as windgrrl put it) what I was trying to say in my inept way, is that cultures are different and we all should be aware so as not to cause harm to others..............When in Rome? you know the rest.

DianaT - 10-22-2007 at 08:21 AM

Originally posted by Debra
Windgrrl, Diane............point taken

My pointing out that the man was from Germany was not to say that the Germans are all "Foolish" (as windgrrl put it) what I was trying to say in my inept way, is that cultures are different and we all should be aware so as not to cause harm to others..............When in Rome? you know the rest.

Debra---sure hope you did not think we thought you thought that---gees, does that make sense?

Diane and John

805gregg - 10-22-2007 at 11:26 AM

Unfortunately, many newcomers to Baja feel that they can leave all normal law abiding practices at the border. I hope they were informed of their cultural mistakes before they do it in a place that gets them in trouble.

shari - 10-22-2007 at 01:26 PM

To set the record straught...these poor kids have never been in baja, knew nothing about the mexican culture and had been cooped up in a hot dusty van for 4 days....they went to the beach in their bathing suits...and when the sweet little french girl said "I don't usually use a bathing suit in the sea" I said OK and off she skipped and when her amiga saw her she too lost the suit. Our beach is very protected and cannot be seen from the road( I have swam in my birthday suit there before too but without an audience) so I saw no harm in it and it was delightful to watch these lovely sea nymphs run down to the ocean and revel in it's frothy waves...once in the water you don't notice they're naked anyway...they were having so much was sunset so nobody really could see their backlit nakedness on the rock either(unless they had binoculars I guess) so I really didn't have a problem with it...I LOVE getting naked too and came VERY VERY close to shedding my shorts too and joining the squealing kids(but didn't our of respect for the culture here) so take it easy on the poor souls...I did talk to them about it afterwards and told them they could get fined for such antics and described how the women swim here in long jeans and a t-shirt! so they'e been warned.

[Edited on 10-22-2007 by shari]

rts551 - 10-22-2007 at 01:36 PM

Still does not make it right. As I understand it the beach is not private and I have seen other people (locals) in that same area. You should have posted this on bloody decks. You would have gotten a more positive reponse

fishbuck - 10-22-2007 at 01:43 PM

I've had two "naked baja" experieces.
1 I was at Guerillmos in Bola. It was the 1st time I'd seen SOC. I was on a 4x4 trip with Orange Coast College. We were in town for a quick stop so I went for a quick swim. I was changing into dry shorts in the the back of an open jeep using the SoCal surfer towel method. The "move out" command came over the radio and the jeep took off. I was stading in the back with just the towel and had to grab the rollbar to keep from falling out. My towel came flying off and I basically "mooned" the entire town on our way down the made drag. If they were mad about it I never heard anything.
The other was at San Pedrito and I was changing to dry shorts after a beach session. I was using my truck door for cover but didn't notice a man and his family near by. I inadverently "mooned" the family. The grandma,wife,daughter etc. When I noticed them the dad was looking angry. I thought I was in trouble but just some mean hard looks.

[Edited on 10-22-2007 by fishbuck]

DianaT - 10-22-2007 at 01:44 PM

No excuse for not learning a little before people travel---


Bajaboy - 10-22-2007 at 01:51 PM

I'm not condoning their actions but find this whole thread a bit odd. I'm not a Mexican and thus will not preach as to what is offensive to the Mexicans. I'm sure we're all guilty of offending Mexicans and their culture at one time or another. I think there are far better means of approaching this issue than attacking these kids with a righteous attitude.

Just my observation.


shari - 10-22-2007 at 01:57 PM

I wasn't LOOKING for a positive response, when I post I don't do it for the responses...I just thought it was interesting and could make a good topic...maybe some newbie may learn from IS a good baja topic.

DianaT - 10-22-2007 at 01:58 PM

Originally posted by Bajaboy
I'm not condoning their actions but find this whole thread a bit odd. I'm not a Mexican and thus will not preach as to what is offensive to the Mexicans. I'm sure we're all guilty of offending Mexicans and their culture at one time or another. I think there are far better means of approaching this issue than attacking these kids with a righteous attitude.

