
Gonzaga Bay trip Oct 20-27 – Two nights at Alfonsina’s! Part 3

Bajagato - 11-6-2007 at 05:20 PM

I couldn’t believe my eyes! I have heard Gonzaga Bay can be windy but this was beyond windy. When we were driving towards Rancho Grande on the dirt road, the air was so think with dust that you could not see the bay from the dirt road. This wasn’t the way I wanted my friends to see Gonzaga bay for the first time. I remember my first time and I was awestruck with its beauty. This afternoon, upon our arrival there was only ONE matter of business to be taken care of, get rooms!!!! There was no way we could camp, I mean, absolutely no way. Antonio, the owner, greets us, two rooms, no problem. We were happy to have accommodations for the night. He told us it would be $55, and of course we knew that was high but considering we had no other choices, and he knew that, who could blame him! As the evening progressed I noticed that we were the only people staying on the one side of the hotel. A few kayakers waiting it out till morning to go home, took rooms on the other side. Of course there were rooms available, the weather had chased everyone away! And we were just getting started! We unpack what is necessary and head directly to the restaurant. We hadn’t eaten all day, so we were all ready. The food and drink were excellent. The margueritas flowed and fish tacos with all the fixin’s, made it complete. Later we would party on the upstairs patio by our rooms, I think we changed to rum and cokes, at this point it didn’t matter, we were in Gonzaga and happy to be there regardless of the weather. You sure wouldn’t know by our attitudes, that our plans had been disrupted!

We were to wake up to more wind and no hot water. We all opted for cold showers, and man that’s hard to do! Sure does wonders for the hangover though! We assumed it was because of the wind and should have inquired sooner. Off to the restaurant for chorizo and eggs, lots beans and lots of strong, hot coffee. The next thing on the agenda was to make a decision on camping. It was unanimous; we’d be staying another night at Alfonsina’s. I talk to Antonio, asking to stay one more night and bargained the price per room per night to $45. I threw in the fact that there had been no hot water to my plea for a lower price, I think it may have helped some. He proved to be an accommodating man. Being low on ice, and beer we hit Rancho Grande, the local store and then off to explore Punta Final (the far south side of the bay). Chris and I have always wanted to see that area, and what better day to be driving instead of fishing, a day of too much wind. Shortly after we arrived a local American that lived in the campo was there to greet us. Mostly just hungry for new blood, someone new to talk to, he told us of bad, bad wind in Southern California and some news about the San Diego airport being closed down. I am not sure if he was the one that told of us of the fires, someone in the days ahead would tell us of all the havoc the wind was doing in So Cal. He told us we could camp by his house if we needed a place out of the wind. He also invited us to stop by for a beer, and we did after playing on the beach and in the sand, including sand angels!

After stopping at Vaughn’s in the campo at Punta Final, we were back to Alfonsina’s for fresh fish and luscious shrimp. Joe and Shelly’s fish dinners would be the last fish they’d serve that night. We heard others after us, order fish and were told, no mas! I guess they ran out since no one had been able to be out fishing in that wind! It was a perfect ending to a perfect day. When life gives you limes, make margueritas!

Tomorrow we would hope for less wind… to be continued.

David K - 11-6-2007 at 05:52 PM

More great stuff Denise, thanks!

That's a great photo of Snoopy, too! (the hill on the beach at Punta Final)

docsmom - 11-6-2007 at 09:14 PM

Stunning sand angel!
And great story. Keep it coming! I'm living vicariously through you!

BAJACAT - 11-8-2007 at 08:44 PM

wow super nice trip report I enjoy the whole thing, thanks,,and don't felt bad about the weather, that happend to me on my last trip I was triying to show off Baja to my friends and what happends we get there and is windy as hell, but we still manage to have fun..and this coment is from one gato to another gato(Bajagato,Bajacat)..:lol::lol:

sand dunes in punta final.JPG - 50kB

David K - 11-9-2007 at 12:00 PM

There is tons to see around Gonzaga Bay if it is windy! See and the following pages for a few ideas!

Bob H - 11-9-2007 at 08:06 PM

Absolutely fantastic trip report with the images to go along with it. Thanks for sharing and showing us how to make everything fun no matter what happens with the weather. And, man, it was very windy here in San Diego with all the fires, etc. Glad you had a great time anyway.
Bob H

Bajagato - 11-10-2007 at 09:10 AM

Thanks Bob! Yeah, we live pretty close to the Santiago fire, and we were glad we were not home that week, I am a school crossing guard in Aliso Viejo and the kids didn't even have school for two days while I was gone. I came home to an inch of soot on my car! It was a bad week for So. Cal!Next installment of the trip to come soon, I promise!