
eighteen wheeler

dccf - 11-14-2007 at 11:53 AM

Just found this on YouTube. Watch how far over the line he is most of the time!

Pretty scary but at least he pulls over for the other truck. I have seen some still photos on this forum but never saw it in video. Guess you guys are all used to this but I have yet to experience it in person. Can't wait.

[Edited on 11-14-2007 by dccf]

DENNIS - 11-14-2007 at 12:09 PM

Looked pretty good to me. I drive just like that. Seems like he could see for miles so what's wrong with getting away from the shoulder on a narrow road. When his vizibility was restricted at the top of a rise, he pulled back into his own lane just like he did when he passed another truck in the oncoming lane.
The drivers you have to worry about are the ones that drive this way on a busy road.

dccf - 11-14-2007 at 12:14 PM

Yeah, like I said I guess you guys are used ti it. I'm used to that US law that says you aren't supposed to cross the solid center line.

Guess it can't be too bad because he was shooting video while passing other traffic. I'm not criticizing, just surprised there aren't more major accidents. Or are there??

BigWooo - 11-14-2007 at 12:17 PM

Originally posted by DENNIS
The drivers you have to worry about are the ones that drive this way on a busy road.

or the ones that film WHILE THEY ARE DRIVING! :o

DENNIS - 11-14-2007 at 12:18 PM

Somebody could make a good living selling side mirrors on HWY 1. They're torn off right and left....mostly left.

larry - 11-14-2007 at 12:20 PM

Although Highway 1 is the main road for 1000 miles, it is VERY lightly travelled for most of the way. Dennis is right, there is no reason to be confined to the narrow lanes.

Mango - 11-14-2007 at 12:25 PM

I drive like that both in Mexico and the US on remote roads with good forward visibility often.

Driving in the center gives you more options in case something unexpected pops up. I've missed a few dogs and multiple jackrabits that suddenly entered the road on the right behind a small bush, etc. I would have hit them if I was on my side otherwise. Other times, I will drive all the way on the wrong side of the road if there is not traffic, many potholes in my lane , and none in the oncoming lane. I make sure to move back over to my lane for oncoming traffic soon enough not to cause them worry.

You should never drive over the line if you don't have adequate visibility of the road to see oncoming traffic well in advance. Don't just plan on them going the speed limit, plan on them speeding towards you. Nonetheless; if you are in the middle of nowhere with lots of visibility... loosen up some, it's not coloring class. You can go outside the lines if it increases your safety factor.

DENNIS - 11-14-2007 at 12:30 PM

Hey Wooo...

I just noticed the blinking light in your avatar. Very cool.

DENNIS - 11-14-2007 at 12:33 PM

Originally posted by Mango
... loosen up some, it's not coloring class.


dccf - 11-14-2007 at 12:40 PM

I can see I'm going to need to adjust my thinking when I get down there. One of my rules is not to draw attention to myself. So I guess I need to drive half in the other lane. Haha.

DENNIS - 11-14-2007 at 01:40 PM

Now you're getting it. You'll do fine down here in the Land Of Flexible Structure.

805gregg - 11-14-2007 at 03:59 PM

When my wife and I were in La Paz this summer we went to a little remote beach east of La Paz. It was just down the road from the gas depot. There was a restaurant there with about 10 gas tanker trucks parked and yes they were all drinking at 10 am. I was very wary when near tanker trucks after that.

DENNIS - 11-14-2007 at 04:44 PM

No joke. They used to pull off the road at La Mission to buy alcohol, then, get back on the road. There was an article in the SD union years back, quoting an owner of a store in the area saying that the truckers wanted beer more than their other purchases They were always drinking while on the road.

Barry A. - 11-14-2007 at 06:08 PM

I'm with MANGO on this one--------I drive whereever I think it is the safest------and that occasionally is on the wrong side of the road if the right shoulder is somewhat obstructed, or torn up. I do this both in the USA and in Mex. I probably travel more in the middle of the road on a 2 land road than in my lane.

I also stay in the right lane when on a 4 land freeway unless I am passing someone---------and that is what the law says to do--------I am always amazed when folks cruize in the left lane and then get upset when I signal to go around a truck for a long time and then do my passing anyway when I get the chance, even if they refuse to slow down and let me in--------this practice drives my wife crazy :lol:

The folks cruizing in the left lane are breaking the law, yet they get upset when I "invade" their lane to pass-----simply amazing!!!

(I bet this will draw some comments) :lol:

Mango - 11-14-2007 at 06:18 PM

Originally posted by Barry A.

I also stay in the right lane when on a 4 land freeway unless I am passing someone---------and that is what the law says to do--------I am always amazed when folks cruize in the left lane and then get upset when I signal to go around a truck for a long time and then do my passing anyway when I get the chance, even if they refuse to slow down and let me in--------this practice drives my wife crazy :lol:

The folks cruizing in the left lane are breaking the law, yet they get upset when I "invade" their lane to pass-----simply amazing!!!

(I bet this will draw some comments) :lol:

I'm glad to know I'm not the only one who knows how to drive. Idoits in the left lane cause traffic jams.

LOL if I was in the CHP I'd pull them over, and I'd also break the turn signals of people who don't use their blinkers to change lanes with my flashlight. :fire:

People.. you pay for the turn indicator when you buy your car. Please learn how to use it.

Center line driving

RonnieRockCod - 11-14-2007 at 07:40 PM

I'm with Dennis and the others. My boat trailer tracks wider than my SUV. I put the trailer tire on or across the white line. A continual checking of what is ahead and the driver side mirror is necessary for obvious reasons.

Unfortunately, when my fishing partner used to drive he stayed on the right side of the white line and when I looked in the passenger side mirror the trailer tire was usually on the broken edge of the asphalt or on the dirt. Needless to say I usually drove straight thru. Driving in Baja is safe if you remain extra vigilant, drive defensely and require any passengers to stay alert and keep you appraised of any potential hazards. Good luck, RRC.

[Edited on 11-15-2007 by RonnieRockCod]

reefrocket - 11-14-2007 at 10:25 PM

RonnieRockCod good call on the "you driving" I've seen several places where they have painted the right hand line ""right over the concrete water drains in the hill"" that will cost an axel at the lease.

Mango I need a stencil made of this

you pay for the turn indicator when you buy your car. Please learn how to use it.

big enough to cover a windshield and some paint (lots of it). My guess is only 30% of drivers around here even know what they are.:mad: