
Lobos Marinos Thanks You

DianaT - 10-30-2007 at 04:12 PM

Thank you Nomads for your generous contributions. Besides several hundred dollars, a sun shade, and MANY helmets from Nomads, we were also able to obtain a potential sponsor in San Diego, Rick Nunez at ProBuiltWheels, and Frank Trotter from Team Giant.

They have so many needs, but we will let the contributors know how the money is used. They are doing well in competitions and we hope to keep helping them grow.

With Shari's help with language understanding, we were going to just present the items to the President and Senior Member, but after they saw everything, they insisted on gathering up the team.

More pictures later, when not at this sloooooooooow cafe, but here is most of the team on our front porch.

And our youngest member now with his very own helmet.

Thanks Again----we just can't tell you how much your donations were appreciated.

John and Diane

shari - 10-31-2007 at 09:25 AM

It was an honour to help out this noble cause and I learned alot about the team. These parents started this growing club three years ago with the vision of something to keep their kids from drugs and alcohol...give them something healthy to do! They only have some heavy bikes so these kids have been training on them making them stronger and they have won many events, state wide and nationals and have some very high potential riders but they really need some help with sponsorship for gas and gear. More kids want to participate but don't have the means to transport their kids to the events...lack gas money and a vehicle. It was awesome to watch their faces as they saw the donated items. This will really motivate the existing members (they have to have good marks in school to participate in events!) and it will serve to attract other kids to the team too when they see them proudly riding around town in their new nifty training outfits and new helmuts!!! That evening all the kids were zooming around town showing off their new gear and they were excited about the race on Sunday. So a huge gracias to all those who donated dinero and gear...and a special thanks to the trotters who have spearheaded this campaign...keep it coming Nomads!!!