
how did they do that?

dravnx - 11-1-2007 at 11:27 AM

A buddy of mine just got back from La Paz. Said the fishing was awesome. Anyway, they stopped to fuel up at the Pemex across from the Alamo rental lot in Cabo. The car took $290 worth. The attendant asked for $390. When he looked at the pump it showed $390 and the nozzle was not in the filler neck. To add insult to injury, the attendant gave him only $50 change from the $500 he paid with! He was able to argue the correct change but it was for the $390, not the $290. And he made sure the pump was zeroed before they started pumping fuel.

Don Alley - 11-1-2007 at 11:37 AM

They rig the pumps to pump short liters.

Two of our Loreto stations are owned by a BCS chain, "Auto Exprss." They can fit more gas into a 5 gallon can (18.9 liters) than the new independent station. At least by the pump readout.:lol:

We are lucky to have a station with full liters from the pump. Lots of places in Baja don't.

vandenberg - 11-1-2007 at 11:56 AM

Originally posted by dravnx
A buddy of mine just got back from La Paz. Said the fishing was awesome. Anyway, they stopped to fuel up at the Pemex across from the Alamo rental lot in Cabo. The car took $290 worth. The attendant asked for $390. When he looked at the pump it showed $390 and the nozzle was not in the filler neck. To add insult to injury, the attendant gave him only $50 change from the $500 he paid with! He was able to argue the correct change but it was for the $390, not the $290. And he made sure the pump was zeroed before they started pumping fuel.

No comprende:?::?:
How did you know the car took $290 while the pump showed $390.:?::?:
You have a little pump indicator/calculator on your dash.:?::(:P:biggrin:


dravnx - 11-1-2007 at 02:59 PM

My buddy said he saw $290 on the pump and the nozzle back in the holder, got distracted for a moment and when he looked again it was at $390.