
My friends in Bahia Asuncion.

fishbuck - 11-2-2007 at 04:31 PM

I would like to take a moment and talk a little about my new friends in B. Asuncion.
If you followed my post you know I just visited Jaun and Shari. I went there as a result of reading the posts from Shari and the photos of yellowtail caught by Iflyfish and Jaun.
If you love remote Baja locations and an authentic Baja seaside experience then B. Asunsion is the place for you. And to take it one step farther try San Roque.
It's a great place but what really does it is Juan and Shari. Now, I know this sounds like some kind of an advertisement but it's not. I not a paid endorser ( I wish! ) or anything like that.
When Jaun took me fishing he wasn't even going to ask for any money and I just about had to beg them to take some cash. Very refreshing! Shari was the perfect host and invites you to her home and cooks meals. I had an omelette 1 morning with eggs from her chickens that live right outside the house.
So if you go there please enjoy the company of these fine people. And be generous back to them to if you can. It's a hard place to make a living and they are there to help you anyway they can so it's good to help back.
B. Asuncion is a special place and it seems to attract the "right kind" of visitors. It's a great little town and a place that you will feel good about spending a few of your hard earned dollars. So enjoy!

[Edited on 11-3-2007 by fishbuck]

Frank - 11-2-2007 at 04:45 PM

Bahia Asuncion is the plan for June 08!

Diver - 11-2-2007 at 04:47 PM

I couldn't agree more.
Glad to hear that your first visit was as special as ours;
and Trotter's and Gypsy's and Bajaboy's and Birddogs and a few others...

David K - 11-2-2007 at 05:46 PM

Yup... I had a good impression of Shari when we first communicated... I believed she and the Bahia Asuncion people had a lot to offer the Nomads as most of us seem to zoom on down the Hwy. and miss the out of the way places like Asuncion.

Glad Baja Angel and I finally got out there last July... It was way nicer than the Seven Sisters! (hear me surf N-zis?)

Cypress - 11-2-2007 at 06:18 PM

Shari, Juan, and Serinita must make the people of Asuncion proud.:yes: They'd be a credit to any community.:yes:

Roberto - 11-2-2007 at 07:08 PM

Originally posted by David K
It was way nicer than the Seven Sisters! (hear me surf N-zis?)

You just never let go of anything do you? And N-zis? First of all, it wasn't about surfing spots, second of all, don't you think you're stretching it just a little bit? Sheesh.

docsmom - 11-2-2007 at 09:52 PM

OK. I'm encouraging all of us to shut up about BA immediately! I'm sure I'm not the only one here who has a serious jones to check out BA but can't get down there immediately. the Bajanomad board is large, but not that large. Could we possibly all agree to keep our mouths shut for the next 6 to 12 months allowing us to get down there and purchase a part of heaven before the rest of the world learns about it? Once we're all there we'll enjoy it and stonewall the rest of the world for 20 or so years, till we're all old and decrepit. Then we'll sell, our kids or those of you young enough will make piles of $$ and all will be happy. Doesn't that sound like a glorious plan? Please?

fishbuck - 11-3-2007 at 12:36 AM

Originally posted by docsmom
OK. I'm encouraging all of us to shut up about BA immediately! I'm sure I'm not the only one here who has a serious jones to check out BA but can't get down there immediately. the Bajanomad board is large, but not that large. Could we possibly all agree to keep our mouths shut for the next 6 to 12 months allowing us to get down there and purchase a part of heaven before the rest of the world learns about it? Once we're all there we'll enjoy it and stonewall the rest of the world for 20 or so years, till we're all old and decrepit. Then we'll sell, our kids or those of you young enough will make piles of $$ and all will be happy. Doesn't that sound like a glorious plan? Please?

I know what you mean! I am reluctant to talk about the place. But it's worth the risk to try and help out some people,both Nomads and Asunsionados alike.
It will take a pretty dedicated person to go there anyway. It's about 550 miles from the border and the last 50 miles or so of road will really test your desire. So go for it if you've got what it takes!

meme - 11-3-2007 at 07:36 AM

:bounce::bounce::yes::yes:WE plan to go in March! Looking forward!:yes:

shari - 11-3-2007 at 08:32 AM

MUchas gracias everyone for your support, I was looking at my Nomad list yesterday and around 40 of you amigos have visited us since I joined this clan! Hey Fishbuck...those kayakers who were camped out in San Roque told me a funny story...they got up early to pack up to leave but Maw just had to take a couple more casts yesterday morning before the others got up...well he ended up catching 4 yellowtail from the beach in front of our casita there...he was so stoked and hated to leave....Juan's out right now with Halboo so I hope they have a good a time as you did Mike!
Docsmom, I have a great deal for you...

Warning, Warning, Careful, Careful

DianaT - 11-3-2007 at 10:48 AM

We made that right hand turn off the highway last Febuarary and boy, it has cost us a lot of money! :yes::yes::yes:

Remember, there might be earthquakes, angry coyotes at the dump, bumpy dirt roads, soft sand to get stuck in, a wandering horse, and there was a BIG storm here in 1998.

Not a safe place----very scarey place. Dark nights and loud surf. Dang, just not a safe place at all. Need a notepad to remember all the people one meets, and a class in Family 101 to remember the family connections.

No, nomads, that right hand turn headed south on Highway 1 is REAL dangerous.



[Edited on 11-3-2007 by jdtrotter]

Paladin - 11-3-2007 at 11:07 AM

Me and my fat retired buddy will be down there in March also. BA and Mulege are our two main destinations for 3 weeks. I'm also looking for a heavy drinking pilot who accepts free drinks.

