
Mama Espinoza

ArvadaGeorge - 11-1-2007 at 11:29 AM

Nice article on Mama Espinoza turning 100

Eli - 11-1-2007 at 11:35 AM

My childhood memories of her are still sharp, thanks for bringing her birthday to my attention. Yes, truly she is a living Icon.

ArvadaGeorge - 11-1-2007 at 11:47 AM

I remember 1 night in the 70’s. 2 of us on M/C. Late at night, cold, out of Gas, the gas station closed.
I had to lean the bike, on to one side, to get enough gas into the carb to get from the gas station to her restaurant
The lights were out—She must of heard the bikes she opened up-- Rented us a room and fed us Lobster Ranchero ---To my memory on of the best meals of my life

Mexitron - 11-1-2007 at 05:06 PM

Awesome! Only met her once, about ten years ago when we dropped off some clothes...very nice lady.

Jack Swords - 11-2-2007 at 08:27 AM

Stopped by El Rosario 5 years ago and made arrangements to talk with Doña Espinoza. At the specified time we went to her casa and sat down to talk for over an hour. Even though she speaks English, she insisted in conversing in Spanish. Not only did she talk of the early days travelling by buckboard, but also much history of El Rosario. Memorable are her stories of the great fruit orchards covering the river lands and the museum artifacts that she had collected and had displayed. All were destroyed by a major flood that encompassed her casa and part of town. Parts of her collection were found miles downstream. What she has now on display is just a small part or the original. Someone who is very fluent in Spanish needs to sit down with Doña Espinoza and record her verbal history before we lose it. I wish I had that fluency. Just sitting and talking with her enhanced my experience in Baja. Quite a lady!

David K - 11-2-2007 at 08:35 AM

Howard Gulick (Lower California Guidebook author/ map maker) photo from 1960...