
kidnapping attempt at Soriana La Paz

gnukid - 11-12-2007 at 11:16 AM

This was reported on TV Azteca Sunday

A norte americano shopper was lured toward a vehicle with the idea of purchasing clothes at discounted prices, while near the vehicle a attmpeted kidnapping occurred but the potential victim was able to free themselves and report it to the vigelancia and police.

I don't know of any reports in the paper but I'll look.

Don't engage anyone iyou don't know n the parking lot or inside, if someone calls out to you that you don't know ignore them and keep moving to the store security. Inside the store there also "large families" using the old scam of surrounding you and holding a baby out and trying to engage you while they try to grab your wallet. It happened to me unfortunately.

So fun down here.

fdt - 11-12-2007 at 12:25 PM

This is now an urban legend of Baja California Sur, I have received this info several times, here is an email from October, were the same thing is said to be happening at major parking lots like Bancomer, Soriana, Home Depot, etc., this is an italian guy selling Armani suits :

Subject: FW: en baja california hay peligro leanlo por favor es importante>>date: Tue, 16 Oct 2007 13:40:10 -0600>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Les mando información de varios correos sobre personas que han tenido el>>mismo evento en comun... solo tengan cuidado>>SALU2>>>>Samuel Jafhet León Martínez>>P u b l ic i d a d Cel, 612 12 7 04 52 A quien:>>corresponda:>>>>Mi nombre es Oscar Cabrera, soy publicista del periódico El Sudcaliforniano>>en La Paz, Baja California Sur y les adjunto estos correos para que tengan>>conocimiento de estos posibles hechos.>>Además, particularmente a mi me paso lo siguiente:>>Al llegar al estacionamiento de Bancomer un Jetta blanco se paro atrás de>>mi carro y un hombre de 30 años mas o menos, blanco, pelo negro con cara>>triangular y hablando medio español y medio italiano, diciendo que era>>italiano y que se habia quedado sin dinero despues de hacer un desfile de>>modas en Costa Baja y se queria regresar a su país, me ofreció ropa de la>>marca Armani (trajes, sacos, chamarras) a un precio de $15,000.00.>>Me invito a subir a su carro para mostrarme la ropa pero al modo>>desconfiando desde afuera del carro la vi y como no me interesó se enojo y>>como dicen en alguno de los>>correos adjuntos, ni siquiera dijo gracias y ni se despidio.>>Espero puedan investigar algo al respecto.>>>>Por su atención gracias.>>>>Oscar Cabrera>>>>--------------------------->>3 correos>>>>>>>>>>>>>>PRIMERO>>El Primero fue de un Amigo llamado Bethoven no anexo el mail que el mando>>por que lo lei pero no le di mucha importancia, pero decia mas o menos asi>>Al parecer irrumperon en su casa y secuestraron a su hermano 2 tipos en una>>camioneta sin placas y polarizada lo golpearon y despues de horas lo>>regresaron claro antes robando su dinero, le pedire me re-envie ese mail>>para hacercelos llegar.>>>>>>SEGUNDO>>Amigos hace 15 dias regresando de la Paz a>>Cabo me detuve por gasolina en la>>gas que esta cerca de Marina de la paz y en eso llego un carro marca VW>>Bora>>y se me quedo viendo un guey y como a mi no me gusta que me miren me le>>quede mirando con cara de que me ves guey, pero el me sonrio y me pregunto>>si hablaba italiano y le dije que no, entonces llego un Jetta blanco ,>>tambien el Bora era blanco y los 2 con placas de renta entonces se>>saludaron>>cruzaron palabras en italiano( cabe mencionar que los 2 venian bien>>vestidos>>y el guey me dijo que era Modelo por lo cual mas mal me cayo, incluso el>>que>>venia llegando traia corbata, en fin este guey se me acerca y me dice que>>venia de una exhibicion y presentacion de Armani y que le habian sobrado>>unas prendas y que si no me interesaban, le conteste que la verdad no y me>>dijo que me bajara por que las traia en su cajuela, pero como yo soy bien>>>>desconfiado y mas con ese tipo de cosas no me baje, entonces el guey>>haciendo muecas se fue hacia su carro y bajo 3 piezas, eran 2 sueteres y un>>traje venian en bolsa de Armani y la verdad estaban bonitos, pero le dije>>al>>que no me interesaba pór que con el maldito calor quien se quiere poner un>>traje, por cierto el guey ya habia subido las cosas en mi carro del lado>>del>>copiloto , pero nunca le abri la puerta, todo fue por la ventana,>>finalmente>>el guey ya medio molesto se fue sin decir gracias ni nada y se me quedo>>viendo con cara de pocos amigos ( y yo dentro de mi me dije, mejor ni la>>hagas de jamon Muchacho Galan Wanna be, en ese momento me percate que habia>>otro jetta esperandolos pero del otro lado de la calle, en fin ya no le>>puse>>mucha atencion y agarre camino hacia Cabo y me di cuenta antes de llegar a>>Todos Santos que>>los 3 carros venian atras de mi, y pense: ahi vienen otra>>vez los modelitos!!! en cuanto entre a a TS y como me venia muriendo de>>hambre me pare a comer un taco en Los barajas y los vi pasar manejando>>rapidisimo como echando carreritas, en cuanto llegue a Cabo le conte a mi>>novia Amber y le dije que se me hacia muy raro la actitud de estos gueyes y>>que me habian dado muy mala espina, ahorita me llamo ella de Cabo y me dice>>que a una amiga de su hermana le quisieron hacer lo mismo y a alguien mas>>si>>la secuestraron y robaron, y ahora me llega este mail que ahora les reenvio>>a todos. Ya reporte esto con las autoridades de la paz y lo voy a hacer>>en>>Cabo tambien, espero que ustedes reenviando este mail me pueden y se pueden>>ayudar. Gracias Seth Vazquez>>>>>>>>TERCERO>>AGUAS.. CON ESTA GENTE. este correo me lo paso una>>amiga que trabaja en el Pueblo Bonito. Mas vale>>prevenir... AGUAS!!!>>>>Esto le paso en el Home Depot de CABO...!!!>>>>Chicas!....el martes me platico mi hermana (Alicia,>>algunas la conocen) que en el estacionamiento del>>Home Depot se le acerco una persona (un italiano)>>cuando ella iba subiendose a su carro, le dijo que>>no hablaba bien español, era modelo en italia, que>>andaba vendiendo ropa armani porque se queria>>regresar a su pais y le dijo un cuento chino de>>familia enferma etc...y que si queria ver la>>ropa,>>que la tenia en su carro...pero mi hermana le dijo>>que no. El caso es que anoche platicando mi hermana>>con unas amigas, ellas le comentaron que ya andan>>los secuestros expres aqui en Cabo! y que una de las>>bandas trae muchachos bien parecidos usando ese>>gancho de la venta de ropa de marca!!....ofrecen>>mostrar la ropa y cuando las mujeres se acercan a>>sus carros las forzan a entrar y se las>>llevan....tengan mucho cuidado con las personas se>>que se les acercan muchachas....y comentenlo con sus>>amigas/conocidas....hay que protegernos lo mas que>>podamos...!!>>>>Saludos!>>>>Enviado por Robin hermana de Ambar>>>>Por favor y por el bien de todos distriyan esta informacion y>>quien este en>>cpacidad de hacer algo hagalo.>>>>>>Gracias>>>>>>

toneart - 11-12-2007 at 12:36 PM

The highlights of all my experiences in Mexico have been my interaction with the people. Mostly all were positive. It really takes the fun out of it for me if I cannot continue these activities. Even though there have always been crimes of opportunity, it seems that the times have escalated them. I think drugs play a big role in the frequency, intensity and often violence that is happening now.

