
ensenada cop story

skydiveblake - 11-15-2007 at 08:20 AM

Well, I guess its my turn to tell my Ensenada cop story (I hope it won't jinx me...)

We parked in front of a store downtown, but bought tacos next store instead of shopping there. This little old man in a security uniform gestured us inside the store we were in front of - since we parked there, we figured ok, we'll be nice. We didn't buy anything though, and when we came out, there was a cop driving by, and the old man flagged him down.
Cop tells me it's a $70 parking ticket.
I went through the usual deal, giving him my license, and asking him what it would cost to pay here instead of down at the courthouse, blah blah blah. He says no, I have to follow him. Since he had my license I figured ok, we'll follow him, and in two blocks he'll pull over, come back and tell me he's being called away, and trade my license for twenty bucks - all of which I would certainly think is a good deal!
Sure as taxes and late fees, he pulls over two blocks later and comes walking up to the window, shaking his head. ( I think to myself $20 bucks or $30 bucks...)
He hands me my drivers license and says to have a nice day.
I say, "No ticket?"
He smiled and says, "No, that old man was just causing trouble and wanted your money and was hoping I would take a bribe."
Then he smiled again and drove away.

Can you believe that guy? What an insufferable buffoon! Totally jacked up my ideas about Mexican cops. Now I have to go re-evaluate my carefully crafted stance on human nature...

[Edited on 11-15-2007 by skydiveblake]

Marie-Rose - 11-15-2007 at 08:57 AM

...fabulous!! Love to hear the good cop stories!

dccf - 11-15-2007 at 09:24 AM

Restores your faith in law enforcement. I have to admit I was ready for another "bite" story. It is my choice chose to believe there are many more honest police than bad. It's the "bad" everyone hears about.

Thanks for renewing my faith.:D:D

bajaboolie - 11-15-2007 at 09:25 AM

And the cop was intimidated by a little old man from a store? I wonder why he didn't handle that differently. Interesting story, though! It would have been nice to see the guy from the store put in his place.

vacaenbaja - 11-15-2007 at 09:50 AM

Now I ask you why didn't you get his name and badge number? Its the first thing that people wish they had done when things go bad. Heck I want to know who this guy is so I tell him that I heard that he is a stand up guy and I would not mind giving him a few bucks to buy himself a beer and lunch. No good deed should go unrewarded.
But I can totaly understand that your shock did not allow you to do anything but to mutter "who was that masked man?"
The lone honest cop?

Paulina - 11-15-2007 at 10:30 AM

I don't think the cop was intimidated by the little old man, he was probably disgusted by him.
But I do agree that it would have been nice to see some justice served on the old guy.

BajaGeoff - 11-15-2007 at 11:05 AM

Great story! It is a breath of fresh air in light of what has been discussed lately!

bajaboolie - 11-15-2007 at 12:42 PM

I think you're right, Paulina. "Intimidated" probably wasn't the right word to use. I just would have loved for the cop not to play along with the guy ...then maybe the store security guy would think twice about doing it again.

But...the point of the story was that the cop wasn't crooked. Nice to hear the good stories too.

Paulina - 11-15-2007 at 01:03 PM

Depending on my mood, I might have gone back and let the guy know he was an a**hole, as well as allerted the owner of the shop that he lured me into. Not that it would have made an ounce of difference, but I might have felt better.


DENNIS - 11-15-2007 at 01:09 PM

In Mexico, respect overrides everything. the young cop wasn't about to have it out in public with a little old man who may have been a retired police officer anyway. It might have been his uncle, or closer.

Paulina - 11-15-2007 at 01:33 PM

I was thinking along the lines of family ties as well.

DENNIS - 11-15-2007 at 01:35 PM

In many ways, Ensenada is still a small town.

Dave - 11-15-2007 at 02:01 PM

I'm having trouble believing a word of this. Tio and Barney colluding? And it's the cop who doesn't close the deal?

Up in my neighborhood nobody speaks to cops. Wouldn't shake their hand if offered. I once made that mistake. Lesson learned.

I guess they could be related. But then nephew would have returned empty handed. So much for the respect theory. ;D

beachbum1A - 11-16-2007 at 07:24 AM

Originally posted by DENNIS
In many ways, Ensenada is still a small town.

Perhaps that's one of the reasons many of us choose to live here-right Dennis?