
Discover Baja Insurance woes

Jack Swords - 10-29-2007 at 11:16 AM

Got our insurance renewal notice from Vagabundos today. Been with them many years with annual policies. Decided to check out competitors and perhaps change. Went to Discover Baja website, filled out info re: auto, etc. Got message that NO QUOTES would be given to non-members for an annual policy. I could, of course, join then get a quote and see if it is competitive with Vagabundos and others. Pondering for 30 seconds, the website closed the page due to "inactivity" and required me to redo the application (which was pointless). Subsequently I ventured forth into many other Mexican insurance sites and comfortably was able to obtain quotes for coverage. Wow, many coverages are great, offer immediate quotes, let you print out the policy. So, for those of us looking for an annual Mexican policy and comparing coverages and rates, there are some problems in getting relevant information. We renewed with Vagabundos. Never had a problem in over 20 years.

Slowmad - 10-29-2007 at 11:27 AM

Originally posted by Jack Swords
We renewed with Vagabundos. Never had a problem in over 20 years.

Have you ever had to file a claim with them?
I ask as I'm researching annual policies, and have heard "tales of woe" regarding some well-known names (not Vags).

Bob H - 10-29-2007 at 11:46 AM

Anyone ever tried these folks?

We use Lews and Lewis for our annual policy (driver's licence policy) which covers any vehicle I drive. Here's their link.

Bob H

Jack Swords - 10-29-2007 at 11:48 AM

Had a claim with Vags last year. Could not have been handled better. Had 2006 4Runner repaired in the US. Only a $1000 damage claim less my $500 deductable. Nevertheless, like to check out competition and be informed. Better deals do come along.

Phil S - 10-29-2007 at 12:05 PM

Well, I've got to respond to Jacks last comment he made. Many years ago, I was an independant insurance agent for companies like Hartford, United, Western States Insurance, Firemans Fund, Progressive, Dairyland, etc.
The one thing I noticed in those eight years was the lack of knowledge of the customers of the insurance industry in what the "coverages" were. So for anyone looking to 'compare' rates with other companies, be sure you are comparing apples to apples on the different companies. I checked around years ago when I started driving to Baja. I eventually chose Lewis & Lewis out of Beverly Hills, Cal for the most complete coverage for the dollars. Been over ten years now, and always has been "full coverage", and I always have included the "legal" portion that pays for an attorney should "god help us" an accident occur where WE were at fault.
I've seen those "local" jail cells, and they are very scary looking.

[Edited on 10-29-2007 by Phil S]

4baja - 10-29-2007 at 07:21 PM

ill have to say phill that i have used them for over 15 years years and have been please but this last time i wanted to renew they wanted to do every thing on the internet site and not on the phone and i have a problem with that. they were very rude and did not want to give me the time of day and because of that i went with another insurer that actually talked on the phone. i am pleased with this new company and anytime i have a question they are right there ON THE PHONE. i love the internet but there are some things that i like to discuss person to person and not have to type out!!!

SkyMedBarbara - 10-30-2007 at 07:16 AM

4 years ago we had our Jeep stolen in Loreto. The Mexican Insurance co. paid us $350.00 and Lewis & Lewis paid us $1,700 out of their pocket. They then changed the Mexican Company I have been with them for 20 years and they have been better than great...If everything is done on computers you have RECORDS....better than talking in person and not remembering what was said and by who.


fdt - 10-30-2007 at 07:43 AM

It sais right on top of this page
"The Easiest Way to Buy Mexican Auto Insurance"

Phil S - 10-31-2007 at 06:47 AM

I just did a quote on the Baja Bound site. I'm sticking with Lewis & Lewis in Beverly Hills. Sorry to hear about the unfortunate experience. I think Barbara was right. Dealing by email does leave a record of what was said. In the insurance world, verbal isn't always "a.o.k."

Leo - 10-31-2007 at 05:42 PM

I found Lewis and Lewis the best priced, year after year.