Gnu Kid's advice regarding parking lots should be incorporated into our vigilance.

I practice awareness, try to use common sense and make quick reality checks using my intuition. Then, when peril is not evident, I can trust....and the rewards are immense. :yes:

gnukid - 11-12-2007 at 01:06 PM

FDT I am sure you are right these are urban legends, only that they are true legends. I have personal experience. La Paz is full of robbers at Soriana and everywhere. When you let your guard down and are having fun and you look like a target, e.g. gringo with loaded trucks, you will get hit at soriana and around town. I lived next to Soriana for a long time and I saw it every day. The vigilante calls in the robbers who are assisted by cops, like well oiled machine.

these aren't tough guy robbers, they are old people and young people, all types of teams looking for some money since they have none and no job.

When I got taken out by a family there, it was the grandfather who actually just grabbed my wallet from me with the entire family pressing against me. It didn't help that I witnessed the crime or that security was near and I was in the teller line, he didn't even have to run it was impossible to get my wallet back from the family once they had it. Thankfully it was simple I called and canceled my atm cards immediately and the staff was nice and gave me many discounts for the next year which made up for the loss and made me feel guilty for indulging their kindness.

Another time I found my car boxed in by a super old trashed vehicle and two old people inside began to yell rapier rapier, rape I guess, they said I crashed into them and tried to rape the wife, all while I was in Soriana for a quick stop for a birthday cake for myself. Haha what fun that was with the accompanying police and many M16 guns at my head and chest and the threats they would burn me and no one would know haha and being handcuffed taken to jail and finally when I never folded and said you will lose and never gave in they set me free, estas libre senior. Hahaha sure was funny when my girlfriend never believed my excuse for being gone for more than a hour. hahaha the fun wont stop. wahoooo

Just watch out, if you are in La Paz its crazy now and the municipal police have no intention of helping out as they are involved in most crimes as well. They come to my house to sell me stolen goods once a week and I always say no, then they say "pues entonces presta me cinquenta y voy a dar te el dinero la semana proxima", hahaha. Just so you know, I have night vision cameras and recording devices, my new show "chicos malitos" should be coming out soon.

Mango - 11-12-2007 at 01:58 PM

The Mexican hand signal for "no thanks" works well when approched by people soliciting unwanted services, etc..

Pretty much just hold up your hand like you are going to swat at a fly backhanded and walk away.

Some people have a hard time figuring out when they are about to enter a bad situation. Sometimes it just springs up on you. The best thing to do is just to remove yourself from it; even if you have to walk away from your car, etc, and come back later. Go find a person of authority, store owner, worker, traffic cop, etc..

Throughout years of traveling all over Mexico I have only had people try to pick my pocket twice. I felt their hand trying to grab my wallet, or in my pocket. Both times I turned at them, gave them a mean stare, and made a fist as if I was about to break their face. They said nothing and walked away quickly. I've had people try to con me or swindle me numerous times.

It happens to tourists all over the world, not just Mexico. Just being aware and willing to use your right to personal defense if needed will send the vibe to 99% of thieves and thugs. Just don't be easy pickings. Act like you know what you are doing even if you don't, keep your head out of the clouds, and pay attention to your surroundings.

I met a British traveler that spent much time in India. He told me about the "5 levels of No" needed to keep beggars, peddlers, pick-pockets, con-men at bay...

1. No thank you.
2. No
3. No!
4. No!, I said No! Leave me alone!
5. NO!!!! ,and if I have to say it again I will kick your a**!

He told me he has never had to goto level 6. I have only made it to level 4 a few times and level 5 once.

[Edited on 11-12-2007 by Mango]

mtgoat666 - 11-12-2007 at 02:41 PM

Originally posted by gnukid

Just so you know, I have night vision cameras and recording devices, my new show "chicos malitos" should be coming out soon.

you're funny. you always got the looniest stories. and you seem to attract trouble like i attract dingo dog lovers and neocons.

gnukid - 11-12-2007 at 02:50 PM

Thanks, uh I guess... I think it might be difficult for people outside of La Paz to understand what its like, for real. There is nothing so pleasant as not not understanding what's happening around you, the beautiful girl that you don't understand, a pleasant interaction with neighbors, all the nuances of various dialects throughout Baja. But after some time, you get to know the truth and its a little unpleasant at times and scary but it certainly is Baja. Disfruitarla por que ella va a cambiar rapidio para algo peora. sniff. Pero si, mi vida no esta super mal, las ninas de la preportoria llegan mi casa para saludarme, Que bueno mas problemos voy a encuentrar. Hoy tenemos viento para velar.

comitan - 11-12-2007 at 03:58 PM


I have lived in La Paz for 13 years, and shop Soriana all the time, along with CCC, and all around town, I just do not understand your posts, they certainly are not from the La Paz I know. I have never been robbed, pickpocked, and only 1 ticket that I deserved.

fdt - 11-12-2007 at 04:18 PM

Oh my gosh comitan, you probably don't believe in El Mechudo either :lol:

Legend of El Mechudo

bajaretreat - 11-12-2007 at 05:32 PM

For those who will need to look it's a shortcut...

bajalera - 11-12-2007 at 06:09 PM

I believe the Mechudo legend, of course. But I'm still looking for one of those giant clams.

fdt - 11-12-2007 at 06:53 PM

I think you would find the Coromuel treasure before a giant pearl from the hand of El Mechudo.

gnukid - 11-12-2007 at 10:13 PM

I know that its probably necessary to blame the messenger or the victim to increase ones sense of security. I totally understand. I also respect your needs for your own feelings about where you live. I love my neighborhood and my friends. When I report to you what is in the news today on TV Azteca and my personal experience, its only to share my own sense of uncertainty and fear. The policia ministerial were in my neighborhood tonight to ask for witnesses to a crime, a common robber has accosted almost everyone here in el manglito. And of many witnesses there were a few who would actually testify. Los testigos son viejitos sin miedo de jovenes malitos. Do you hear me, comitan, they would testify that they saw the robber "el chino" robbing the houses of each neighbor when they left. They were willing to testify while in fear to support each other. It's not easy to do, not at all. It takes courage to speak up and those who do experience great fear but its possible things will improve with the cooperation of the neighborhood to put pressure on corruption.

I am sorry if the reports bother you. They bother me a lot. I am writing in part because not only it is my experience and that of others, but I believe the narrative is worthy of publication since it isn't reported elsewhere, we are trying to work together to clean up even one robber with basic techniques, we report, we gather evidence, we agree to testify and hopefully we will rid the town of even one robber.

If any of you don't support that, I totally understand, but please dont let your own fears act as fodder for discouraging those brave people of la paz who are fighting the fight against corruption and criminals.

I agree there is fun to be had on the ocean and with friends and I appreciate that greatly. Tonight we recorded songs with many young singers in my neighborhood for a disc we hope to to sell, but at the same time we are fighting to feel secure and any action we take makes us feel better.

JESSE - 11-12-2007 at 11:25 PM

Me and my Chef have been shopping daily at Soriana and City club for 1 year, and i have never seen or heard anything bad going on. This is an urban leyend, nothing more.

Cervisin - 11-13-2007 at 06:45 AM

Originally posted by comitan

I have lived in La Paz for 13 years, and shop Soriana all the time, along with CCC, and all around town, I just do not understand your posts, they certainly are not from the La Paz I know. I have never been robbed, pickpocked, and only 1 ticket that I deserved.

I got to second Comitan. 7 1/2 y. Baja - 6 y. in La Paz and got one truck battery stolen and that was 80% my fault.

