

comitan - 10-29-2007 at 01:19 PM

Hi I'm Tika, I am 8Months old, female but can't have pups, had all of my shots, I'm looking for a new home, I'm very loving, like to play a lot, I do have a problem of chewing up anything that is laying around but I'm sure I will get over that when I grow up. I would prefer a home with another dog because I'm just too much for humans. I will travel anywhere in BCS for my new home.

[Edited on 10-29-2007 by comitan]

P1010005.JPG - 49kB

elizabeth - 10-29-2007 at 01:23 PM

Is that a Tika bite out of the lower left corner???!!!!!

BajaGeoff - 10-29-2007 at 01:23 PM

Tika looks like a great dog! I am sure you will have no trouble finding a home for her!

SiReNiTa - 10-29-2007 at 05:35 PM

can i have her????
if my mom say's yes can she stay with me...we have a huge back yard (hehehe) and 2 other she ok with cats??

comitan - 10-29-2007 at 06:39 PM

SiReNiTa We would definitely like for you to have our baby, first of all you have to ask your Mom. And should continue this on u2u. We do have a cat that hangs around here and Tika doesn't bother with her. It is important for us to know that someone will have her that loves her because she is very loving.

SiReNiTa - 10-30-2007 at 06:42 PM

mom said no TIKA...i want another doooog...althogh we do have 2 dogs, 3 cats, a horse, and a few chickens but what does one more make!!!...oh well...i hope she finds a great home...she looks like a sweet bad mom won't let me keep her..

Bajagypsy - 10-30-2007 at 06:47 PM


When the gypsy's move down to asuncion, I promise you can have as many dogs as you want. I'm planning on having at least 19!!!:lol: (I will keep any dog you would like and you can visit it when ever you want)

comitan - 10-30-2007 at 07:09 PM

Well TIKA spent the last 2 days & nights out of the house, she's back in, a totally different dog so far, we love her way too much, and I know she feels the same but sometimes you come to the end of your rope. We have to work it out. Hopefully. She has so many good traits. One of these days we will visit Asunción and you will meet her.

Marie-Rose - 10-30-2007 at 09:14 PM

Hang in there Comitan... we have had the same experience with 1 of our favorite mexican perro's. What a difference a year makes. He has settled down and is quite perfect!!!!

bajajudy - 10-31-2007 at 01:42 PM

My first Mexican mutt ate over $100 in flip flops her first night here.
Now she will pick up on of our shoes and put it in her bed but does not damage it.

Bajagypsy - 10-31-2007 at 02:07 PM

What is it with Baja dogs, and stealing things? Our Baja dog, has a hidey place that I have to go through everyday, shoes, mitts, klenex, dog food, lighters, you name it, its in there...

comitan - 10-31-2007 at 02:10 PM


Thats nothing compared to TIKA, the final straw was Carols glasses, So far she is being exceptionally good, but we have to leave her alone tonight!!!!!!!!!!!!!:spingrin::spingrin::spingrin:

Paulina - 10-31-2007 at 02:15 PM

Originally posted by Bajagypsy
What is it with Baja dogs, and stealing things? Our Baja dog, has a hidey place that I have to go through everyday, shoes, mitts, klenex, dog food, lighters, you name it, its in there...

That is a very good question. There was a baja dog named Annie that lived down the beach from us. She was notorious for stealing things from our camp and taking it to her home. One day her owner came over to our camp, very embarrased to return a red lacy bra. Unfortunately for all of us, it wasn't my bra. The only other people camping on the beach besides my family and Annie's were a couple of men, all alone in their Airstream...Hmmmmm.
Needless to say, Annie's owners took the red bra home, never stopping at the Airstream to check in...
Our other neighbor's dog likes to "borrow" our dogs toys every time we go down. We usually take a few extra just for Salsa's enjoyment.
They do tend to outgrow the chewing and stealing habit. Nothing that a bit of duct tape around the mouth with the chewed object in it won't cure. Just make sure the mouth is open a bit so the dog can breathe.

Paulina - 10-31-2007 at 02:18 PM

Originally posted by comitan

Thats nothing compared to TIKA, the final straw was Carols glasses, So far she is being exceptionally good, but we have to leave her alone tonight!!!!!!!!!!!!!:spingrin::spingrin::spingrin:

Duct tape hog style. By the time you get home, she'll have used all her chewing energy in trying to escape.


