
When Leaving a Gas Station

DianaT - 11-16-2007 at 03:20 PM

Check your Motorhome.

Filling up our truck at the Pemex in Vizcaino, we watched a rather large motorhome pull out and head north. Immediately, a woman exited the restroom, and quickly looked frantic.

I stopped her from opening our truck door because of our dogs, but assured her we would help her. We all saw the MOHO turn off the highway headed east. Visabally very upset, she asked, "Have you ever been deserted by your husband in a foreign country?" The answer was affirmative, but that is a long story.

We tried to convince her that he had probably noticed she was missing and was turning around. Trying to get her to wait calmly, we completed our gas purchase.

But she was not calm and would not hold still. Off she took on foot in shoes that caused her to stumble badly on the soft road shoulders. When she crossed the highway, we feared she was not looking.

The guys at the gas station were quite amused and we all agreed that her husband was in BIG TROUBLE. We quickly pulled out on the highway and spotted her husband at the repair shop/vehicle wash place and she was headed that direction.

We stopped to make sure she was OK and told her we were glad he must have noticed her absence. She reached through the window, touched my arm and in a low voice growled, "Honey, he would only notice if the cat was missing."

We wondered if he had discovered her absence, but didn't stay around to see the fireworks.

We wonder.................


Al G - 11-16-2007 at 03:35 PM

Could be the fireworks occurred before the gas stop:biggrin:

bajajudy - 11-16-2007 at 03:50 PM

That man was in deep doo doo.:!:

vandenberg - 11-16-2007 at 04:20 PM

Originally posted by Al G
Could be the fireworks occurred before the gas stop:biggrin:

You're most likely right. Pretty hard to drive a motorhome and not notice that the passenger seat is not occupied, unless he has alzheimers, in which case he shouldn't be driving. She's lucky he didn't leave her at some out of the way desert pee stop, in the middle of the bushes.:(:(:biggrin::biggrin:

Paulina - 11-16-2007 at 04:38 PM

That was a great story, makes me wonder how the rest of their adventure turned out? She could have been sleeping in the back of the moho in the first place, so he didn't think to check before driving away. I wonder why she didn't just use her own bano?

I knew a couple once who were caravaning home from Bahia de Los Angeles. The husband was in the front vehicle, wife and kids following behind. The wife got a flat tire on the dirt road, never making it into Bahia. Fortunately a fisherman came along and helped her change the tire. She drove on the spare into town and had the flat repaired.

The husband didn't notice that she wasn't behind him until he reached El Pedregoso, the mountain that is composed of jumbled boulders. It is roughly 50 mi. from the junction to Bahia de Los Angeles.

That's where the wife found him parked, waiting along the side of the road.

:lol:We divorced 5 years ago.;)


[Edited on 16-11-2007 by Paulina]

toneart - 11-16-2007 at 04:45 PM

Awww, the guy want hurry hurry and she pee too slow.:rolleyes:

Not trying to hijack the thread but...

Dave - 11-16-2007 at 04:58 PM

Originally posted by Paulina
El Pedregoso, the mountain that is composed of jumbled boulders. It is roughly 50 mi. from the junction to Bahia de Los Angeles.

I'm fascinated by El Pedregoso. Can anyone explain the geology and/or has anyone done any exploring there? Is it a volcanic trash heap?

Hook - 11-16-2007 at 05:11 PM

I believe the only plausible explanation is that much looser soil surrounding the boulders eventually eroded away, revealing the boulders.

I think this is what John Minch told me, if memory serves...........which it often doesnt these days.

Natalie Ann - 11-16-2007 at 05:20 PM

Outstanding stories, Diane and Paulina. Thanks for getting the Berkeley margarita hour off to a laughing start.


BajaWarrior - 11-16-2007 at 05:28 PM

I didn't leave my now ex-wife anywhere in particular, I just left her...

But I seem to remember the whole thing started when we bought a two person Kayak...