I got #%&*@ed royal in CSL without be kissed first several times so I watch only out when I have to go there, count my fingers after I shake hands and keep in mind what a old bajaexpert told me: Cabo, a sunny place for lot's of shady people. How right he was. And 80% of the crooks been not Mexican. Unfortunately I observe that type of people starts now to migrate also to La Paz...... :barf: I guess thats part of the developments..... roflmao

Hey all, 6:37 am...... the Baja 1000 just started....

BMG - 11-13-2007 at 07:06 AM

Originally posted by gnukid
The policia ministerial were in my neighborhood tonight to ask for witnesses to a crime, a common robber has accosted almost everyone here in el manglito. And of many witnesses there were a few who would actually testify. Los testigos son viejitos sin miedo de jovenes malitos. Do you hear me, comitan, they would testify that they saw the robber "el chino" robbing the houses of each neighbor when they left. They were willing to testify while in fear to support each other. It's not easy to do, not at all. It takes courage to speak up and those who do experience great fear but its possible things will improve with the cooperation of the neighborhood to put pressure on corruption.

What happened with 'El Chino'? Is he still on the streets in your neighborhood?

Iflyfish - 11-13-2007 at 07:06 AM

Gnukid and I had a long dialogue about an article he posted on a major drug bust in Baja. He was optomistic about this, me, not so.... My point is that not all that Gnukid has posted has not been negative or alarmist. It is possible that he lives in a bad neighborhood, as opposed to Comitan who lives in a very nice home in a very safe neighborhood. He may be closer to the action than others who have posted.

It is always wise to exercise caution while traveling and to be informed of scams or dangerous places or activities. I would not want people to be discouraged from sharing their experiences or observations.

I too shopped at Soriana without molestation, however this does not discount that there are scam artists working there.

In our three months in the Baja last winter we encountered no mordida or criminal activity directed at us, this does not however discount the fact that criminal activity exists or that we should at all times be vigilant against it.


gnukid - 11-13-2007 at 08:02 AM

Well, we are trying to come together in our neighborhood, it is a very nice neighborhood with a few bad people. We have put demandas in place for "el chino" the main robber and we have submitted reports to the ministerial municipal, the testigos are adding up. But it is my impression that the the ministerial police are not going to do anything and apparently they are protecting him, for some reason. Last night the police came to ask who would testifiy against "chino", because they are required to do so after so many demandas and the anunscio or report. They were clearly drunk but I didn't hold that against them. I didn't want to put any pressure on anyone or even pay too much attention. But I pointed the police to the homes of people who said they would testify. Some time later the police came back and said they would not testify. I said, si claro, I am sure they will they are waiting for you, lets go back and when we went back each person was pleased to testify at length and in detail that they saw "chino" in broad daylight on specific dates naming the items etc... robbing the neighbors when they leave. So the police were forced to take their reports and names, reluctantly, in a black book they scrawled a few scribbled sentences, which was clearly difficult for them. Even writing someones name was seemingly impossible, v or b? y or j, otro ves, is that your name ok what's your nickname? Then, what's your parents name to a man of 75? The police said, well then can you come to the ministerial tomorrow another time to make another report to man in a wheel chair which they agreed to do? Afterwards they walked outside and at the moment "chino" drove by to his house, (in a new car odd for guy with no job or even doors or windows) and everyone said there he is please take a statement. But the police said oh we can't enter his house. And we replied but he is outside and right here. The police said well lets wait to another day. So you can see, the policia ministerial are reluctant to go after a known criminal, meaning after being a part of many communities I can see it is difficult to take the most basic action like we normally would in the states. There is no process. I would add that they hinted that if I give them 1000 pesos they might be willing to talk to him and they could sell me some things back maybe, but I brushed that off and said I don't have any money. That the thing is the neighbors need protection from "Chino' not stuff.

So, all in all, these efforts seem to have little effect except to put subtile pressure on the bad people, which in the end might be significant. The entire neighborhood signed a document asking the city to remove "Chino", many people have placed "demandas" on him and there are officially reported crimes and witnesses but none of that will cause the police to take him in or make him leave the land he squats in our neighborhood.

Obviously this is all a bit boring to most of you I am sure. I, too, am more interested in the peace and quiet, the wind speed, fishing and whats working, going camping and off roading today to participate in the baja mil and living my life in mexico, enjoying myself. These reports are not to discourage any of you from enjoying yourself, only to remind myself of the history, and encourage you to be vigilant and aware, stand up for yourself and never give in to demands to pay for nothing or to submit to crimes.

I, too, was someone who had experienced very little crime in my life, though I am very aware and observant perhaps that why I am shocked when I see the same robbers be they police, drug addicts or even gas station attendants who try the same scam over and over every day, perhaps thats why I am reporting to you that life can be surprising and frustrating. But that doesn't mean you shouldn't go outside or you shouldn't engage people. Only that you should be aware, keep your valuables stored away where they are difficult to find and never show any fear when you are engaged by bad people because bad people will always back down.

Mango - 11-13-2007 at 10:21 AM

It's good to see you working to get something done about, "el Chino" It can be tough especially when in a forgien country to get things done leagaly, when the laws and procedures are different and often inadequate.

It is good to form a "neighborhood watch" and group with your community for the common good. Mi novias 95 year old grandfather was beaten and robbed on the street near DF a few years back. The police didn't catch the guy; but, a week later about 30 guys from the neighborhood did when he tried to rob another elderly person.

Unfortunately the police showed up in time to save the crook from the mob; but, not before he was beaten very badly. Now the crook has about 58 more years left in prison to nurse his wounds. :D

gnukid - 11-13-2007 at 01:59 PM

Today, the police arrived en masse and with everyones help they chased him down, I believe he got away I think for the moment hiding inside his mothers home but at least he is on the run. At the same time two full size mercedes unimogs -german tourists pulled on from one end of the block and the police on the other, sorta like keystone cops, at least the neighbors believe it was the military. hahaha It made big impression and I have big faith in the police and neighbors for working together. We just need to be a little more aggressive about the part where we catch the guy.

gibson - 11-13-2007 at 05:50 PM

Originally posted by JESSE
Me and my Chef have been shopping daily at Soriana and City club for 1 year, and i have never seen or heard anything bad going on. This is an urban leyend, nothing more.

"si compa". those of us wind-chasers familiar with gnukid (Pablo) are fully aware (and very often fully entertained!!) with the 'embellishment' of his stories :lol::lol:
(don't go changin' Pablitooo!!)

Hook - 11-13-2007 at 05:57 PM

Either this is all true or Gnukid has a fantastic talent for storytelling. He should become a Hollywood scab, right about now.

I am betting on the former.

But I expect that there is a profile that the Soriana perps try to prey on and some of you that frequent the place just dont fit the profile.

His description of the bumbling investigators is pure Keystone.

This is ANYTHING but boring, gnukid.

gnukid - 11-13-2007 at 06:55 PM

As I leave for the big celebration party, I extend to you all a cheer that all is possible, todos juntos para todos. And I know that lil' giby (Gibson) and the great Hook and all have our thoughts in their hearts. We are celebrating the action which began with a trip to the Ministerio with two women and each of the their 5 children, making 13 people in my car to visit and initiate a report which took more than 6 hours to complete, with ten kids in tow. Followed by repeated trips with people to testify, which included many older people including those in wheel chairs which I carried up the two flights of stairs of the Ministerio which has no elevator, happily.

Things are not easy to accomplish or to understand here, but efforts do not go unrecognized, that is if you want to be recognized.

I can only laugh at myself, as I was smart enough to keep each officers number I encountered as you should to. As Chino passed down the street to one direction and the police the other, repeatedly, I called and pointed out his locations and encouraged them. Now they call me, cero cero siete. A little pressure goes a long way.

Here are the few photos I took because I know you love to see the action.