Just my observation.


It is not a righteous attitude, and yes we are all learning and making mistakes---- but really, this one does not take much knowledge about the culture. Reading just a little in an ordinary guide book would be enough. Poor taste, is poor taste----would be different if they were in the south of France.

It is really more about creating and maintaining positive relationships between the locals and the newcomers and the tourists from the north. There are already locals who don't want any of us there.

Lots of isolated beaches available near BA

John and Diane

[Edited on 10-22-2007 by jdtrotter]

Bajagypsy - 10-22-2007 at 02:14 PM

We have all been young and foolish, (I still am), and they will learn from there mistakes, if you can call that a mistake. From what I gather, the one girl was from Quebec, they do things a bit different in Quebec, they don't have all the hang ups the rest of us have over a naked body. I think everyone should just chill, and remember the silly things you did when you were twenty something.

rts551 - 10-22-2007 at 02:26 PM


Agree, but the question is how foolish should you be in a foreign country.

Bajagypsy - 10-22-2007 at 02:33 PM


I was 16 when I first went to a foreign country (Japan) on my own, no parents, no adult supervision. I lived in Tokyo for 5 months at that time. Did I do foolish things, like get drunk and walk around Tokyo at 3:30 a.m. yes I did, was I lucky? Yes I was. The thing with youth is that you can tell them what they should do, but they won't listen, they know more than you. Can bad things happen to young people in a foreign country? Of course they can, but bad things can happen to you in your own country.

They will learn, I hardly ever walk around naked in foreign countries any more!:saint:

rts551 - 10-22-2007 at 03:03 PM

I see. Thanks for the education.

David K - 10-22-2007 at 03:12 PM

Remember, Quebec is the French part of Canada...:rolleyes::light:

Bajaboy - 10-22-2007 at 03:15 PM


Curious, is it okay to like Quebec since they are French Canadian...I don't watch Fox too often and am not certain what the spin is....

Hope you know I'm kidding with you...


DianaT - 10-22-2007 at 03:20 PM

Originally posted by soulpatch
I have been reading this since it's inception and I just can't fathom why anybody actually gives a chiite.
Who cares? They had fun!
It's not like they were driving illegally on the beach or anything.

Because we own a home there --- it is about battling the ugly American, or in this case Canadian image.

John and Diane

David K - 10-22-2007 at 03:22 PM

Zac, this has not a thing to do with conservatism, I was responding to what Canadian Nomad bajagypsy posted in this thread:

"From what I gather, the one girl was from Quebec, they do things a bit different in Quebec, they don't have all the hang ups the rest of us have over a naked body"...

anyway spinning is a liberal thing, right?:lol::light:;)

David K - 10-22-2007 at 03:26 PM

Oh, and naturally almost everybody believes the French do whatever they want and don't care what anyone thinks... right? Quebec=French

rts551 - 10-22-2007 at 03:28 PM

Originally posted by soulpatch
I have been reading this since it's inception and I just can't fathom why anybody actually gives a chiite.
Who cares? They had fun!
It's not like they were driving illegally on the beach or anything.

A lot of people care... A lot of people have fun... but most do it with common sense.

DianaT - 10-22-2007 at 03:29 PM

Originally posted by soulpatch
Have you ever driven on the beach?
Pee'd outdoors?
Accepted paying mordida?
Which laws do except breaking and justifying for yourselves and which law-breaking do you condemn?
I would spend zero time battling/defending any image other than your own. It sounds as if you live in a small community and that the people who live in it are nice folks...... if that is the truth they will judge you for who you are.

[Edited on 10-22-2007 by soulpatch]

Apples and Oranges-----it is not about the law.

John and Diane

rts551 - 10-22-2007 at 03:31 PM

Originally posted by soulpatch
Have you ever driven on the beach?
Pee'd outdoors?
Accepted paying mordida?
Which laws do you except breaking and justifying for yourselves and which law-breaking do you condemn?
I would spend zero time battling/defending any image other than your own. It sounds as if you live in a small community and that the people who live in it are nice folks...... if that is the truth they will judge you for who you are.

At least where I live in Baja, what people do can be a reflection on others by association. Thats a concept not always understood by those that just visit.

[Edited on 10-22-2007 by soulpatch]

DianaT - 10-22-2007 at 03:41 PM

Originally posted by soulpatch
Your morals are not my morals are not my neighbors morals.

I can't really argue that.

If you are faultless then feel free to condemn others.

What do morals or having faults have to do with cultural sensitivity, ignorance and a lack of common sense?


oldjack - 10-22-2007 at 04:08 PM

It is unfair to make snap decisions as to what/how the "crazed" one's were or were not doing and who may or may not have thought their actions to be linsensitive... in the future I propose that we have a committee to gather at the next demonstration(with digital cameras) and appropriate beverages to make a juried appraisal of the activities and post a consensus report.... heck given a reasonable notice I will volunteer for the first viewing............... I mean critique.........

Minnow - 10-22-2007 at 04:19 PM

Jack, I can do it from here. Shari, point out the young French girl in the picture.

shari - 10-22-2007 at 05:41 PM

well I tell ya, they were anything but ugly, it was one of the sweetest, most innocent sight of people truly enjoying themselves I've seen in a long long time and it did my heart good and it was all I could do to keep my thong on! I was kidding about the crazed, they were crazy happy to be here that's all. I know I'm in a foreign country but I don't always have to act mexican either....I don't lie and cheat on my husband and live a life of hypocracy..when I'm in the USA, I don't act american either...I wont get into THAT. Soulpatch seems to understand the scene was just some youngsters having alot of fun...not meaning any harm or exhibitionism at all...just pure harm done.... lighten up

DianaT - 10-22-2007 at 05:50 PM

Originally posted by shari
well I tell ya, they were anything but ugly, it was one of the sweetest, most innocent sight of people truly enjoying themselves I've seen in a long long time and it did my heart good and it was all I could do to keep my thong on! I was kidding about the crazed, they were crazy happy to be here that's all. I know I'm in a foreign country but I don't always have to act mexican either....I don't lie and cheat on my husband and live a life of hypocracy..when I'm in the USA, I don't act american either...I wont get into THAT. Soulpatch seems to understand the scene was just some youngsters having alot of fun...not meaning any harm or exhibitionism at all...just pure harm done.... lighten up

Lighten up? Sorry, good taste is good taste. There is an appropriate place for that type of behavior.

This sounds like all Mexican women cheat on their husbands and live a life of hypocracy?

Please be a little more specific about "acting" American. That is a very interesting comment.

John and Diane

shari - 10-22-2007 at 06:09 PM

Obviously as I am married to a mexican man and LOVE all our family and friends, I am NOT saying ALL mexicans are anything at all....I just used those examples of things that are VERY common here..usually it is used in the context of men cheating on their wives but hey it takes 2 to tango and the mexican culture is laced with other way to describe you say, a half truth is a whole lie! Just because we are in the midst of another culture doesn't mean we have to adopt the lifestyle lock stock and barrel...this wasn't meant to belittle or betray my mexican family or friends, it's just the is what it is...but I for one won't be adopting the negative aspects of this culture and strive to help my amigos and neighbours understand some of the positive things about my culture, it's all about sharing, respect yes...but this doesn't mean adopting it always...I have changed my culture since living here, become a better person for it I think, become more polite, giving, understanding and patient to name just a few things this culture has taught me....but there are also alot of negative things I WILL not succumb to. I will not swim in my jeans and a t-shirt...sorry...I will not make up excuses/lies to get out of a pickle or uncomftable situation....I realize most americans don't really see the difference in culture between american and be it. But whether we like it or not...there are some differences. I choose not to get into this with you. I respect the cultures of countries I am in and try not to make too much of a fool out of myself..., but I am who I am and am proud of it. I agree with soulmate who mentioned that it's easy to call the pot black...or say, oh my THAT"S against the law ....but folks most of us break several laws a day I'm sure particularly when it is convenient and noone is watching.....and like gypsy mentioned, try to remember back to when you were that age....I much prefer a couple naked girls to listening to a really drunk fisherman ranting and raving about f'in mexicans...or a stuck up surfer who thinks he owns the beach...well lets just say these kids were much less offensive than lots of tourists I have encountered in mexico.

