
56 lb yellowtail caught at Campo Renee

Bajame - 10-25-2007 at 08:19 PM

Hola every one!
Was at one of my favorite places this last week when someone brought in a 56 LB Yellowtail! Wow, this guy was a happy camper! Campo Renee has had some great fishing lately. I got to take a nice piece of that fish home and it was great! I kayaked the lagoon and the weather was great and then had a great lunch before heading back to San Ingaico. We are keying up for the Baja mil as alot of pre-runners are coming thru. Two who like to run the course on bikes in the last few weeks were pretty battered up. They are not going to be in the race. One guy had broken ribs, broken collar bone, and a dislocated sholder.
Check out the plaza here as it has been redone and looks great! There a new resturant across from the mission now, be sure to check it out. Yesterday I caught a parakeet in the yard so theres one more addition to my family. My kitty is very happy about her feathered brother! Well so long for now and will be back atcha. :bounce:

Bajaboy - 10-25-2007 at 09:05 PM

Looks like Juan and I need to get out this week and get the title back.


Pappy Jon - 10-26-2007 at 05:59 PM

Originally posted by Bajame
Was at one of my favorite places this last week when someone brought in a 56 LB Yellowtail!

worthless_thread_wo_pics.gif - 42kB

Bajame - 10-26-2007 at 06:18 PM

Someone who took those picīs that day, save me!: o