BMG - 11-14-2007 at 07:35 AM

gnukid - I'm confused. If you were pointing 'El Chino' out to the police as he walked down the street, how did he escape the dragnet? Has he been apprehended yet?

vandenberg - 11-14-2007 at 08:36 AM


The entire neighborhood signed a document asking the city to remove "Chino", many people have placed "demandas" on him and there are officially reported crimes and witnesses but none of that will cause the police to take him in or make him leave the land he squats in our neighborhood.


This sounds like a situation were a little " strongarm " tactic is warranted.:P
Get a few pesos together and do a hire in Tijuana.:biggrin:
Lots of takers there to clear this up for you for a price.:biggrin:
Make sure to post pictures.:lol::lol:

vandenberg - 11-14-2007 at 08:39 AM

And I forgot to mention that you're the most entertaining read on this board as of late.


capitolkat - 11-14-2007 at 09:09 AM

Throughout my career I've been fortunate to have - what I refer to as gut feelings and I listen to them. One situation comes up again and again - which I call JDLR- (Just Doesn't Look Right.) In this story the JDLR feeling comes up repeatedly- I put this together with the previous story of the neighborhood criminal- which also triggered the JDLR feeling. There may be parts which are unassailable- and parts that just dont' make sense- like how does a guy hide in a house that everyone knows about, or get away from the phalanx of cops and neighbors, or just be the neighborhood bad guy for an extended period and nobody does anything.

And when the hoax of robberies in the Soriana lot are exposed as a hoax- the response of OK it's a hoax the TV station perpetrated but nonetheless here's all the problems I've had in the same lot. Like others I've been there hundreds of times through the years and never had an issue, never seen a suspicious activity, never had my car blocked in, never had anyone try to lure me or my wife anywhere- so JDLR comes into play.:wow:

Maybe the old newspaper cartoon character fromLil' Abner is appropriate- Joe Blifstic. Joe walked his way through the cartoon strip with a cloud and rain over his head througout the years- nobody else had the cloud or rain but his life was charmed in that way. Maybe that's what we have here.:o

I have a good friend who is an investigative reporter here. I like to say he's the kind of guy who when his mother says she loves him, he looks for a second confirming source. He says his character is one that becomes indignant " over card tricks in story telling." I suggest we all have that innate ear about "card tricks in storytelling' and it's up to you to listen or not.:smug:

gnukid - 11-14-2007 at 11:20 AM

Here the thing that is confusing to us, if a bad guy runs into a house, any house, the police can't enter the house without a written permission from the owner. Since everyone is a cousin, uncle or brother they are reluctant to give permission even though they want to. Even if they have a warrant for his arrest and perhaps have a warrant to enter the perps house the police dont have permission to enter other homes. So all he has to do is jump a fence and he is in the clear. Unless the cops break the rules and they can under threat of danger for example if he has a gun or I don't know, perhaps convicted of severe crimes. So even now, Chino is playing baseball in the street and when the cops come he steps inside. The cops go to the door, por favor, se encuentre senior Chino? Pardon, hola, senior. Quite funny. If he doesn't answer they leave. So today, they just drove by and they have a report about 100 pages long and photos of him and everything but they are going to put on costumes like fisherman and a coche particular, undercover and hopefully nab him when he is tired. Very confusing. But eventually it will go down. I spoke to a pretty high up judge yesterday, at a bar. And he explained many things. In reality, basically the victim should expect to pay for service, such as you pay to have him caught by undercover cops, then you pay to have him beat up to the degree you desire and then you pay for the number of years you want him locked up. You pay to get your stuff back too. I haven't paid. I asked the cops if I needed to pay them and they said no we're past that point. I did all the work now they can do their part. Its all set we just need to catch him outside the house and we will. Boy thats a lot of work. My best chance is to engage him in a fight while the cops are hiding then I will have a right to hold him down. Kinda sucks especially if the perp can run fast.

vandenberg - 11-14-2007 at 11:55 AM be continued......

I hope, very entertaining.:biggrin:

vandenberg - 11-14-2007 at 11:58 AM

Kinda sucks especially if the perp can run fast.

Or if he's tougher then you are.:lol::lol::lol:

Bajajack - 11-14-2007 at 11:59 AM

Originally posted by gnukid
Here the thing that is confusing to us, if a bad guy runs into a house, any house, the police can't enter the house without a written permission from the owner. Since everyone is a cousin, uncle or brother they are reluctant to give permission even though they want to. Even if they have a warrant for his arrest and perhaps have a warrant to enter the perps house the police dont have permission to enter other homes. So all he has to do is jump a fence and he is in the clear. Unless the cops break the rules and they can under threat of danger for example if he has a gun or I don't know, perhaps convicted of severe crimes. So even now, Chino is playing baseball in the street and when the cops come he steps inside. The cops go to the door, por favor, se encuentre senior Chino? Pardon, hola, senior. Quite funny. If he doesn't answer they leave. So today, they just drove by and they have a report about 100 pages long and photos of him and everything but they are going to put on costumes like fisherman and a coche particular, undercover and hopefully nab him when he is tired. Very confusing. But eventually it will go down. I spoke to a pretty high up judge yesterday, at a bar. And he explained many things. In reality, basically the victim should expect to pay for service, such as you pay to have him caught by undercover cops, then you pay to have him beat up to the degree you desire and then you pay for the number of years you want him locked up. You pay to get your stuff back too. I haven't paid. I asked the cops if I needed to pay them and they said no we're past that point. I did all the work now they can do their part. Its all set we just need to catch him outside the house and we will. Boy thats a lot of work. My best chance is to engage him in a fight while the cops are hiding then I will have a right to hold him down. Kinda sucks especially if the perp can run fast.
Good luck Gnukid, it sound's like he's related to somebody higher up in the food chain.

I've never seen any cop, State or Federale bother with asking permission or a warrant if they really wanted to get someone.


gibson - 11-14-2007 at 12:22 PM

Originally posted by vandenberg
And I forgot to mention that you're the most entertaining read on this board as of late.

wait til you're sucking a few beers with gnukid 'round a campfire!!
(no malicious intent here Pablo ... but your verbal diarrhoea is legendary. best of luck with your impending wrestling match with chino and the huge congratulatory party with the WHOLE neighbourhood to follow!) :lol:

rob - 11-14-2007 at 02:27 PM

Gnukid has a the perfect attitude for fighting the unbeatable foe . . . I was just getting comfortable and putting evrything into perspective (nothing's perfect, there crime everywhere), when I received the following from friends who are flying down for a visit this weekend - they decided to walk across the border and fly from TJ . .

Mango - 11-14-2007 at 03:55 PM

Gnukid, I am proud of you. It sounds like you are doing everything in your power to deal with this issue in a peaceful and lawful way.

I wish you luck.

If it comes down to a wrestling match, throw some sand in his eyes! ;) Fingers work too. That should keep him from finding his front door too quickly. :lol:

gnukid - 11-14-2007 at 11:22 PM

My buddys gave me lots of devices, heavy stun guns, korean knifes, chinese knifes, if someone wants to play I feel sorry for them them cause I'm loaded, but really its for show not for use. The city has systems which work, and now I realize the police said today, we are giving him a chance to leave la paz, ver, que el va a salir pues. A ver si me pushi.

JESSE - 11-15-2007 at 03:30 AM

This is one of the weirdest Thread's i have ever seen here:lol:

[Edited on 11-15-2007 by JESSE]

Amen brother Jesse

capitolkat - 11-15-2007 at 07:32 AM


Paula - 11-15-2007 at 08:08 AM

Originally posted by gnukid
My buddys gave me lots of devices, heavy stun guns, korean knifes, chinese knifes, if someone wants to play I feel sorry for them them cause I'm loaded, but really its for show not for use. The city has systems which work, and now I realize the police said today, we are giving him a chance to leave la paz, ver, que el va a salir pues. A ver si me pushi.