#1 cause of divorce!:lol:

Paulina - 11-16-2007 at 05:30 PM

Originally posted by Natalie Ann
Outstanding stories, Diane and Paulina. Thanks for getting the Berkeley margarita hour off to a laughing start.


Friday night Berkeley margarita hour sure sounds fun!:yes:


Natalie Ann - 11-16-2007 at 05:43 PM


Friday night Berkeley margarita hour sure sounds fun!:yes:


It's the company we keep, in both 'real' and virtual time/space, that makes this happy hour truly happy, Paulina. So glad you could join us tonight.

Now that you're here... do you prefer those silly blenderized things, or can we go for something good straight up - or with some ice and lime - or perhaps con damiana? Name your poison - we aim to please.:yes::spingrin::dudette:

Minnow - 11-16-2007 at 05:44 PM

I am sure anyone in Mulege could tell you.:coolup:

Paulina - 11-16-2007 at 06:07 PM

Originally posted by Minnow
I am sure anyone in Mulege could tell you.:coolup:

Tell us what? Why he left her at the Pemex, or what the rest of their trip was like, or why she didn't use her own moho bathroom instead of the stations (you have to wonder what condition theirs was in if she chose the station over her own), or the meaning of life at El Pedregoso, or how I like my margarita?

Natalie Ann, On the rocks please, lots of kosher salt. Damiana is good. Light on the tequila though. In the past when I've had a little too much, I found that I was allergic to it. ;D I tend to break out in babies.


Edit: out of control smiley face.

[Edited on 17-11-2007 by Paulina]

You gotta know the secret

Dave - 11-16-2007 at 06:13 PM

Originally posted by BajaWarrior
But I seem to remember the whole thing started when we bought a two person Kayak...

Just like a tandem bicycle. Wife sits in front. Does all the work. You drink beer.

Just make sure she doesn't turn around.

I'd suggest blinders. :rolleyes:

jeans - 11-16-2007 at 06:25 PM

Originally posted by Paulina
:lol:We divorced 5 years ago.;)

Originally posted by Paulina
;D I tend to break out in babies.

Stop! Youre killin' me!:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

Natalie Ann - 11-16-2007 at 06:26 PM

Originally posted by Paulina
Light on the tequila though. In the past when I've had a little too much, I found that I was allergic to it. ;D I tend to break out in babies.


Edit: out of control smiley face.

[Edited on 17-11-2007 by Paulina]

That's too funny, Paulina. But it's got me thinking... now that my son's married, I'm eager to become a grandmother. I need to invite my sweet daughter-in-law to our little fiesta.:?::bounce::biggrin:

vandenberg - 11-16-2007 at 07:58 PM

Stop, you're killin' me:rolleyes:

That's too funny.:rolleyes::rolleyes:

If you use " like" every 5 words also, you could team up with some teens I know.:biggrin:

docsmom - 11-16-2007 at 08:15 PM

You're the funniest!
Nena, can I please crash the party?????? You, Paulina, Diane and I. I'll have my maggies with ice and lime. Sounds like a hoot!

[Edited on 11-17-2007 by docsmom]

vandenberg - 11-16-2007 at 09:05 PM

Can I come :?::?:
I'll bring the beer :saint:
A snapshot in case one of you girls is in the market :P

Man-Eating-His-Nose.jpg - 29kB

Natalie Ann - 11-16-2007 at 09:08 PM

docsmom - Why of course you're invited! We'll gather the wimmen of nomads, let the stories flow freely, try out varying mixtures of the aformentioned ingredients, and watch the sealer on my deck dry.:rolleyes::biggrin::dudette:
Any Friday - my place - almost anyone welcome.


*edit to properly spell docsmom;D

[Edited on 11-17-2007 by Natalie Ann]

Natalie Ann - 11-16-2007 at 09:11 PM

vandenberg - With a face like that, how can any of us resist?:P

Paulina - 11-16-2007 at 09:12 PM

Originally posted by vandenberg
Can I come :?::?:
I'll bring the beer :saint:
A snapshot in case one of you girls is in the market :P

Sorry Vandy ol' boy,

Neil is the only other man for me...someday.

