
Horror story in Todos Santos

Marie-Rose - 11-11-2007 at 08:03 PM

I've been writing this post in my head for the last 2 weeks knowing that at some point I would share but only recently realizing the importance of doing that. As visitors in a foreign country, I think that it is really important that we realize how things can go wrong...and then decide whether this something that we can or choose to live with.

Recently, in TS a 74 yr old man was driving his vehicle ( on his way to a reunion with friends in Cabo) when he suffered a TIA (minor stroke), lost consciousness, and hit a telephone pole. This occured at aprox. 11 am. His vehicle was overturned onto the drivers side. The accident was witnessed by our mexican neighbor who happened to be driving behind him, and was attended soon after by my daughter who is a registered nurse and also knew the victim of the accident. He was "vague", had a laceration on his arm and was standing in the back seat of the vehicle. She was unable to get near as the policia arrived and insisted no one go near... the bomberos/ambulance arrived at the same time.
The victim of the accident was transported to the clinic where his laceration was stitched and by this time there was a local resident who was attending to make sure the man was OK. ( I must also add that thankfully another friend insisted on staying with the vehicle and promptly instructed the tow-truck driver to remove his hand from the owners "handbag" which contained his wallet!!!) The victim speaks very little spanish.
At the clinic he was given a breathalizer (sp?) and then charged with impaired driving and taken to the local police station and put in a cell. I can guarantee you that this man had not had a drink in more than 12 hours.
At the police station numerous well known TS residents (Mexican and gringo) came to try and assist. A lawyer was hired.
This ordeal cost this man $1200 (US)!!(aprox, $900 to the police dept) The police dept. wanted that amount to ensure that the accident report would not contain any mention of "impaired driving". They were told by most people who saw the vehicle that it was probably a write off.
The vitim of this accident and his wife are active community residents who are hugely supportive of the Mexican community. They are currently sending one of their Mexican workers to english school and have done this with others. It has totally shaken them to the core. Their family are concerned about their safety. Who would not??
It is such a foreign concept to us that the one dept that is supposed to be there to protect us would take advange of a sick man... One of our local neighbors said..."it is a double sided sword. Sometimes it is to our advantage, other times it is not"

vandenberg - 11-11-2007 at 08:22 PM

Not to sound callous, but, welcome to Mexico.:(


[Edited on 11-12-2007 by vandenberg]

Pescador - 11-12-2007 at 06:47 AM

And what exactly did the attorney do? Did he deal with the issue at all or just took the fee and let it slide?

Marie-Rose - 11-12-2007 at 07:02 AM

He(the lawyer) negotiated his release from jail as they wanted to hold him 48 hrs. He also negotiated the initial "fine" which was less than what they initially wanted. The rest of the fine was paid to have the vehicle released and get the accident report.

DENNIS - 11-12-2007 at 07:14 AM

Actually, the police down there must be relativly well behaved if this concept, police as predator, is just now becoming a reality to you folks. We don't grow up with this nonsense and until it becomes personal, many will refuse to believe that this is the way it is. Sadly, it's part of the system. The trumped up BS drinking charge only showed lack of imagination on the part of the police. They could have claimed damage to the power poll or whatever and few would have said anything. I hope they arn't just saving that for later.
I'm sorry for the man. I hope he's OK. This is a heck of a way to learn of the nasty realities of Mexico. Believe me, he has been initiated into a very large club.

805gregg - 11-12-2007 at 08:01 AM

I think the message to protect and serve is missing from their cars. Maybe it should say to arrest and rip off.

DENNIS - 11-12-2007 at 08:46 AM

The city police cars in Ensenada do have that slogan. The question is....Who are they protecting and serving?

Paulina - 11-12-2007 at 10:32 AM

I too was wondering why they didn't charge him for the power pole.

vandenberg - 11-12-2007 at 10:51 AM

Originally posted by Paulina
I too was wondering why they didn't charge him for the power pole.

$ 1700.00 for a powerpole about 6 years ago.:(
Speaking from experience.:biggrin:

DENNIS - 11-12-2007 at 12:22 PM

That has to be a good story. Did you try to drive through one of them, Ed?

rob - 11-12-2007 at 02:57 PM

I don't want to minimize Marie-Rose's serious theme, but Vandenberg's powerpole at $1700 can be easily matched by my Guerrero Negro power line at $50MN . . . Shari saved my leathery hide.

Al G - 11-12-2007 at 03:08 PM

Originally posted by rob
I don't want to minimize Marie-Rose's serious theme, but Vandenberg's powerpole at $1700 can be easily matched by my Guerrero Negro power line at $50MN . . . Shari saved my leathery hide.

Tell us the story....

vandenberg - 11-12-2007 at 03:31 PM

Originally posted by DENNIS
That has to be a good story. Did you try to drive through one of them, Ed?

With a landcruiser. Cut it in 3 pieces and 17000 volt wire was hanging 2 ft above the vehicle. And it was dark. But I'm still here without any fry marks I might add.:P:biggrin:


rob - 11-13-2007 at 10:31 AM

Originally posted 1-5-2007 . . . please excuse style.

"I had to tell you this . . Feb 1999, Guerrero Negro, Main St, 9.30am. I was heading out of town with my F350/Lance camper - BANG! Pulled down a low overhead power cable - police/irate shopkeeper/helpless gringo BUT remembered Vagabundos insurance!!!

Arrived in minutes/charming adjuster/efficient/smiles fade all around after some rapid Spanish . . . .

Seguros Noroeste (the VAG insurance carrier) was put out of business the day before for failing to meet asset/reserve regulations. Had to pay out of pocket to stay out of jail . . . ticked off . .

Even more ticked off two months later in VAG office in Rio Vista when found they were STILL selling Noroeste policies . . . "

This was the first time I met Shari de Asuncion, who translated at the police station and, I am in no doubt, saved me from a far worse fate than a $50MN fine.

vandenberg - 11-13-2007 at 11:26 AM

A $ 50 MN fine.:?::?:
Lost you somewhere.:(:(

Just me.:?::?::biggrin: Maybe another currency That I don't know about.:?::?::biggrin:

[Edited on 11-13-2007 by vandenberg]

rob - 11-13-2007 at 04:05 PM

My apologies for confusion, I was just recounting something at the other end of the financial scale.

In Shari's absence, the story could have been as expensive as yours!

CaboRon - 11-14-2007 at 10:39 AM

Five years ago, in Sausalito CA... one of my best friends suffered a stroke while driving...... had a minor accident and was promptly taken to jail and thrown in the drunk tank... he died there that night.

I wouldn´t want this insensitive treatment by Amerikan polizi given to anyone.... so you see, this doesn't just happen in third world countries, but in what is supposed to be a modern society.

I wish your friend the best and thank god he survived his ordeal....who cares about the price of the power pole.


vandenberg - 11-14-2007 at 11:21 AM


who cares about the price of the power pole.

Definitely an issue if that's all you've got.:(:(

DENNIS - 11-14-2007 at 12:13 PM

Originally posted by vandenberg
Definitely an issue if that's all you've got.:(:(

Not to worry. God will provide.

Hook - 11-14-2007 at 01:41 PM

Originally posted by vandenberg
Originally posted by Paulina
I too was wondering why they didn't charge him for the power pole.

$ 1700.00 for a powerpole about 6 years ago.:(
Speaking from experience.:biggrin:

Who'd you pay the 1700.00 to, Vandy? The police?

Somehow, I dont think any of it made it's way to the utility company. :lol:

Oh yeah.........Rob, I drive an F350 with a Lance. Has it been raised in Asuncion.