[Edited on 10-23-2007 by shari]

rts551 - 10-22-2007 at 06:10 PM

Originally posted by shari
well I tell ya, they were anything but ugly, it was one of the sweetest, most innocent sight of people truly enjoying themselves I've seen in a long long time and it did my heart good and it was all I could do to keep my thong on! I was kidding about the crazed, they were crazy happy to be here that's all. I know I'm in a foreign country but I don't always have to act mexican either....I don't lie and cheat on my husband and live a life of hypocracy..when I'm in the USA, I don't act american either...I wont get into THAT. Soulpatch seems to understand the scene was just some youngsters having alot of fun...not meaning any harm or exhibitionism at all...just pure harm done.... lighten up

Guess I don't understand how it went to cheating on your husband, living in hypocracy, etc. please educate me. Again. I am not that experienced.

As for Soulpatches comments, although well meaning I am sure, Life is not a free for all. The papers are full of fun loving kids..... that ended up in tragedy. I am glad my kid learned a little (a little) restraint.

post script. just read your last post and perspective on Mexican marriages etc. never mind I will go back to sticking my head in the sand.

[Edited on 10-23-2007 by rts551]

BirdDog - 10-22-2007 at 06:20 PM

I can't wait to strip naked and run through my yard next time I'm down. Cover your eyes if you don't want to see. You probably have to be pretty close to see anything anyways.:spingrin:

DianaT - 10-22-2007 at 06:29 PM

Originally posted by rts551

post script. just read your last post and perspective on Mexican marriages etc. never mind I will go back to sticking my head in the sand.

[Edited on 10-23-2007 by rts551]

Have room for us?

John and Diane

Bajagypsy - 10-22-2007 at 07:47 PM

I seriously can't believe that with all that is going on in the world and in Baja, this thread is still going strong. REally they were a bunch of kids, and yes the french do things differently, heck if I had there bodies I'd be naked ALL the time!

Barry A. - 10-22-2007 at 08:56 PM

Gypsy said, "--------heck if I had there bodies I'd be naked ALL the time!"

--------care to expand on that a little? :o

Packoderm - 10-23-2007 at 12:24 AM

Shari, I for one understand your sentiments. Thanks for sharing your visitor report.

Monia - 10-23-2007 at 07:33 AM


Awwww, to have a young girls body again!

Your post was great, thanks for sharing. You have a blessed life. One of these days I would love to visit on my way down to our house in TS, (will keep my clothes on though).

Some people are offended, some aren't, some get it, some don't, makes life interesting. The kids had a blast, it put a smile on your face and it makes some of us remember being young and carefree, they will learn how to handle cultural differences and opinions by their mistakes, don't we all?

On a sadder note, my parents were evacuated from their home in Fallbrook because of the fires and are with me. Sometimes remembering the fun times in life can help us get through the bad. I will have to remind my mom of one of her skinny dipping stories!

Thanks again!

bajasammy - 10-23-2007 at 08:50 AM

Thanks for the great report Shari!

I always look forward to your posts. You seem to have perfect balance in your life (family, work, fun), something my family and I are always striving for.

We've got to figure out a way to get down to that Beach House of yours sometime.

Thanks again.

shari - 10-23-2007 at 12:00 PM

thanks the last few posters for making me feel really was an innocent fun loving post...didn't mean for it to get out of hand....and my heart goes out to all of you battling fires...if any of you need to evacuate, our doors are open here to those in need, we have lots of room at the moment. take good care, be safe nomads.

Russ - 10-23-2007 at 04:19 PM

After looking at the fire tragedy the last two days I finally opened this thread. And have enjoyed the moral squabble. Of course, IMHO, it's just individual tastes. I do however always enjoy Shari's posts. rts551 & Trotters, While your head is down your butt may be high enough to show crack. Carefull it may catch on.:rolleyes:

Minnow - 10-23-2007 at 05:25 PM

Originally posted by shari
thanks the last few posters for making me feel really was an innocent fun loving post...didn't mean for it to get out of hand....and my heart goes out to all of you battling fires...if any of you need to evacuate, our doors are open here to those in need, we have lots of room at the moment. take good care, be safe nomads.

