
Another Discount- YES!

beachbum1A - 11-15-2007 at 06:43 PM

I went down to renew my drivers license today. A new picture, a few questions, another "medical". and behold..... another license!

When I went to the cashier I gave them the paper work along with my discound card. He looked at it, smiled and nodded his head, and gave my ALL my paper work back and sent me back to "window #2!

So that gentleman had to retype one of the pages, reprint it and send me back to the cashier.

Oh and yes, you should have a COPY of your discount card with you. Otherwise you can go upstairs and have it copied there- (for $2 pesos.)

Anyway, this time I got a "regular" license; no more temporary and it's good for 3 years. My out of pocket cost was $278.00 pesos but I have NO Idea what it would have been without the discount card. SORRYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY

CaboRon - 11-16-2007 at 09:45 AM

Thanks for the info.
