
Comet Holmes a naked eye object

astrobaja - 10-28-2007 at 07:29 AM

Hi all,

This may be of interest to nomads in dark Baja skies! We are just coming off the full moon so as the week progresses it will rise later and later making for good dark skies to observe this object in! With any luck it may brighten even more! This comet went through an outburst last week where it brightened by a million fold, going from barely detectable in the largest amatuer telescopes to an easy naked eye object. There is no tail yet since we are looking at it down its length.

heres a link with some finder charts:

Best to use binoculars or a small widefield spotting scope.

have fun


Bruce R Leech - 10-28-2007 at 08:17 AM

thanks for keeping us up to date on this stuff astrobaja it is very interesting and we all know there is no better place to lay back and stare up at the sky than Baja Ca.