Dave - 10-31-2007 at 02:20 PM

My dog was a 3 month-old beach rescue. She hoards food. Guessing she still feels insecure about our relationship lasting. After all, it's only been eight years. :rolleyes:

bajajudy - 10-31-2007 at 02:37 PM

Have you read "Marley and Me"? Marley will make you feel like you have an does over $20,000 in damages sound....that was just for one sheet rock incident.
They do hate being left. can you keep her in the car or is that just asking for trouble. separation anxiety is the name for this condition.
Maybe a run in your yard....she sure looks like a sweety, she will come around.

bajajudy - 10-31-2007 at 02:39 PM

I just looked closely at the picture. Is she blind in one eye? That must be very difficult for her to only see half the world.

comitan - 10-31-2007 at 02:53 PM

The vet says her eye is fine, its the Grey the Australian Shepard's have.

dccf - 10-31-2007 at 05:44 PM

Please give her another chance. My sister-in-law had a puppy that chewed everything including screens from her floor level windows. The pup pulled bushes out of the ground and ate sprinkler heads while THEY WERE ON.

One day she just stopped her destructive behavior and turned out to be a great dog.

Bajagypsy - 10-31-2007 at 06:40 PM

I'm sure I'll get alot of negativity for this, but we just got rid of our canadian dog, ate a love seat, and then a month later ate the couch. It is now living on a nice farm with my cousin, outside, so no more furniture can be eaten.

BajaWarrior - 11-1-2007 at 03:18 PM

Originally posted by Bajagypsy
I'm sure I'll get alot of negativity for this, but we just got rid of our canadian dog, ate a love seat, and then a month later ate the couch. It is now living on a nice farm with my cousin, outside, so no more furniture can be eaten.

Sounds like the dog is in the right environment now.

vandenberg - 11-1-2007 at 04:47 PM

In the 80's I bought a Lhasa Apso for a girlfriend. After splitting up I ended up with the dog somehow. In the duplex I rented, that dog, Cute as a button, proceeded to jump on the kitchen table while I was gone and chewed big chunks out of the windowsill. I took the chairs away from around the table so he couldn't jump up and he proceeded to hang off the tableclothe and drag everything from it onto the floor. After I found a way to prevend this he got on the bed and hung from the curtains till they shredded and dropped. Next he chewed on the front door casing and scratched holes in the carpet in front of the sliding backdoor. Needless to say that my $400 deposit was forfeited. Finally took him to work with me ( owned a bar ) and while I was getting the place ready to open ,left him in my "new" truck for half an hour, in which time he chewed the backrest out of my seat.

Then there was the time someone gave me a beautiful golden retriever. About one year old. That dog was so wild that he used my, then 4 and 6 year old kids for bowling pins, and after so many crying jacks and bumps and bruises , Idecide to give him away. A girl, who worked for me and had somewhat older kids , took him, and the second day in his new home, he jumped through the screen door. A fancy expensive one. They than moved to the Sierra foothills , where they had a couple of acres and the dog could run kind of free. In a few weeks , the dog being in the house and the kids outside, one of the boys ran by the front picture window and the dog decided to join him, and jumped, via the couch, through the $ 400 plate glass window. After a $300 vet bill ,to sow the dog back together, they finally decided to get rid of it.
So, all in all, you have a pretty mellow dog.:P:P:lol::lol:

[Edited on 11-1-2007 by vandenberg]

[Edited on 11-1-2007 by vandenberg]

Bajagypsy - 11-1-2007 at 05:47 PM


My husband would have killed me if I brought a dog like the golden retriever home. :yes::yes::yes:

Another wonderful thing that happened, with my dogs today (only two left) is that I woke up this morning to find that the mexican mutt had decided to poop on our BRAND NEW COUCH!!!! It wasn't just a nice normal poop either, it was a runny poop.:fire::fire::fire:

SiReNiTa - 11-1-2007 at 06:29 PM

o0o0h....lucy liked to bite things to but she got over it...although she still likes to chew on my fingers...

comitan - 11-1-2007 at 07:20 PM

Well after all this Tika is just the sweetest dog you could ever want and don't want her because she has hopefully seen the way, and shes going nowhere.