
Fdt and Ms Fdt you are cracking me up.

Keri - 10-23-2007 at 07:09 PM

After listening to the depressing news of the fires all day. You are a breath of fresh air. Simone, CHOW MEIN. I was rolling on the floor. oh by the way it's tissue paper not Nordstrom paper but I will remember it forever as nordstroms paper every time I see it now. LOL LOL Thanks for a great night, nothing better than a good giggle and belly laugh k:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

[Edited on 10-24-2007 by Keri]

fdt - 10-24-2007 at 08:35 AM

Thanks Keri, I'm begging her to get more involved in the show (as in talking).

shari - 10-24-2007 at 08:54 AM

You two are a nice compliment to each other...kinda like cheech and chong...Ha ha...not really...but you make a good team and crack me up too...I'm having a hard time tuning in at that time of the evening your show when I do. Keep up the good work amigos. Maybe we'll try to call in on the big event of Sirenita's birthday bash! An on the scene report of the festivities...maybe sing Las Maņanitas on air!

Guat, yu no likie ChowMain? lol

MrsFDT - 10-24-2007 at 10:22 AM

Yes the news is so depressing. I will interject more often then.

I dont really say a whole lot until it starts boring me to tears:wow:, so I interject once in awhile with something stupid, (I LIke Stupid) just to keep myself intertained. Im glad to see it intertaines you guys too. :biggrin:.
Keri the chowmain wasnt supposed to be funny. I was serious.:lol: and thanks I could not remember what the paper was called. Ive been here so long that sometimes I forget words in English....or um is that age?

I know its a program for news but hey I like to hear the latest on Chupacabra sightings too.:o Wouldnt you like to know if a beast like that was lurking around your home?

You two are a nice compliment to each other...kinda like cheech and chong

:cool: Thanks, I really liked Cheech and Chong. Now if I can just teach Fernando to do the voices......

David K - 10-24-2007 at 10:23 AM

I hope that episode is archived!:lol:

MrsFDT - 10-24-2007 at 10:32 AM

OMG David for some reason I just havent hunkered down to edit and upload the shows. Ill work on them today. PArt of it is that I try to re install the edit software and Vista (sucks) wont accept it, so I get frustrated and say "Maņana".........always maņana.

I'll post a thread when they finally do get up.

Mrs Fdt. I know you were serious

Keri - 10-24-2007 at 10:36 AM

about the Chow mein. I guess it was Ferna's reaction to you that cracked me up. There was silence and then he started to stutter and said "oh my ,Simone you are being politically incorrect.' It was funny!!!!! Yeah I know what you mean I've been here so long I can't remember the words in English and yes it's age too . Oh well thats what makes life interesting and us trying to find the correct words funny. The ones that we come up with are so much more entertaining.Keep on keeping on. You guys do a great show. Your loyal fan,k:saint::rolleyes::yes::tumble: