
Mulege Icon

castaway$ - 10-21-2007 at 09:03 PM

I was just reading the Restaurant review and I saw where somebody asked about "Rudolfo" and they noted he had passed away. God bless him, we are going to miss seeing him, does anyone know how old he was?:(

Bob and Susan - 10-22-2007 at 06:04 AM

One of the most knowledge people about the history of Mulege was “pompano” here on the nomad board...

Roger was around for a long time and knew quite a lot about Rudolfo
Roger hasn’t been posting since april...

“pompano’s” avatar was a watercolor of Rudolfo painted by an un-named artist from Boise Idaho

rudolfo.jpg - 9kB

Where are the other "Icons"

amir - 10-22-2007 at 06:12 AM

Originally posted by Bob and Susan
Roger hasn’t been posting since april...

What happened to Pompano that he stopped posting in April? :?::?::?:

Diver - 10-22-2007 at 06:16 AM

As far as I know he still has the house at Coyote.
He's spending more time up north with grandkids and searching for the next Baja in points south. Emailed him a month or two ago and all was fine.
I hope I can catch him in town this year; his wife is a great cook !!

aquaholic - 10-22-2007 at 10:40 AM

...I've been in Mulege for over 30 years, and I have friends that predate me by a bunch of years...we always referred to the gentleman as "Adolfo", not the Rudolfo that many are now using. From our memory, he should have been in his mid-90's when he passed...I hope this helps add to the general knowledge about the man...

Lindalou - 10-23-2007 at 03:34 PM

Rogers (Pompano) sister Madalyn Reilly actually took this famous picture of Rudolfo. her friend, Sandra Gannon, they both live in Boise Id., did the water color that you see. I have one on order that I will hang in my new house in Punta Banda If it doesn't burn down before I get home!:(

Lindalou - 10-24-2007 at 05:02 AM

not sure if this was seen during the busy time of the fires, so I'm bumping this up.

Bonair - 10-24-2007 at 08:25 PM

Two years ago I gave him my black cane. He thanked me and introduced himself as Adolfo. He could speak a little English.

Bob and Susan - 10-25-2007 at 04:34 AM

“pompano” (roger) wold know the correct answer...

Bob H - 12-1-2007 at 02:13 PM

I remember him well.... this photo is almost in the exact same spot!
Bob H

bill erhardt - 12-1-2007 at 02:39 PM

And..... here is Adolfo slowing down for a speed bump.

345 (Medium).jpg - 42kB

cabobaja - 12-1-2007 at 04:56 PM

First met Adolfo in the early 80's at the Hacienda. Adolfo would come in every morning for his cup of coffee. I would always order him breakfast. Over the years we became friends. On all my many trips to Mulege over the years, I would stay at the Hacienda and look forward to breakfast with Aldolfo.

toneart - 12-2-2007 at 01:42 PM

Originally posted by bill erhardt
And..... here is Adolfo slowing down for a speed bump.

Many a day I would sit in the El Candil and Adolfo would be walking by, usually across the street. Most accounts had him over 100 years old. He didn't need that speed bump to slow him down. I could pound down a few Pacificos before he reached the end of the block. How amazing that he could walk at all at that age.

Of course, I was aware that his image would not be there forever, but in my mind he will always be there walking that s-l-o-w walk. His image is gone, but his spirit is still there. And it doesn't take a Pacifico or two to see him.

Mulege is somewhat diminished without Sr. Adolfo!:saint:

motoged - 12-3-2007 at 12:23 PM

Originally posted by Pompano
Ahh...Rudolfo..'Mulege's Walking History'...a more colorful character you will never meet!

..... he was a real lady-killer singer and played a mean guitar. ....It was in the old Hacienda cantina where this singer used to hold court

My first encounter with Adolpho was in the Hacienda in 1995 when he was playing guitar and singing during a pig roast dinner. The Hacienda restaurant was being managed by a Canadian at that time and he was very enthused and caring about Adolpho....and was proud to bring him around to the tables.

I video-recorded Adolpho singing a tune, "La Luna, El Sol , y L'estrellas" and it brings tears to my eyes whenever I watch it.

I last saw him a year ago. I feel blessed to have encountered such a legend.


motoged - 12-3-2007 at 10:17 PM

Originally posted by Pompano

motoged..that Canadian was a French Algerian named Jean Pierre. Now there was a character! An accomplished ladies man, Mulege called him 'The Golden Picolo.'

That doesn't surprise me ;D I live in British columbia and he had indicated he had arrived in Baja from Vancouver Island....

That evening's pig roast seemed to be full of Americans down exploring the cave American who was working as a bartender in Mulege (and as a cave painting guide) was the first person to alert me to the richness of Baja rock art....some which I later explored....

if you U2U me, Ii will keep your e-mail address and sometime forward you a copy of that video of Adolpho (it will take at least a few weeks to find it...and transfer it....) if you are interested.

Thanks for your comments.

Bob H - 12-3-2007 at 10:37 PM

Originally posted by motoged
Originally posted by Pompano

motoged..that Canadian was a French Algerian named Jean Pierre. Now there was a character! An accomplished ladies man, Mulege called him 'The Golden Picolo.'

That doesn't surprise me ;D I live in British columbia and he had indicated he had arrived in Baja from Vancouver Island....

That evening's pig roast seemed to be full of Americans down exploring the cave American who was working as a bartender in Mulege (and as a cave painting guide) was the first person to alert me to the richness of Baja rock art....some which I later explored....

if you U2U me, Ii will keep your e-mail address and sometime forward you a copy of that video of Adolpho (it will take at least a few weeks to find it...and transfer it....) if you are interested.

Thanks for your comments.

Ged, there must be a way to post that video on youtube or something like that. It would be great if we all could see it. I can see Adolpho in my mind as I set in El Candil - he knew every window and would prop himself up as he would walk by. He must have gone for walks daily all his life!

Pompano, I bet you have such fond memories of your friendship with him - the stories must be GREAT!
Thanks for sharing your friendship with him.
Bob H

motoged - 12-4-2007 at 01:46 AM

Originally posted by Bob H

Ged, there must be a way to post that video on youtube or something like that. It would be great if we all could see it.

I will give it a try....but it will take a while....I will post it when done....if possible.


Lindalou - 12-4-2007 at 02:06 PM

Madalyn, sent me my beautiful water color of Rudolph a couple of weeks ago. I can hardly wait to frame and hang him in my home at Punta Banda, he is gorgeous indeed!:biggrin: I feel so lucky to have seen him in person many a time when we were in Mulege at the El Candil.