Maybe, your posts title threw people off a little bit. I assumed it was a bunch of children at first, then I saw the picture and thought, Hmmmm, they can run naked on my beach anytime. Except for the dude.:lol:

Frank - 10-23-2007 at 06:00 PM

I'm definitely going to BA in the summer! Viva La France:biggrin:

shari - 10-24-2007 at 08:16 AM

When we were thinking up a design for a burgee (flag) and hats for our little yacht club here which is called BAYC, we thought a lobster with a bare butt would be cute...get it...BA? Maybe susan can design it?

DianaT - 10-25-2007 at 01:50 PM

Originally posted by Russ
After looking at the fire tragedy the last two days I finally opened this thread. And have enjoyed the moral squabble. Of course, IMHO, it's just individual tastes. I do however always enjoy Shari's posts. rts551 & Trotters, While your head is down your butt may be high enough to show crack. Carefull it may catch on.:rolleyes:

Never was a legal, nor a moral squabble, nor a matter of individual tastes, but some of you obviously don't comprehend too well.

Russ, your really show a lot of class. :yes:

DianaT - 10-25-2007 at 01:55 PM

Originally posted by soulpatch
Originally posted by jdtrotter
Originally posted by Russ
After looking at the fire tragedy the last two days I finally opened this thread. And have enjoyed the moral squabble. Of course, IMHO, it's just individual tastes. I do however always enjoy Shari's posts. rts551 & Trotters, While your head is down your butt may be high enough to show crack. Carefull it may catch on.:rolleyes:

Never was a legal, nor a moral squabble, nor a matter of individual tastes, but some of you obviously don't comprehend too well.

Russ, your really show a lot of class. :yes:

It must be nice to know that your thoughts and "standards" are the appropriate ones.
Man, I wish I had that going on.:yawn:

Again, some of you really lack reading comprehension skills---tis a shame.

breaking news - jdtrotter (no, we are not wealthy) out of the closet

Roberto - 10-25-2007 at 02:19 PM


Bajagypsy - 10-25-2007 at 02:43 PM

Originally posted by Barry A.
Gypsy said, "--------heck if I had there bodies I'd be naked ALL the time!"

--------care to expand on that a little? :o

Just thinking if I had a 20 something year old body still, I would run around naked everywhere I went. Gravity is not so nice!:lol:

Paulina - 10-25-2007 at 02:47 PM

Originally posted by Bajagypsy

Just thinking if I had a 20 something year old body still, I would run around naked everywhere I went. Gravity is not so nice!:lol:

My rule is if people don't like what they see, then they don't have to look.

This comment is only pointed towards Bajagypsy's desire to run naked and free. It has NOTHING to do with the topic of this thread. I'm staying out of that one.


DENNIS - 10-25-2007 at 02:50 PM

Originally posted by Barry A.
--------care to expand on that a little? :o

I guess she already has. That's the problem. Oh well, she's not alone.

Bajagypsy - 10-25-2007 at 02:51 PM


I agree with you, when I was huge pregnant with my kids my sister was horrified cause I still wore a bikini!!1 I told her to close her eyes when she looked at me!:smug:;)

Barry A. - 10-25-2007 at 02:56 PM


Believe me, you have NOTHING to worry about. :lol:


coconaco - 10-25-2007 at 03:15 PM

where is the rancho?

is it too late to catch up with them?

be on the look out for the scourge of baja!

[Edited on 10-25-2007 by coconaco]

Oh Mexico

Osprey - 10-25-2007 at 04:44 PM

Now don't be yellin' at me. Just kidding. just funnin'.

O' Mexico

When I moved to Mexico I had no real pre-conceived ideas about what it would be like to live among my new neighbors. I recognized at once how very different we were but I was excited about learning all the little things we might have in common. At first I was a little put off by their strange talk, scant clothing, the rude country language their bodies spoke.

