
FUBAR Fleet-New info

bajajudy - 11-15-2007 at 02:05 PM

The first of the FUBAR (Fleet Underway Baja Rally ) boats have started arriving here in Puerto Los Cabos. We have our VHF radio on and are listening as they arrive. We have heard that there will be 50 boats....hope that they fueled up somewhere because there is none here! Next port Bahia de los Muertos then on La Paz.

[Edited on 11-16-2007 by bajajudy]

DENNIS - 11-15-2007 at 02:11 PM

I'm sure the Punta Banda Yacht Club is well represented there, somewhere. Didn't see any mention of them in the link. Has to be an oversight.

Dave - 11-15-2007 at 02:11 PM

Originally posted by bajajudy
We have heard that there will be 50 boats.

That many stink pots in caravan is FUBAR.

DENNIS - 11-15-2007 at 02:13 PM

Originally posted by Dave

That many stink pots in caravan is FUBAR.

Must be a rag boat fan.

bajamigo - 11-15-2007 at 03:18 PM

Originally posted by DENNIS
I'm sure the Punta Banda Yacht Club is well represented there, somewhere. Didn't see any mention of them in the link. Has to be an oversight.

The PBYC actually set sail two days ago, but the navigator reports that they turned around when two of them fell off the edge of the earth.

Hook - 11-15-2007 at 03:29 PM

Originally posted by DENNIS
Originally posted by Dave

That many stink pots in caravan is FUBAR.

Must be a rag boat fan.

I believe diaper hanger is the correct nautical term, Commodore.

[Edited on 11-15-2007 by Hook]

DENNIS - 11-15-2007 at 03:33 PM

Oh, yea...That happens to a lot of people. I wonder if they left their keys in the car.

Frank - 11-15-2007 at 04:01 PM

I thought it was blow boater...

He who laughs last

Dave - 11-15-2007 at 04:03 PM

Originally posted by Hook
I believe diaper hanger is the correct nautical term, Commodore.

When you need a loan to fill your tanks...Give me a call. :rolleyes:

shari - 11-15-2007 at 07:52 PM

We had the tiniest boat in the fleet anchor overnight here in Asuncion and we brought them ashore...quite a riot were those 3 pretty bombed big fellas...I accompanied them to dinner and had alot of fun listening to their stories and made some new amigos. there sure was alot of traffic on the VHF for a couple days and the horizon was alight with passing yachts. Fuel could be an issue though....speaking of which there will be another little shortage this week due to all the Baja 1000 vehicles we filled our tank today.

Starting to look like a marina

bajajudy - 11-16-2007 at 11:24 AM

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bajajudy - 11-16-2007 at 11:25 AM

Dock workers putting the boats arrive

[Edited on 11-16-2007 by bajajudy]

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bajajudy - 11-16-2007 at 11:28 AM

There are boats coming in every 10 minutes. It is great fun to listen to on the VHF
We are headed down to check things out up close. Maybe more photos later.
Sorry, Dave, will try to find a pic of a real boat! These are all stink pots.

Where's the beef?

bajajudy - 11-16-2007 at 01:28 PM

The boats are having their inspection and we heard on the radio that they are not allowed to keep their beef. For some reason they are letting them keep the beef that they are going to eat tonight?!?!?!?!?

[Edited on 11-16-2007 by bajajudy]

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Our Place

bajajudy - 11-16-2007 at 01:29 PM

If you look to the left of this boat you can see our tower.

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Still a construction zone

bajajudy - 11-16-2007 at 01:34 PM

But having the boats here sure makes this whole project seem real. There are people everywhere in La Playa. All the restaurants(all 2 of them) are full. Tommy's Barefoot Bar will open tonight for the Fubar party(that makes 3).
I hate to admit it but it is kinda exciting.

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elgatoloco - 11-16-2007 at 01:37 PM

Last night inflight magazine on American Airlines had full page add for Puerto Los Cabos.

Hook - 11-16-2007 at 02:58 PM

What's with all the Nordhaven's? Is this an owner's function?

bajajudy - 11-16-2007 at 03:19 PM

Those in the pic all came in together early this morning. On the boat list from the website, it looks like 11 or 12 of the 53 are Nordhavens. We went to lunch at La Marina in La Playita hotel and there was several people with that logo on their shirts.