
For those interested...

Al G - 11-1-2007 at 09:38 AM

From the Baja Western Onion...Another good warning:
More Police Chicanery - We have always pooh-poohed baja stories alleging bandidos behind every cactus, but we have reports from two friends (not friends of friends) who have been victims in BCN recently. (1) Our neighbor brought his 4x4 to the guarded parking lot of the Bahia hotel in Ensenada this August, an ancient and venerable Gringo hangout, and while checking in, his truck was stolen. The Parking lot Guard first said 'Oh your friends took your truck', but on further questioning by police, it was a couple of locals who slim-jimmed and hotwired it. with the parking lot guy present. (2) our chiropractor went to Tijuana to his Dentist, then to Rosarito for dinner and, having had nothing to drink, was pulled over in a roadside check for drinking and driving. If his blood alcohol had actually matched what the cop's meter read, he would have been staggering. The policeman even said, 'I can see you are not drunk'. then he said, after our Doc had been held for 1.5 hours at the site 'the minimum is $245 and the judge won't be in until midnight, but if you give us the $215 in your pocket I will let you go and make a note in your record'. So our Doc paid the contents of his wallet and left. Reminds me of the speed gun in Topolobampo that clocked my camper at 125 kilometers per hour when I had been doing 40 miles/hr. I wonder what the reaction would be to a full page ad in the Gringo Gazette advising travelers south to skip Tijuana, Rosarito and Ensenada and get their first gas in San Quintin? My wife had a conversation in Spanish this Spring with two shopkeepers in Rosarito who they said they were afraid of their own police, and that the bars were serving 180 proof alcohol to tourists who would get hammered from a couple of drinks and often mugged in an alley. We have made a major investment to live in Todos Santos, we love the place, we're just a little concerned about the coming and going part. - Tom And Chris Gafford, tag@GAFFORD.COM, , Todos Santos

"Just don't Stop" until Santo Tomas....

gnukid - 11-1-2007 at 09:44 AM

I made it through the Guantlet- TJ to Rosarito and arrived in La Paz only to pulled over on my entry for being mexican and driving a US plated car and impersonating a gringo (myself). Hmmm seems three days of driving and no shower has an amazing effect-ya soy mexicano. Pues... bien.

MrsFDT - 11-1-2007 at 11:08 AM

That is so disturbing. These people use the ignorance of travelers to fleece them. Im using the term ignorance in the manner that they dont know what they can do at the time and are subject to what they are being told. Then there is no choice but to hand over the contents of your wallet.

Insist on waiting for the judge, even if they say he wont be in till midnight. chances are its a lie. They bluff theyre way into your wallet and use your fear to do so.

Im not making an excuse for these crooked SOB's but speaking from an angle of the animal - human nature..... unavoidably we are opportunistic as a species. What sets us apart from other animals is that we have the ability to choose and null that part of us that would harm.

These men....and many woman have had many generations of rationalizing the "why nots, no one was killed right?" So in they're heads its harmless. It is such that they dont even think about it anymore.

They are fathers and husbands with family's and friends and would do anything to protect his own, like any of us would. But out there, you are a faceless wallet. Now on the other hand, if you had befriended one of them you have a "get out of jail free" card and could drive the gaunlet worry free.

That is just the way it works here. A very sad truth.

Then comes the question of wether or not these policia are capable of killing over a wait for the judge instead of just giving it up. You dont know who you are dealing with at that moment so you dont really have a choice.

These are just my thoughts on the subject not really an aswer to anything, but If given a choice at this point in time I would take the toll rd anyday. Blaze through and dont look back.

When we worked in Rosarito we had a friendship with the with someone with a little pull at the time . Crooked as hell, but he kept things tame and set limits to the terror. It wasnt so bad back then, a tourist could walk, eat, drive and shop without the worry and fear that you see now. This was about 6 to 7 years ago.

I have since learned to accept these things, not by choice but by "no choice" and just avoid the problem areas.

God, that sucks, Im sorry your friend / nieghbor had to go through that, or anyone for that matter. We work so hard to make it a safer, better and more informative place. Tijuana I have to say, at this point is far safer than Rosarito....

[Edited on 11-2-2007 by MrsFDT]

[Edited on 11-2-2007 by MrsFDT]


Dave - 11-1-2007 at 12:44 PM

Originally posted by MrsFDT
Tijuana I have to say, at this point is far safer than Rosarito....

When it comes to shakedowns, the cops here are like crack addicts. Some don't even bother with the ruse of a legitimate traffic stop. They just ask for the money up front. Fortunately, most of it is directed at dumb college kids. There seems to be an endless supply of them. :rolleyes:

MrsFDT - 11-1-2007 at 02:52 PM

When it comes to shakedowns, the cops here are like crack addicts. Some don't even bother with the ruse of a legitimate traffic stop. They just ask for the money up front. Fortunately, most of it is directed at dumb college kids. There seems to be an endless supply of them. :rolleyes:

Are you talking here as in Rosarito? Just curious where here was...
As far as the collage kids, yeah I think a whole new system has developed around the drunk and disorderly kids, easier targets with no hassles over "I wasnt doing anything".

