
Global link identifying suspicious activity

Bob H - 11-14-2007 at 12:59 PM

When you click on the website link below, a world map comes up showing what strange & dangerous things are happening right now in every country in the entire world & is updated every few minutes. You can move the map around, zero in on any on area & actually up-load the story of what is going on.

This "map" updates every 300 seconds...constantly

Below the map is a listing of incidents all over the world.

Click on any icon on the map for text update information. It's not just about Terrorism - it's about everything happening every minute some place in the world of terrorism threats, explosions, airline incidents, etc.

Note: Nothing going on in all of Mexico at the time... hah!
Bob H

[Edited on 11-14-2007 by Bob H]

bajajudy - 11-14-2007 at 01:22 PM

That is scary. Glad I dont live under any of those icons!

DENNIS - 11-14-2007 at 01:34 PM

What a freakin joke. Who put this out there, Hugo Chavez? Nothing happening in all the Americas. Ohhhhh Pleeeeeze.