Egads!!!! I hope he doesn't come to Loreto:wow::wow::wow:

vandenberg - 11-15-2007 at 08:14 AM

if someone wants to play I feel sorry for them them cause I'm loaded


Don Alley - 11-15-2007 at 12:43 PM

Originally posted by JESSE
This is one of the weirdest Thread's i have ever seen here:lol:

[Edited on 11-15-2007 by JESSE]

Yeah, until a few minutes ago I read one about commandos stealing bodies from the helicopter crash.:O

fdt - 11-15-2007 at 01:08 PM

I'm sure the heavily armed gnukid comando is out to get El Chino.

gnukid - 11-15-2007 at 02:53 PM

As I walk the barrio, hoping I don't accidently taser myself or cut myself on my chinese pocket knifes, Chino is playing with nun-chuk sticks in the street trying to scare the neighbors. I try to ignore him and surprisingly it works. I am friends with many street dogs, I like them and they like me, my favorite is Loba la bonita. She is the most beautiful dog with perfect shiny black hair, she only eats fish and shrimp. She wont touch dog food. She also has two extra nails, like seven toes which gives her an advatage in fights and she wins every fight somehow escaping without injury. Shes smart. They can sense something in people and now the dogs are after Chino, growling and yapping while he throws rocks at them. Fun game for them I guess. Its a little funny. I asked my friend el Toro what can I do to put more pressure on the problem. Toro is the head of the barrio and this problem happened when he left for ranch job but now he is back. And he advised me that everyone has a right to an abogado and receive free advice to solve legal problems, I just need to go to Poder Judicial de la Federacion which happens to be the large grey building in my neighborhood that I previoulsy never visited.

Feeling a little frustrated I decide to go enter the grand gates and pass the security to ask for help. I entered and was immediately met by two beautiful women in uniforms at the gate. I signed in and was led to the 2nd floor where I sat down to meet my legal representative, another beautiful woman. It only took a few moments to explain that I was not the defendant but victim, and that I was single and not married and thas where the fun began as I was introduced to the most beautiful women yet, the kind of women that causes you to forget what you're doing and well forget just about everything. We entered the data in a form which stated I asked for them to ask the City to apprehend the robber as they have been ordered to do. I took my request to the next office and was met by a Federal Judge who tried to explain that things take time and many people wait years for their demanda to be executed. I stayed calm and listened to his explanation that everything was perfect, the report is good and the demanda is in place etc... until suddenly the police called me, I took the call and the said they had some of the stolen items, if I could identify them, it would help the case. They said come to the station, later in the afternoon after lunch. Ecouraging...

The Judge then decided to add a couple orders to my list. He made three orders, with statements about the problem and recommended solutions and required actions. He stated the evidence was in place to require the cops to go get him and enter the building where Chino is living.

So, three more forms and signed documents enforcing the order. Mexico can make reams of paper reports faster than the silly US Gov can ever imagine. Now I feel a little rude for being pushy, the cops are gonna me my stuff probably in an attempt to placate me and I am going to deliver an order to require them to arrest Chino.

Sounds positive, I just hope I dont taser myself while I am fishing.

comitan - 11-15-2007 at 03:41 PM


I think you missed your calling you should have been a writer.:O:O:O

toneart - 11-15-2007 at 03:54 PM

Originally posted by comitan

I think you missed your calling you should have been a writer.:O:O:O

Nah! No money in it. I hear the still-warm organ donor business is very lucrative, though. Maybe El Chino would like to kick in.:rolleyes:

motoged - 11-15-2007 at 06:10 PM

Body was stolen from the mortuary and two
Ensenada police were killed trying to stop the thieves.
This had NOTHING to do with the helicopter crash in the Baja 1000.

Hose A,
So,,,what was it connected to??? I read in another link that a 15 car group w/ masked men retrieved a drug king pin's body from the Ensenada morgue and that he was killed in the 'copter crash....any accurate info available??


vandenberg - 11-15-2007 at 06:55 PM

Originally posted by motoged
Body was stolen from the mortuary and two
Ensenada police were killed trying to stop the thieves.
This had NOTHING to do with the helicopter crash in the Baja 1000.

Hose A,
So,,,what was it connected to??? I read in another link that a 15 car group w/ masked men retrieved a drug king pin's body from the Ensenada morgue and that he was killed in the 'copter crash....any accurate info available??


Get this off our Gnukid saga.:P
You're ruining this thread ans screwing up its continuity.:biggrin:

I have proof Loba La Bonita is not as tough as you claim

JESSE - 11-15-2007 at 07:15 PM

[Edited on 11-16-2007 by JESSE]

motoged - 11-15-2007 at 09:39 PM

Hey, Get this off our Gnukid saga.:P
You're ruining this thread ans screwing up its continuity.:biggrin:

No problem....I appreciate that some of the crabby old farts on the forum can only track one thread of violence at a time:lol:

The border fracas only held their attention for a short the story-telling their was pitiful:(

I want to see pics of the throwing stars vs nunchuks....police vs. posse vigilantes....gnukid doing the right thing....

My popcorn is ready;D

Didn't mean to jack the thread....just took the bait:saint:

gnukid - 11-15-2007 at 11:08 PM

First, you need to know that the fishing is very good off of La Paz. There are dorado, tuna, sierra, and snook and pargo biting and the water here in la paz is 81f and jumping. We have to leave at 5am to get 'em again and we have been making lures all night.

After I went to Poder Judicial de la Federacion, I went to the police station in el ministerio municipal en colosio en la paz, el senior Talamantes told me to come for the things el chino stole... there we began to play a game. I imagine most everyone is a little drunk by 6pm. I asked them what we needed to do to put more pressure on the demanda or put a orden de cateo del chino. As things progress a few things are more clear as I present orders, take videos, photos, reports, joke with them y vice versa etc... This is what I know now, el Chino, He is paying more than me and he is giving all my things to the police and the money $$$ rapido. They are going crazy to pay a lot to give him time. The police all point the finger at someone else but the trail is super clear, funny how robbers think they can confuse the issue easily but of course thet incrimenate themselves, y ya but it seems to be moving nevertheless, even with the great jokes and the big stories.

Its clear to everyone that a circle is ovbious, we have players, witnesses, items robbed and found, etc.. and the players are going to suffer, and its a trap for all involved (me included), now. I am sure that things will work themselves out but the players are moving reluctantly and will continue to do so. Tomorrow the main prosecutor is going to reinterview the neighbors obviously hoping to convince them not to testify, again. But they are going to testify en masse, again. Between you and me, I wont be here, we made some nice lures now, I will have a fish in tow probably at about 5:30am. I am 100% sure I can trade a tuna for my TV and DVD.

vivaloha - 11-15-2007 at 11:39 PM

Interesting stuff gnukid...Its funny how one
knucklehead can disrupt a pretty mellow area...
good luck turning this guy out...

Can't let this thread die yet!

BMG - 11-16-2007 at 05:18 PM

We still haven't finished the 'El Chino' saga. One minute he's the scourge of El Manglito, robbing and accosting all his neighbors and being protected by the corrupt, drunken police acting as his fence. Finally the police send out a sizable force to surround and capture the squatting burglar only to be foiled when he hides under his mommy's bed. Then we hear about the plan to engage the criminal in a martial arts battle while undercover cops lurk to nab him. Now we learn that instead of unleashing the neighborhood fighting mutts on him, it's time to throw all the heroic efforts away and go fishing!