I would worry more about the cop who pulls over a legitamate looking individual and does that. That tells me he has crossed the "easy target" line and so doing, has probably crossed the "no conciance" line as well.

I have good experiances with Mexican Police both in Rosarito and in Tijuana. Especially in Tijuana. Rosarito probably because we had aquaintances with the higher ups, but Tijuana in general is ok..... for the most part.

Im going to tell a story about fdt he may not like, but it has to do with an incident we had with the cops here in TJ where we live.

Someone I know (not Fernando) went down the block to visit a friend of his, took the car instead of walking. As friends do they started drinking and blabbing about old times. Someone I know (not Fernando) became beyond drunk before coming home. Some how he remembered we needed milk and proceeded to drive that one block to and past our house to go to the supermarket and get the milk.

At around 11 PM Some cops pull up out in front of the house, lights rotating and flashing and Police radios blairing in the otherwise quiet street. I thought, this man drank to much, got lost and killed himself and theyre here to tell me Im a widow.... (Someone I used to be married to
Not the case, thank God. As soon as I went out he was standing right there with them as ripped and wobbling as you can be without passing out with one arm around one of the cops, who struggled to keep him upright. Not a normal thing for him (someone I know). He doesnt do all. It was one of those things. Right friends, right stories and the right liquor on hand for the occation. I guess his friends figured he would walk the block back to the house.

So I am prepared for the worst wondering at the same time why they would bring him home. MAaybe he didnt have cash and they were coming to the source? I didnt know.

The first officer proceeded to tell me how they came to pick him up. He passed out at an intersection and when the light changed people made such a rucus, honking and screaming because he wouldnt move. They said they happened on him, stopped at the green light intersection, car in idle sound asleep. Wow, was he ripped or what?

Anyway once they determined who he was and what he was doing there, they chose to bring him home. One drove our car and the other followed in the police car.

They told me that they were out looking for the trouble makers and determined he was not one of them. He was a family guy who went beyond normal and got dangerously lost. Jail wasnt a place for the good guy, so they brought him home.

I was beside myself, since this was way out of character for the cops here. After they left, obviously I took someone I know (not Fernando) in laid him out, no point in yelling at that point, went out to the car and took an inventory. lol. Everything was there and untouched. There were 20.00 in question though, lol I think someone I know (not Fernando) gave the bill to them for theyre kindness, although he says he doesnt remember. He thinks he did. But hey I think I would have given it to them anyway had they still been in his pocket.

A note I did offer some recompense for what they did and they turned it down.... I wish I knew who they were.

Sorry I wasnt tech enough to to find the delete button, honey.

[Edited on 11-1-2007 by MrsFDT]

[Edited on 11-1-2007 by MrsFDT]

fdt - 11-1-2007 at 03:47 PM

If you go back to your post, you will notice on the top right side a button that sais "edit", press that button and when a new window opens it will have some options at the bottom, check the one that sais delete post and then press edit. Thanks a lot. :no:

MrsFDT - 11-1-2007 at 03:51 PM

Originally posted by fdt
If you go back to your post, you will notice on the top right side a button that sais "edit", press that button and when a new window opens it will have some options at the bottom, check the one that sais delete post and then press edit. Thanks a lot. :no:

Ok Dear I'll see if Im tech savy enough to try, no guarantees though.:biggrin:

Too late

Dave - 11-1-2007 at 03:58 PM

We made copies...Lots of copies. :rolleyes:

fdt - 11-1-2007 at 04:23 PM

I said delete not change the name to protect the innocent :rolleyes:

Hook - 11-1-2007 at 05:55 PM

My wife and I have GOT to meet you two someday. You sound like the most fun couple in the world.

This post is an absolute gas!!!!!

fdt - 11-1-2007 at 06:12 PM

Now that is funny

It's just a front,

gnukid - 11-1-2007 at 08:06 PM

I consider most police action a compliment, that is they must think I am worthy of their time, I enjoy responding with respect, hands on the steering wheel, "que tienes senior, como puedo ayudarte? After a few more long winded niceties the police are running away and I never have paid anything. I only wish I had night vision installed, I could have my own "no manches" program.

gnukid - 11-1-2007 at 08:16 PM

Here's a couple tips, I carry a box of "gifts" under the seat, pens, key chains, t-shirts, and possibly candy if its fresh and I pull it out right away and say que bueno verte buscando para ti, tengo algo que trago para ti, en serio nada mas de cosas que espero que quieres por que tengo algo. And then give them the stuff before they say anything. This seems to solve many many problems fast I really believe the police are trying their best they just need encouragement. Always ask for their name and phone number in case you have a problem later and you want to call a cop. You'll want as many phone numbers and names as your phone can store. Today I called a number on the political sign in my neighborhood and the actual candidate answered and helped me immediately. Fill your phone with local friends it will help.