
camping at estero coyote

coolhand - 10-21-2007 at 06:48 PM

Anyone camped at estero coyote recently? We are looking forward to the camping spots of old. We do plan on spending some money at Campo Rene, eating and paying respect to those who own the place, but we love to sleep away from it all..........

rts551 - 10-21-2007 at 07:16 PM

Most areas are pretty much the same.

coolhand - 10-22-2007 at 06:08 PM

Still some nice spots to camp past Campo Rene and the weather shack?

rts551 - 10-22-2007 at 06:21 PM

yes, past the Oyster house. But it depends on the tides. lots of water up there sometimes.

coolhand - 10-23-2007 at 06:06 PM

Thank you for the info. My wife and I are really looking forward to our trip. Truth be told, it has been 10 years since I have been to the area. My wife never has been. I am an avid, yet very passive baja camper. Passive, meaning I take care of the land I camp on, and respect the locals living nearby.

Our most recent trips have been to very deselote areas of a baja , but I am looking forward to seeing and surfing( most likely the beachbreak this time of year) Abre and camping and kayaking at the Estero. I can't for my wife see the town and the beautiful lagoon. Will be there Nov. 11..........

rts551 - 10-23-2007 at 06:13 PM

Y ou are going to be surprised. While Campo Rene is kinda the same everything else has changed. Road almost paved to Rene turnoff. Town a lot bigger with paved Malecon. More houses at the point outside of town.
Etc. Enjoy.
Maybe I will run out and check to see how you are doing.

coolhand - 10-23-2007 at 06:25 PM

My wife and I would love to meet and have a beer or 2 or 3 with you.
Yes, I have heard the town has grown and the point has houses. But to tell you the truth, I have always enjoyed surfing the beachbreak double overhead, peaky and alone, rather than the point with 10-20 guys on it. I know not to expect much from either in November, but the beachbreak is just so desolete, I always preferred it. Such is the same with the estero....

Thank you for the reply.......

rts551 - 10-23-2007 at 06:29 PM

No problem. And I have been known to hoist a few beers.

The big sandy clam beach is great. Used to camp there many years ago because of its solitude.