BTW - did you catch anything?

vandenberg - 11-16-2007 at 05:21 PM

Good summary.:yes:


gibson - 11-16-2007 at 05:29 PM

y'all are learning fast!!:lol::lol:

fdt - 11-16-2007 at 06:10 PM

Originally posted by gnukid
I entered and was immediately met by two beautiful women in uniforms at the gate. I signed in and was led to the 2nd floor where I sat down to meet my legal representative, another beautiful woman. It only took a few moments to explain that I was not the defendant but victim, and that I was single and not married and thas where the fun began as I was introduced to the most beautiful women yet, the kind of women that causes you to forget what you're doing and well forget just about everything.

Are there pictures of this?

vandenberg - 11-16-2007 at 06:19 PM

Just part of the embellishment:P

gnukid - 11-16-2007 at 06:38 PM

I left with Pancho Penaloso at about 5:30am from Marina La Paz and headed out first going for bait with saziki hooks without much luck. The sea was lively with light south wind and lots of bird action. We laid into two nice Sierra with our custom squid and feather lures off of Pichilingue and further up hit a large dorado which swam at the boat so fast I couldn't reel in fast enough. The full size male beauty put on an amazing show in my face jumping high many times before we could land him. It was probably the most energetic Dorado I've ever seen since it had no fight, it just went at me with a ton of energy. I ended up loosing two nice dorardo too. I wasn't all prepared to catch fish and had only a bucket so there was quite a mess but well worth it to change my attitude, and to see the sunrise over la Paz. All in all a fantastic day filled with ceviche and friends.

I arrived home at noon in time to see the licensio agente robo a casa del ministerio meeting individually with each witness and completing thorough documentation with signatures in all the right spots. He came in my house and asked who did the yeso work and would I like to give a bicycle for him or his kids jokingly. I said thanks I am going to give these bikes to my neighbors. Again, I thanked him and made a short impassioned plea to help the city y limpiar el barrio. More witnesses lined up to add to the reports but we declined since they already had the requisite amount-two testigos are required as I needed to remind them often-solo dos testigos son necesario. They said its no problem to complete an orden de cateo, or catch order to apprehend him, first it requires they send him a letter to presentarse, or present himself in court and if he doesn't make his appointment then they can and give it to a different station with federal AFI support, since the neighborhood cops wont actually grab him. I said thanks and would he like a 50 cent CD or does he prefer Bob Marley, si Bob Marley.

Another issue thats seems problematic is that the testigos have identified his assistant robbers and they are .... Well they are also well known. These others responded with evidence they were in jail with the aforementioned police when the robbery occurred so it couldn't have been them. Liars with a great defense. I have asked them to drop charges against anyone but Chino since its too easy to get sidetracked there with the children of wealthy people.

Apparently the last time the police put on their show with nearly thirty cops or more they called him in advance, Chino Mulito yelled furiously at his wife to get all the drugs and stuff and put it in a car which he apparently Chino had borrowed from the commandante. I was in the vinicty and was calling the cops who apparently had to pretend they were doing something which spooked Chino. As they put on the fake show of pretending to chase him, I guess he became scared and he crashed the car into his friend trying to help him unload the crap at mommys house. Then the friend got out and kicked the car and hit it with his hands. That issue became a large issue because the commandante arrived to see his car slightly smashed. It was determined that Chino Mulito was not at fault in the accident and the other guy was.

Today his family told me they were pretty mad and fed up about the whole thing, that its obvious he is making a lot of trouble with cops and now they have to pay the cops to protect him, again, even though they don't want to and its just money lost in the end that they need to pay bills. They told the police they had permission to enter the house but they wouldn't because without Chino they will loose el conexcion en el barrio, a robber and delivery guy which is where they make most of their income.

Yesterday and today, while deep in the heart of the police stations as I they sent me upstairs and downstairs saying its the other guys fault for not going after him right, as the cops showed me some of my things and hinted I could get more back, I cojoled and spoke respectfully with an emotional and ethical argument, that its not my game, its theirs and its time to play good guys and do the things police do cause its fun to do good things, all papers are in place with more coming, he is negatively affecting many nice girls and boys because if Lupita or Arial or anyone starts drugs its down hill fast for them and if we were to encourage even one kid by putting Chino away it would be a gift to the whole city which might even save their own children and if they don't fine its their city to make or break I am only a victim with energy at the moment to help with paperwork, which they require to do their job. I have done my part. Obviously the potential loss of money is weighing heavily on the parties involved. There must be intense pressure from many directions to not aprehend el Chino Mulito, at the least, to get as much out of him and me before they act. shalala-lalala

That's when they sorta agreed that they might do something soon, within two weeks. Chino was quiet most of the night and the morning but surprisingly had a day full of confidence and false bravado. He now calls me commandante as do the others. We hear him outside as his is the type of voice that carries and makes it difficult to think. And as the police arrived to deliver the weed to the drug house, he shouted however much weed I need they are going to give me a good deal. Qualquier mota el commandante quiere va barata hahaha.

From inside my garage I heard Chino Muleto outside, in broken speach, its the same talk I hear all day and clearly a concession towards me. I began to reply in kind, 'si el descuento para comandantes... but as I do the kids in the street shout to me to be quiet because the bad guys are now outside the house, ellos van a saber que yo se, perhaps they will know I know about them and be mad I made it into a joke.

I am done for now and will let this go its on way, I hope.

[Edited on 11-17-2007 by gnukid]

vandenberg - 11-16-2007 at 06:48 PM

Well BMG,

Could you supply another summary for this latest episode.:?::rolleyes:

fdt - 11-16-2007 at 07:16 PM

Good thing today is International Day of Tolerance.

DENNIS - 11-16-2007 at 07:23 PM

What is the international world tolerating today?

fdt - 11-16-2007 at 07:36 PM

We tolerate each other

fdt - 11-16-2007 at 07:41 PM

Chino tolerates gnukid :lol:


Dave - 11-16-2007 at 08:16 PM

Originally posted by fdt
Good thing today is International Day of Tolerance.

It's not. ;)

fdt - 11-16-2007 at 08:29 PM

Ok Dave, I'll have to tolerate that last post :smug:

Getting back to the Soriana subject

fdt - 11-16-2007 at 08:41 PM

this is just so you know, starting tomorrow, the Lions Club in La Paz will be strating a collection for the Tabasco and Chiapas flood victims at Soriana and Aramburo Forjadores, so if you are aproached by the ladies, don't think it is a kidnapping attempt, it's just a collection.

toneart - 11-16-2007 at 09:01 PM

"I began to reply, from inside my cochera buy others waved me down as the police might be offended that I acknowledge the drug sales. ho ho ho."

Could you please reconstruct this sentence so that it makes sense? I followed it up to that point. Thank you.

By the way. Maybe you should consider putting these episodes into screenplay form and market it while the Writer's Guild is on strike. It is a good story.

fdt - 11-16-2007 at 09:06 PM

Remember, Tolerance. :lol:

gnukid - 11-16-2007 at 11:13 PM

Yep Intl tolerance day. Its important to all of us. Accept diversity. Live peacefully an be tolerant of others differences. Community, peace and love.

bajalera - 11-16-2007 at 11:19 PM

Staying on the alert so you can detect any sign of some terrible thing that might victimize you, while you'e shopping for groceries, is no way I would care to live my life.

BMG - 11-17-2007 at 06:54 AM

Originally posted by vandenberg
Well BMG,

Could you supply another summary for this latest episode.:?::rolleyes:

...and all lived happily ever after.

The End.

coconaco - 11-17-2007 at 12:03 PM

Gnukid- I am still hooked, please finish realing me in........
Just got back from La Paz, fishing was excellent...
Tunas, roosters, Got my first golden trevally..

Some of the tailhunters at the hotel were mentioning how dry the town was. Next time I will suggest they try the police after striking out with the bar tenders.


OK - OK -

BMG - 11-17-2007 at 12:22 PM

Originally posted by coconaco
Gnukid- I am still hooked

OK - I'll admit it, so am I.

Kinda feels like waiting all summer 'way back when' just to find out who shot JR.

vandenberg - 11-17-2007 at 12:43 PM

If they shoot Chino, there goes your " and they lived happily ever after " summary.:(:(

Let's hope there's a better ending then that.:P
How about it Gnukid, don't keep us in suspense.:biggrin:

to be continued......:?::?:

BMG - 11-17-2007 at 01:05 PM

Originally posted by vandenberg
If they shoot Chino, there goes your " and they lived happily ever after " summary.:(:(

Most tales end with the 'bad guy' being defeated and everyone living happily ever after. We certainly can't take into account El Chino's well being at this point.

coconaco - 11-17-2007 at 03:05 PM

Originally posted by fdt
Originally posted by gnukid
I entered and was immediately met by two beautiful women in uniforms at the gate. I signed in and was led to the 2nd floor where I sat down to meet my legal representative, another beautiful woman. It only took a few moments to explain that I was not the defendant but victim, and that I was single and not married and thas where the fun began as I was introduced to the most beautiful women yet, the kind of women that causes you to forget what you're doing and well forget just about everything.

Are there pictures of this?

It would be hard for me to believe that any woman from La Paz would not be beautiful......RAY CANNON

vandenberg - 11-18-2007 at 03:42 PM

Bump, bump, bump!!

Just to remind Gnukid to continue with his saga and bring the story of the kidnappings etc, and the fate of El Chino to a fruitfull end.

I feel like I'm halfway in a good suspense novel and someone went skooting with it.:?::biggrin:

DENNIS - 11-18-2007 at 03:45 PM

Originally posted by fdt
We tolerate each other

When did that start?

comitan - 11-18-2007 at 04:06 PM

When you entered 1st grade.!

toneart - 11-18-2007 at 05:36 PM

Originally posted by toneart
"I began to reply, from inside my cochera buy others waved me down as the police might be offended that I acknowledge the drug sales. ho ho ho."

Could you please reconstruct this sentence so that it makes sense? I followed it up to that point. Thank you.

By the way. Maybe you should consider putting these episodes into screenplay form and market it while the Writer's Guild is on strike. It is a good story.

Maybe el Chino got him. He is not responding.


Hook - 11-18-2007 at 07:39 PM

"Maybe el Chino got him. He is not responding."

It almost seems like this is the only ending that will convince some.

It's one helluva read, one way or the other.

Hey, gnukids' still alive..........just not on this post yet. See "Traffic stop"

[Edited on 11-19-2007 by Hook]

gnukid - 11-18-2007 at 08:14 PM

Ok here you go...

Estoy tranquilo y voy a veliar manana hoy fui para un dia en la playa con mi pero Loba y la novia.

Chino is gathering some really bad guys, they are trying to wear colors just like a real gang but thats hard to coordinate with the moms doing the laundry. They chose white which is funny to see the bad guys trying keep white shirts clean, kind of ironic-they're cleaning themselves up in the process of being cleaned up. To help him out, the new gang are staked out on the corners and wasted so basically he has to buy them beer and weed and phone credits, which is getting old real fast for him. He looks weak and tired like the young girls could kick his butt. They are all burnt out. The tazers are charged and loaded. Apparently he could die if I hold the button for more than 2-3 seconds. A lot of people are talking about killing him, too many, and to put a rope or a chain around his shack of a home and simply pull it down with a large truck while they are sleeping inside, but I say no estamos super tranquilos, let him go to the jail for 5 years and to the insane people hospital for 5 years. The neighbors delivered videos and photos of Chino and the ministerial police exchanging things and talking, calling the neighborhood women cochinas for videoing them with cell phones. We all live so close there is no place for them to hide. They talk so loud, its on the video that they are planning to watch my moves and planing to beat me up, that is the skinny drug addicts, and it's super clear to identify them. I think its a style of talking they do in order to intimidate, that is they talk really loud and threaten but nothing ever comes of it. In fact its a neighborhood style of conversation up and down the street for a whole block with people a hundred of feet apart while they talk in a sing song fashion.

The neighbors are pretty clear that I am buen vecino y buena onda y el va en el carcel, pronto. But at any moment the bad guys could attack me or do something stupid and that would be a pain for them to get tasered, attacked by the dogs and kicked in the stomach. Generally it seems on the surface to have escalated into a trato, an agreement that Chino needs to relax and calm down a little if he wants to stay out of more trouble but he can't seem to do that.

Around midday, the neighborhood women called me to their homes to update me and show me cell phone videos of the cops and Chino, all together at his house, they brought him un cafecito y comida y una bolsa. I panicked at their bravado in plain daylight so quickly I made some calls and made 5 packages with copies of the demanda, federal order to hecha la demanda and more. I have a few friends. I called them and asked them to call in favors with their friends and said its not urgent but we need help now en el barrio. What proceeded was a series of phone calls, messengers, secret meetings, driving around in big cars and meeting casually (at bars) with many of the good people of la paz (I shouldn't say who yet).

After many handshakes and nice conversation, I had had lunch once, two dinners and one shot and beer at least with each meeting which made me feel quite full and confident that either things would get better or they we're going to get worse... I recall I won a few games of pool and hung out and made plans to see las tiburones ballenas with some professors too and came home early. Some of the good guys called me at 9:30am to say they were just arriving home and how am I? They are supposed to be in casual talks with the ministerial police to ask them what they would like to do about this small problem that should have been easily resolved when they went for him the first time. But I would guess since it was Saturday evening nothing will begin to occur until Tuesday of next week. But they understand what's going on and said no bad guys are going to push a good person out. We don't want that to happen.

Now, all governmental offices have copies of all reports and video and photo evidence of the cops in charge of arresting Chino, hanging out with him and bringing him things (which implies but doesn't necessarily mean anything). We are contemplating that, if it fails to be resolved by tuesday, or I am incarcerated then there is an anonymous package that will arrive in the newspaper office and TV stations at the moment with complete report, the photos of Chino and the cops and the bags of drugs and the full 100 page report which is growing. Or maybe not. It's escalating and deescalating on the hour, all important discussions apparently involve tequila with a beer chaser and surprise tomorrow is a holiday, dia de los revoluciones, which means more tequila and beer.

A group of higher ups toured the neighborhood with me and el pendejo Chino Muleto could see it was important people and yelled, atackete y te mateo, I am going to attack you and kill you. There were thugs in the car who had the order to jump out and get him but with that, the higher ups laughed really hard since Chino seriously incriminated himself at that moment and they decided to submit their own demanda with their names on it directly to the same ministerial police and make some calls to see what the result is because they want to send a message to all the bad guys and the policia ministerial involved that this neighborhood va a vuelar meyore, is turning to something better. Or maybe not.

The governor has built a nice house on the street and will move some of his family here so this has to stop. I remain tranquilo 'cause it's Sunday family day, to see if the higher ups can work this out, finally.

There is a side track to this, yesterday a young very developed woman about 15 arrived decked out in red stretch pants and a red belly shirt with black netting over the shirt (like I imagine women wore in the 60's). She had a pencil written contract, which if I read correctly stated, Contracto: los padres de _______ gustan conocer el buen vecino _______ y hacer una contracto de boda. 50%/50% financia, 60%-40% responsibilidad, vamonos a tenir un bebe en la futura proxima en una casa de dos pisos. Reglas un milliones pesos ahora y vamonos a dar un milliones pesos cuando estas en la boda. La muchacha va a cuidar los ninos y no va trabajar. I sure it was meant as a joke but she wants to make a contracto to marry and have my baby in the near future and therefore I am going to give her family 100,000 dollars now and then her family will match that amount when we get married and we can build a two story home and live happily. The contract states she won't have to work because of the baby. I considered the joy we would share in our two story home with my young bride, was reminded of my last relationship with la chilanga and handed it back and said, "gracias, no. Voy a casar mi pera, la coqueta loba bonita."

