
Amazing sky show over Baja tonight!!

BornFisher - 10-25-2007 at 08:21 AM

For 10 minutes you`ll be able to see either the space shuttle or the space station!! The shuttle will slowly appear toward the NW @ 6:34PM, be almost straight up @ 6:36PM and head out of sight toward the SE @ 6:39. The space station, will be the same orbit, emerging @ 6:38PM, get overhead @ 6:41PM and disappear at 6:44 PM. For the ground track, go to this link, click on Oct. 25, then on the next page, click on the ground track.
Enjoy the show!!!

Porky Pig - 10-25-2007 at 03:13 PM

Shuttle docked with space station earlier today so they should be together. Thanks for the heads up as we are now having a party to view this event

elgatoloco - 10-25-2007 at 06:11 PM


Sky watchers from San Diego and Southern California—as well as viewers from many other places—will get an early-evening opportunity to see the Space Shuttle Discovery (STS-120) docked to the International Space Station (ISS) as they pass over tonight.

For exact visibility times, locations, and even a star map showing the trajectory of the ISS (as well as the Shuttle) among the stars and constellations, visit: and follow the directions to enter your location. Info there is given in "military time"; e.g., 00:00:00 is midnight, 12:00:00 is noon. I highly recommend becoming a "registered user" at this site; it will make your future visits more productive—especially if you view the sky from locations other than your home.

Tonight, October 25, the joint-satellite will pass over San Diego and vicinity from about 6:38 to 6:43 p.m. Look for it as a very bright star that travels slowly from northwest to southeast. It reaches its highest point at about 6:41 p.m. when it appears midway up in the southwestern sky.

Another great pass of the pair over Southern California will occur at dawn on November 4. The shuttle is scheduled to undock from ISS only seven hours earlier so, on that morning, you may be able to see both satellites passing over side by side. Be sure to set your alarm for this one!

If you'd like to try a photograph of the pair, set your camera on a sturdy tripod and aim it in front of the satellite's path. Focus on infinity (8), set your aperture wide open, ISO to 200 or 400, and exposure for "manual". When the satellite approaches your target, trip the shutter until the satellite has passed completely. It'll record as a streak (or streaks) crossing the stationary stars. To see a photo of ISS as it faded into the Earth's shadow on October 30, 2005, check the following page:

For the STS-120 flight plan, visit:

bajalera - 10-25-2007 at 06:32 PM

Too bad we're all smoked in--or smoked out?--up here.

David K - 10-25-2007 at 06:39 PM

The sky is smokey, but I can see some stars... I will look... The moon looks like a pumkin!

David K - 10-25-2007 at 06:45 PM

Okay I saw it... just as predicted heading from the NW to the SE... just a bright satellite moving across the sky...

rts551 - 10-25-2007 at 06:52 PM

looked like a satelite only brighter

Check it out on Nov 3rd...

Mexray - 10-25-2007 at 07:18 PM

if you in the Mulege-Loreto area...It will pass high overhead beginning at 6:36 PST and should be spectacular!

It is much brighter than any other satellite in the evening sky, as gives one a 'eerie' feeling as it silently passes above seeming to do a 'connect the dots' with the stars in the background...

I've used for years to get Sat orbital's the best I've found.

I've never been on top of things to see the Space Station while we've been down in the Mulege area...I'm sure it would be 'the best' down there away from the big city lights that pollute the night sky up here!

The ISS will be visible over a large part of Baja Sur on the 3rd...put a note on the fridge so you won't forget and sneak a'll enjoy it, I promise!

Here's a map showing the 'pass' on Nov 3rd...

[Edited on 10-26-2007 by Mexray]

elgatoloco - 10-25-2007 at 08:24 PM

I love it. I went and knocked on three different neighbors doors and made them come out to see it. They all gave me the stink eye until they saw it zooming overhead. Wishin I can be in Moolahay to see it.

In March of 2004 we were camped at Requeson and I went around to all the camps at dusk with my little sky map and pointed out to all the folks Jupiter,Saturn,Mars,Venus & Mercury all in a neat little row. I had a similar reaction from most but over the next few nights we all gazed in wonder at the rare sight. Look forward to doing it all over again in 2036, maybe from the balcony of my Playa Requeson Resort & Spa Penthouse Condo. Hope it comes with an elevator. :lol:

David K - 10-25-2007 at 09:54 PM

Gee Matt, you're 'worse' than me!!!:bounce::rolleyes::yes:

Looking forward to Orion's return in the evening sky! Last week, after midnight having a hot tub soak I got my first glimps of Orion this season.

The smoke is clearing here tonight... can enjoy stargazing from my hot tub again, soon.

[Edited on 10-26-2007 by David K]

Lindalou - 10-26-2007 at 03:28 AM

Hi Porkey, glad to see you on the board. Wish we could be at Cielito Lindo for the party and crab claws with you guys. Oh and don't forget the viewing of space shuttle and station:lol::lol:

BornFisher - 10-28-2007 at 01:03 PM

Wow that`s why I only saw one. And all along I thought the shuttle took a wrong turn when the female captain was trying to make a cell phone call!! Good thing that guy at the bar didn`t want to bet or I would have had to buy him a drink!!!!! ;)