Bajagato - 11-12-2007 at 02:18 PM
Gonzaga Bay trip Oct 20-27 Last day in Gonzaga and the kayaks finally get in the water! Part 5
Yesterday we probably could have put the yaks in the water. But because of how strong the winds had been, we thought it best to wait one more day. And
we woke up to a beautiful calm day. We were so happy to put the yaks in the water. We had bought them in the spring of 2006 and had not been able to
bring them down til now. Chris and I head over the hill to the boat ramp at Papa Fernandez. Shelly and Joe pack up the jeep and drive to the cove from
the other side. After a half an hour or so of unloading and then gearing them up, we hit the water!
I caught plenty of fish on the kayak, mostly some decent size bass. But we were throwing the bass back as they just aren’t worth the trouble of
cleaning for the little bit you get. I had one good size trigger while kayaking and it was so fun to TRY to catch. He had my pole bent over into the
water. At the last minute, inches from getting him in the yak, he had enough, and released himself. He sure fought hard and I was bummed to have lost
And Chris gets his trigger from the shore!
We all enjoyed taking turns setting out on the kayaks. While Shelly and I were out together there were a few dolphins in the bay. That was fun to see.
Unfortunately I was too far away to get any decent pictures and she was without camera. She told me should could actually hear them exhaling when they
came out of the water. Its funny but you can hear everything very clear on that bay. We could talk to the others on shore and be really far away from
them. When on shore we kept hearing Shelly say “ fish on!”, and would laugh harder if she ended with “fish off!” Can’t get ‘em all. The sun was hot
and we spent the entire day on the shore and in the kayaks. After reloading the yaks, Chris went to clean our haul of fish from the second day. Joe
and Shelly took off to Rancho Grande for more ice! Seems you can’t go a day without hitting the store for ice!
One more evening of fish tacos, great conversation with friends, and what I would later find out to be, a mosquito frenzy!
to be continued….
Yakfishing - 11-13-2007 at 11:13 AM
Great report and photos, thanks.
I need to go to Gonzaga bay....