The fun never stops and nothing ever changes.

[Edited on 11-20-2007 by gnukid]

Hook - 11-18-2007 at 08:26 PM

This is better than "On the Waterfront". It has the corrupt police element that Kazan never had.

Gnukid........striving for a Gnuday for La Paz; a GnuDeal for the barrio.

You will be flush with tamales from the mamacitas, gnukid, if this goes down before Christmas.

Iflyfish - 11-18-2007 at 09:33 PM

Ya gotta love this guy and how he writes. A real Mexican Elmore Leonard. Disgusting characters and great dialogue.

He has also captured the convoluted, complex legal/justice system that has emerged over millenia in Mexico. One can see here the significance of relationships/favors/barter/exchance that underlies the system. One can also see the complex system of paperwork beurocracy that is self perpetuating and exists to provide patronage positions for people who are connected to other people of power. It reminds me of VS Naipal and his trip to India, where he found a similar system.

I think that it is in part because of the cultural differences that we have such a hard time accepting the reality of what GnuKid writes. Even if it is satire, or hyperbole, he is describing a reality that most of us have witnessed to some extent or another and scratched our collective heads about.

Great writing and a rather complex "bump" on my part.


Hook - 11-18-2007 at 10:49 PM

I'm still not willing to "write" this story off, yet. I'm still a believer.

It's just such an entertaining read............

vandenberg - 11-19-2007 at 09:08 AM


The governor has built a nice house on the street and will move some of his family here so this has to stop.

There is a side track to this, yesterday a young very developed woman about 15 arrived decked out in red stretch pants and a red belly shirt with black netting over the shirt

The fun never stops and nothing ever changes.

At least the neighborhood is going a bit upscale with the arrival of some relations to the uppercrust.
Love the way you throw in some "sex" to keep your readership interested, the sign of a good author.:biggrin:

gnukid - 11-19-2007 at 12:29 PM

Honestly I didn't understand what the interaction meant until I just accepted it at face value as a nice teasing joke and likely complimentary, to which I refused, this time.

Now the focus is the 10 month long door project con mis maderos which I am sure is just about to get started.

The good news the mechanics are great in la paz and all cars are running very well.

[Edited on 11-20-2007 by gnukid]

fdt - 11-19-2007 at 12:31 PM

Originally posted by gnukid
The fun never stops and nothing ever changes.

[Edited on 11-19-2007 by gnukid]

Thanks gnukid

gnukid - 11-20-2007 at 08:44 PM

Un otro dia en al bario.

Early, in the morning as we went fishing, I noticed someone had crashed into my car, again. I heard it the night before but decided not to go outside to confront the drunk. It was clear they hit my car and it did lots of damage to theirs with broken lights and plastic but they did little to my car. It happens often and I have a nice relationship with my body mechanic el Peppy Pepe, someone who I appreciate greatly. I consider the cost of parking back home and figure its less cost to leave my cars with the body shop periodically, it takes months to fix them and I pay very little. The drug addicts come to the street calejon Rangel in the night to buy drugs and to be stealth they turn off their lights and about one in ten crashes into something. Smart.

The dorado apparently weren't biting and the climate definitely changed for the fall today in la paz. Its cool now. Sierra are still biting off of Magote and big ones off of Pichilingue.

I came back in early to begin my FM3 renewel which is due today 20 de Noviembre my favorite day of the year. I have been distracted. In the pueblos dia de revolucion is big but in La Paz its not usually too big. Today though I heard the sounds coming early and the cars began to gather and soon the malecon began to grow full of people in costumes.

In front of the Marines, they began to gather a band and parade to the Maelcon. El Chino Muleto was singing loudly, "Yo soy El Chino, el commandante del bario, el pillon de la polica, ellos son mis protegedoras, Estoy libre con independicia..."

I had hoped that I would finally do my immigration work so I headed down to the malecon weaving through the parade traffic. I attempted to park of the hill of Manuel Pineda next to the offices. As I pulled up the cobblestone street a car began to pull out directly in line with my car, I honked, panicked and hit the gas hard to exit the space he would surely fill blindly, but my car stalled on the severe hill, the carburator filled with gas and quit and it was clear the driver wasn't looking and had no intention of stopping as the car inched closer. The windows were tinted black and I honked repeatedly but the white reverse lights kept inching closer. Finally, I started the car and burnt out as the car barely missed creaming my car. Whew one more bullet dodged.

The immigration was open and empty with the parade passing by. I entered and they were super nice, "Hola amigo que ondas?" reviewing my huge stack of complicated papers, copies, originals and said I think you'll be fine. We'll try to do it today. I know it will be a continuing game but at least I got through the first hoop, getting my folio number and application in progress before my due date.

And there was Chino marching along the malecon... Until the la Policia Turistica spotted him and pulled their weapons. Chino responded by running to the water and he swam away. As I returned home, I drove by mi vecino Chino soaking wet walking back to his house with his wife and children.

Later on in the afternoon, the neighborhood solderduras y viejitos gathered with me and they brought shovels began to talk about using basic tools to hit him as a group and deliver him, dead or alive to the police. El Suegro de Chino, El Titan, who is my best friend told everyone he has had it with P-nche Chino and the policia. That last night El Chnio put graffiti on the new homes where he is the cuidador. Now he has to pay for the paint to fix it. I looked at the graffiti and tried to read gang letters to see what it said, it said (myname)elunico . I was embarassed to see he graffitied that I am the only one whatever that means. But it appeared that few viejitos could read the graffiti. Either way they asked if I would accompany them to the polcia tomorrow and file a report.. otra vez. Son 4 demandas del el barrio a Chino, y manana mas por nada. I protested that we know the police are protecting him? But El Titan said there are many police, you just have to go the next one and find one good one to help. The problem is everyone is a cousin or a brother, we need someone different.

After Chino had a few beers and who knows what else, he approached me, full of angst, threatening with a Tecate cuagama over his head, as I was helping a kid with his bmx bike, "por que manejaste la policia? Te pagas la policia para molesterme en la manana," he screamed eyes wide. I replied, "Yo no pago nada, y no hago nada, yo no se que paso Chino, soy tu vecino y las problemos que tienes no estan mi cumple," feigning calmness as la Loba let out deep barks. "Suerte amigo, adios," I said as I left.

I did my errands and noticed a stream of messages, estamos esperando en el cafe... o ven a las casa de gloria, tengo una carta, ven. Finally I found the neighborhood women who delivered a letter with everyone's signature, stating they saw him raise the bottle and threaten me, they called the police and would I accompany them to the police tomorrow to file a report... otra vez... they said they have had it with the deliquency of Chino but don't worry he was very drunk and is asleep now.

I just heard sirens coming a long way to arrive near and a single shot fired. I'll check it out tomorrow.

I am certain tomorrow is going to be totally different than today. yawn.

[Edited on 11-21-2007 by gnukid]

vandenberg - 11-20-2007 at 09:25 PM

El Chino contra Elunico

You should find an arena and sell tickets.
You could get rich. :biggrin::biggrin:

gnukid - 11-20-2007 at 09:43 PM

The police are there now finally with guns trying to enter the house, hola senior Chino. I hope and pray they take him.

If not he is going to be even more crazy tomorrow and its going to be ugly. Why is so hard for bad guys to get arrested and so easy for good people to get hassled?

Why is it that when bad people get caught they blame the victim for their trouble?

[Edited on 11-21-2007 by gnukid]

Mango - 11-21-2007 at 12:56 AM

Let's hope they haul him off for good this time..

Keep us posted..