P. aka WIW #1

[Edited on 17-11-2007 by Paulina]

bajabound2005 - 11-16-2007 at 09:14 PM

Oh, Paulina! In this thread we've learned SO much about you!!! Can't wait til you get back to Punta Banda to find out if any of it is true!

Paulina - 11-16-2007 at 09:23 PM

Nah, just a little creative writing practice, Osprey style.


bajabound2005 - 11-16-2007 at 09:27 PM

well, we look forward to your return anyway.

Paulina - 11-16-2007 at 09:33 PM

Thanks. I can't happen soon enough.


wakemall - 11-16-2007 at 09:54 PM

What the hell was this thread!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

bajalera - 11-16-2007 at 10:41 PM

I'll have the tequila room temp in a shot glass please, Natalie Ann. And if this jolly get-together is being held in no certain place at no particular time, please count me in. [And incidentally, where are you now?]

Paulina, Claritan D probably doesn't do much for that type of allergy, but that was certainly funny!

Paula - 11-16-2007 at 10:46 PM

Sounds fun! I'll catch a ride with Lera.

docsmom - 11-16-2007 at 11:01 PM

A Nomad girl gathering. Sounds fabulous. Somehow we need to make it happen!
Vandy, work harder buddy. Toothless face shot, sorry, not the ticket. Beer, not needed. Good tequila might work, but more importantly, can you cook?

BornFisher - 11-16-2007 at 11:25 PM

Ditching your wife in a foreign country? Ahhhhh.......... great memories from the movie "Bagdad Cafe", filmed in Newberry Springs out on hwy 40!!

Natalie Ann - 11-17-2007 at 10:49 AM

Lera - The Friday Berkeley Margarita Hour takes place weekly here at my home or wherever I travel. It is also a virtual party, which makes it easy for all y'all to attend. All Nomads women and their friends are invited to party.

We are currently accepting applications from men who.... cook well, know how to clean up after a gathering, and who are practiced in the art of saying "yes m'am" with a smile.

Bornfisher... Oh! how could I have forgotten Bhagdad Cafe - it is one of my favorite movies, and of course fits with Diane's original tale. Thanks for reminding me. We may have a showing next Friday night. :spingrin::tumble::spingrin:


DENNIS - 11-17-2007 at 11:21 AM

You ladies should have your virtual party while logged on and talking about it here. That way we all can see the transformation from a safe distance.

Natalie Ann - 11-17-2007 at 12:01 PM

Dennis - Only problem with your idea is this... what goes on at the margarita hour stays at the margarita hour. I forgot to add that any men servers will have to be deaf, blind, mute.;D:

Deck's in perfect shape, Gene. I've no idea what you're talking about.:rolleyes: Why just last night I was enjoying my tequila out on that deck... and like you suggested, if I keep my rocking chair rocking it has no opportunity to stick to the still-wet sealer.:P:lol:

vandenberg - 11-17-2007 at 12:31 PM

I forgot to add that any men servers will have to be deaf, blind, mute.;D:

And know how to cook and tend bar....tough proposition, but something my granddaughter and her cheerleading friends from middle school would come up with.:biggrin:

smily avatar.jpg - 9kB

Paulina - 11-17-2007 at 12:51 PM

Originally posted by vandenberg

....tough proposition, but something my granddaughter and her cheerleading friends from middle school would come up with.:biggrin:

That's what I like to hear! Smart women in the making! :yes: You should be a proud grand-daddy.

Natalie Ann - 11-17-2007 at 01:23 PM

Originally posted by vandenberg
I forgot to add that any men servers will have to be deaf, blind, mute.;D:

And know how to cook and tend bar....tough proposition, but something my granddaughter and her cheerleading friends from middle school would come up with.:biggrin:

Well Vandy - the wimmen of Nomads are the best and the brightest... surely we can expect the best of men servers. And really, all ya have to do is cook/clean/don't talk. The skill of serving tequila/damiana/lime/ice special requests and creating just the 'right' room temperature for Lera's shot - all that will fall to me.