I remember being transferred to Oregon in 1978, when the signs were all "come and visit but don't stay". Stayed 2 years and then back to Fresno.

If BA is what I think it is, I'm looking forward to writing a "rotten" trip report.:lol:

docsmom - 11-3-2007 at 10:14 PM

I'm listening Shari!

Barbareno - 11-4-2007 at 05:52 AM

Hello all.

I have been lurking on these boards for a few days now and getting ooddles of info. Before even seeing this thread Tim and I have decided to check out Shari's digs.

I emailed her yesterday and got a prompt response. I will be emailing her more questions today and days to follow. We plan on being there for Christmas. I think what nailed it was the off shore fishing. Hope Shari doesn't mind all the dumb questions I am about to fire off to her.

Hey....what are the chances of landing a fish off shore using a fly rod? Don't think I will be taking my belly boat down there.

Now this road you are all talking about....can't be any worse then the road into Bella Coola BC can it?


capt. mike - 11-4-2007 at 07:13 AM

"I'm also looking for a heavy drinking pilot who accepts free drinks."

ok Paladin, that would be me - what do you have in mind??
I am in mulege a lot. especially during whale season feb mar, and this season since i sit and wait at San Ignacio lagoon, i plan on a day hop to BA on one of my whale trips.

DianaT - 11-4-2007 at 11:22 AM

Originally posted by Barbareno

Now this road you are all talking about....can't be any worse then the road into Bella Coola BC can it?


It sure is not as steep as the Freedom Road to Bella Coola -:lol::lol:--quite flat and plenty of room to pass another vehicle---just gets bumpy between gradings.

We loved Bella Coola!

Diane and John

Bajaboy - 11-4-2007 at 05:20 PM

Originally posted by fishbuck
I would like to take a moment and talk a little about my new friends in B. Asuncion.
If you followed my post you know I just visited Jaun and Shari. I went there as a result of reading the posts from Shari and the photos of yellowtail caught by Iflyfish and Jaun.
If you love remote Baja locations and an authentic Baja seaside experience then B. Asunsion is the place for you. And to take it one step farther try San Roque.
It's a great place but what really does it is Juan and Shari. Now, I know this sounds like some kind of an advertisement but it's not. I not a paid endorser ( I wish! ) or anything like that.
When Jaun took me fishing he wasn't even going to ask for any money and I just about had to beg them to take some cash. Very refreshing! Shari was the perfect host and invites you to her home and cooks meals. I had an omelette 1 morning with eggs from her chickens that live right outside the house.
So if you go there please enjoy the company of these fine people. And be generous back to them to if you can. It's a hard place to make a living and they are there to help you anyway they can so it's good to help back.
B. Asuncion is a special place and it seems to attract the "right kind" of visitors. It's a great little town and a place that you will feel good about spending a few of your hard earned dollars. So enjoy!

[Edited on 11-3-2007 by fishbuck]

Nice fishing with you....glad you had a great trip and it was a pleasure meeting you.


SiReNiTa - 11-5-2007 at 07:13 PM

hehe hey guys...well in my mind you are all welcome to come and stay as long as you want the more the merrier i think hehehe!!!

but yeah your right diane itīs pretty nasty eh...gosh i hate it there..:P:cool::rolleyes: juuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuust jokinī!!!! no but really...itīs a little tiny piece of heaven...thankīs for all the nice stuff said about my family!! i really love to see mom happy and believe me she gets ecstatic everytim anyone posts something nice about asuncion or her or us...thanks guys!!

Young Canadians who recently visited bahia asuncion

lachicana - 11-8-2007 at 12:04 PM

I live near Santiago in B.C.S. I was up at the waterfalls above my ranch when I heard a scream!

I rushed over to help a young lady who fell and was bleading very bad and was complaining of extreem pain in her arm and head. They were on foot so I took her the the clinic in Santiago and then rushed in an ambulance in San Jose Del Cabo.

I am happy to say she WILL BE OK! she broke her elbow and was stitched up above her eye.

I read about all the remarks about these canadians. I would like to just say that they came by my ranch after released from the hospital and brought gifts and love.

These young canadians were incredibly respectful and some of the most wonderful people I have ever met.



mtgoat666 - 11-8-2007 at 12:43 PM

Originally posted by David K
Glad Baja Angel and I finally got out there last July... It was way nicer than the Seven Sisters! (hear me surf N-zis?)

Godwin's Law: you killed the thread, DK.

shari - 11-8-2007 at 05:09 PM

I'm glad they're spreading that young canuck love around...and bummer about the's amazing they escaped injury climbing onto the barnacled rock with pacific swells lifting and falling..only minor injuries...and a great story to tell. They were pretty excited about getting to your waterfall...I'd love to see it someday too.

SiReNiTa - 11-8-2007 at 06:14 PM

mhm yeah so why don't ya come down with me huh huh huh...


Big Al - 11-8-2007 at 11:04 PM

How's the weather and surf this time of year?

I sure would like to escape for a while.

Big Al

Halboo - 11-9-2007 at 11:48 AM

We just got back and the weather(and pretty much every thing else ) was beautiful.
Juan and Shari deserve every bit of their positive praises.


Tomas Tierra - 11-9-2007 at 12:31 PM

I f you caught that beauty with the coffee grinder set up in the rod holder, your dang good or dang lucky.

I suspect the rig with the roller guides in the background was respnsible..

Nice Jurel!!