My sixty-plus years in the U.S. crushed me with information, impressions, knowledge about the world and its cultures that these simple people did not experience. I expected most of them would be emotionally immature. The "ignorance is bliss" message was clear on their faces -- a simple, uncluttered life makes them seem child-like.

At times I almost envied them; the whole family at the beach, splashing in the surf, the children pushing and roughhousing. Not a care in the world. Perhaps they should be grateful that their poor country did not, could not force upon them the stringent rules of elementary education.

Over time my apprehensions faded. Now I feel more comfortable in their midst -- now and then I walk back from the beach with small family groups, holding hands, laughing; content to feel the soft warm sand beneath their feet as they return to their shacks; some old metal trailers, some to shacks with no running water, no toilets. When the fishermen return with a good catch I sometimes help them carry the fish home -- smiles on their faces, the smell of bait on their hands.

The Mexicans can't stand them; say they should go right back to Canada where they came from.

windgrrl - 10-25-2007 at 05:14 PM

At first I was a little put off by their strange talk, scant clothing, the rude country language their bodies spoke.

That's just because back home our only vocabulary is "Mush, Naoonk", there are no reindeer in Baja to make clothing from and our legs and feet are misshapen from wearing snow shoes and mukluks all the time - thus prompting strange body language.:lol::P:lol:

Osprey - 10-25-2007 at 06:02 PM

Could you have meant "NaNOOK" not Naoonk? I'm still having some small communication problems with all my neighbors.

windgrrl - 10-25-2007 at 06:19 PM

Why - yes, Na-NOOK it is!

Sorry (how Canadian, eh?) - my fingers were greasy from making the muktuk and bannock and my husky team kept nibbling at my hands. It's getting almost too cold to type here in the igloo, anyway, even with my smoked moose hide mittens on and my Great White North spel chkr seems to need more anti-freeze. Well, its off to gaze at the aurora borealis and then put a little more whale oil on the soapstone lamp before turning in. Hope we're safe from Windigo one more time! It would be real entertaining to see those Survivor folks handle a series up here!

Roberto - 10-25-2007 at 08:12 PM

Originally posted by Bajagypsy

I agree with you, when I was huge pregnant with my kids my sister was horrified cause I still wore a bikini!!1 I told her to close her eyes when she looked at me!:smug:;)

Hey, that's unfair. Comparing a pregnant mother with a 20 year old. No contest.

I guess I better make myself explicit, given the level of misunderstanding here.

A woman is beautiful. A twenty year old is not a woman, regardless of how sexy she might, be. Being pregnant can only enhance that beauty

Paulina - 10-25-2007 at 08:32 PM


How do you know that she wasn't 20 when she was pregnant, sporting that sexy bikini?


Bajagypsy - 10-26-2007 at 07:23 AM

Paulina, actually I was!:lol::lol::lol::lol:

Barry A. - 10-27-2007 at 09:14 AM


"-----a 20 year old is not a woman" ???????

Boy, have I been fooled all my life!!! My first wife was 19 when we married and we had 2 kids immediately-------my "not a woman" wife sure acted like a "woman" and raised 2 wonderful kids well----one's a lawyer, and the other is a teacher/cpa------------who would have thunk that a mere child could have accomplished all that. :lol:

We were together for 24 years, and all that time I thought she was "a woman"-------------I guess you just never know-------:?:

Pappy Jon - 10-28-2007 at 01:03 PM

"thong - a kind of sandal consisting usually of a flat rubber sole held on the foot by a strap slipped between the big toe and the toe next to it."

Now first, I want to thank Shari for making my Sunday. Guess I need to pay attention to this board more. But, as you can see, my first impression was "so what," they kicked off their shoes while running down to the beach.

My oh my, I wish I had that much inhibition when I was young. Unfortunately, I was raised a prude (i.e. overly modest). Fortunately, I've grown out of it. :lol:

Originally posted by shari
I showed the dusty tribe the descent to our private beach and kicking off their thongs(all of them) in the blink of an eye some of em were out of their gear ... butt naked.