
Baja Nirvana

castaway$ - 10-21-2007 at 08:52 PM

We are looking for opinions! We have been going to Baja for 7-8 years, probably by most accounts and in accordance with my Baja Nomad standing, we are "Newbies" (I Hate That). We are looking to buy our piece of Nirvana hopefully in the next 18-24 months. I know there are pitfalls and we need to be "aware" which we are working on trying to know all of the right moves to make when buying, and who knows we may still make some mistakes, but first things first, where do we do we look real hard. We have been mainly going to Mulege which seems a little expensive ( but we love Mulege)when I start looking at the pacific side. We are not interested in any big cities we live in a town of 1200 now and that is kind of our speed.
BOLA is cool along with Todos Santos (but it seems expensive also), and Mag bay seems to be real affordable and a potential good investment. Then there is Asuncion, never been there don't know anything about it. I guess in a nutshell we love to fish, dig clams, explore, drink cerveza's and enjoy "REAL People". So give us your opinions, What areas should we be looking at. Looking forward to your opinions as to where the Baja Nirvana is.

motoged - 10-21-2007 at 09:04 PM

Casta way $$$,
Hmmmm, sounds like you want someone else to tell you what you like???

After that number of years visiting Baja, have you driven tip to tip and seen it all (main spots that upcoming responders will recommend)?

If not, spend a month or six doing that and form your own opinion as it will have a lot more credibility to your sense of priority and preference.....


DianaT - 10-21-2007 at 09:07 PM

Yea, just keep visiting lots of places. We immediately felt at home in Bahia Asuncion, but not everyone feels the same way.

Keep visiting lots of places, and the right one will grab you.

Diane and John

castaway$ - 10-21-2007 at 09:18 PM

Every trip Down with the exception of one has been driving and we have been exploring a lot, so I guess in some respects Iam asking for new areas to explore to help find our place in the sun. I'm really wondering where should I explore next that may fit us and the simplicity that we are looking for, you know typical American refugees looking for a laid back lifestyle.

DianaT - 10-21-2007 at 09:22 PM

Originally posted by castaway$
Every trip Down with the exception of one has been driving and we have been exploring a lot, so I guess in some respects Iam asking for new areas to explore to help find our place in the sun. I'm really wondering where should I explore next that may fit us and the simplicity that we are looking for, you know typical American refugees looking for a laid back lifestyle.

Turn right at Vizcaino sometime and see what you think---

toneart - 10-21-2007 at 09:32 PM

What is your price range?

castaway$ - 10-21-2007 at 09:37 PM

$200k +/-, but I would like to have maybe 1/2 acre or more, Ocean View, Modest house and a place to park my boat.

Osprey - 10-22-2007 at 08:35 AM

You might want to consider being a bit more flexible on the land issue. Affordable land around here started out or has been subdivided into lots 25 meters X 25 meters. That's kinda the Mexican lot size in this area = that's about 1/4 acre so you would be looking for a house already built on two lots, with ocean view for $200,000. Good luck. Do yourself a favor and investigate all the little villages that are not on the water but close -- you can do the preliminary stuff with only a map and a few phone calls to realtors close to where you're looking. If it's gonna be beach or nothing you'll have to pay twice the price to get the Nextoos; living next to gringos on or near the beach who drove the price to that very number.

amir - 10-22-2007 at 11:54 AM


Drive around your favorite areas to find "For Sale" signs: [Se Vende], "$", [Lotes]. :cool:

There is a lot more for sale than is shown by real estate agents or otherwise advertised or promoted by developers. Keep asking for prices, meet the locals, take notes and make lots of comparisons. :rolleyes:

Somewhere down here in Baja there is a piece of land for you with your name on it. You haven't found it yet because it has not been the right time. :light:

Your yearning will manifest the house of your dreams. Be patient and do not forget the infinite possibilities that arise out of faith. :saint::saint::saint:

Sometimes it is not you who choses a place, it ts the place that choses you! :yes::yes::bounce:

Viva Baja!
