
Toyota weld job Los Cabos area?

Cardon Man - 10-27-2007 at 09:40 AM

My trusty old 85 Toyota SR5 has seen some hard Baja miles. She is is need of some quality first aid. Both shock absorber mounts on the front end have broken right off the frame. Both have been welded back on only to break yet again. At present, the truck is running only rear shocks. Not the smoothest ride as you might imagine.

Does anyone know a shop in the Los Cabos area or East Cape that could fix this problema in a permanent way? Perhaps even fabricate some new mounts if needed?
Thanks in advance.

[Edited on 10-27-2007 by Cardon Man]

El Jefe - 10-27-2007 at 11:30 AM

Right in front of Sorianas on the main drag towards the airport in San Jose is a welder that builds off road race cars. He's your man. His shop fronts the main road and backs up to the Sorianas parking lot.

bajajudy - 10-27-2007 at 12:24 PM

A second recommendation for the guy in front of Sorianos

Cardon Man - 10-27-2007 at 05:08 PM

Excellent. I know exactly the place you speak of. Easy to find! I'll swing in there and see what up. Thanks!

vivaloha - 11-15-2007 at 10:09 PM

Get that toyota fixed! She's worth it mate! I love my toyota - good luck to you
Cardon Man...I know a bunch of crew around Cardon on the east cape...good folks-
take care and see ya down at shippy's sooner or later...Enrique (friend of Leon & Elena's)

Cardon Man - 12-23-2007 at 01:44 PM

Thanks all for the good advice. "The guy in front of Soriana" did a great job. Adrian is his name. He's the man! Great to have the old Toyota feeling solid again.