And Paulina's right - you're blessed to have a granddaughter who can think and already is so accomplished. She's bound to go far in her lifetime.


Debra - 11-17-2007 at 02:27 PM

BajaBound.........Don't let P fool ya, every word is true.

P, tell the girls about our "wedding dress" dance. Nana thought we were crazy.........(well, come to think about it, WE ARE!)

docsmom - 11-17-2007 at 02:51 PM

Originally posted by wakemall
What the hell was this thread!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

You're right, we've definitely gone sideways. I hope Diane doesn't care. What started as her great post turned into the plannings of a great party!

elizabeth - 11-17-2007 at 03:04 PM

Originally posted by Natalie Ann
docsmom - Why of course you're invited! We'll gather the wimmen of nomads, let the stories flow freely, try out varying mixtures of the aformentioned ingredients, and watch the sealer on my deck dry.:rolleyes::biggrin::dudette:
Any Friday - my place - almost anyone welcome.


*edit to properly spell docsmom;D

[Edited on 11-17-2007 by Natalie Ann]

Can I come, too? I make great margaritas. The good part of a virtual party is that I can drive home! If I actually drove to Berkeley, I would either not be able to have a margarita which would defeat the purpose of the party, or I would get arrested on the way home!

DianaT - 11-17-2007 at 03:07 PM

Originally posted by docsmom
Originally posted by wakemall
What the hell was this thread!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

You're right, we've definitely gone sideways. I hope Diane doesn't care. What started as her great post turned into the plannings of a great party!

Absolutely NOT. I just want to be invivted to the party---on the rocks only, no blenders allowed. Also, I think we should find that poor lady and invite her. I think she could use a drink.

Besides, watching Nena´s deck dry sounds like a great activity. :lol:

Then again, I have been known to stare at San Roque Island for a couple of hours just to watch how the light changes. :lol:



[Edited on 11-17-2007 by jdtrotter]

Paulina - 11-17-2007 at 09:31 PM

Originally posted by Debra
BajaBound.........Don't let P fool ya, every word is true.

P, tell the girls about our "wedding dress" dance. Nana thought we were crazy.........(well, come to think about it, WE ARE!)


You're "out-ing" me! That story (and photos) will have to wait till our next Friday margarita party.


BornFisher - 11-17-2007 at 10:10 PM

O.K., I`m there too!! Well I will be vitually in NA`s back yard, just across the bay, where Tony Bennet left his heart! Itinerary includes hot springs (Miracle), Emeryville, JW Marriott, union square, Home restaurant, any dive bar near union square, back to Emeryville (Sun AM), train to Bakersfield, camp on Carrizo Plane. (Subject to change).
And to NA-- I think you should make up a name for you (yo be) annual party!! The "leave your virtual wife (spouse) at the virtual gas station, in your virtual motor home and run like Heck" or something like that.
And naturally we`ll start with a little dancing!

[Edited on 11-18-2007 by BornFisher]

Al G - 11-18-2007 at 10:29 AM

A great thread for all to read and for the guys that dare to tread, I applaud you....:biggrin:

Mexitron - 11-18-2007 at 10:51 AM

Originally posted by Hook
I believe the only plausible explanation is that much looser soil surrounding the boulders eventually eroded away, revealing the boulders.

I think this is what John Minch told me, if memory serves...........which it often doesnt these days.

I worked for Minch in the early 90s for a short stint--did you know him or are you referring to his book?

Debra - 11-18-2007 at 11:29 AM

P, come to think about it, there wasn't even and Takillya involved (should have been though) Next time!

Natalie Ann - 11-18-2007 at 12:29 PM

OK, here's the plan. Virtual party for wimmen of Nomads each Friday eve at my place. Entertainment at next gathering will be Paulina and Debra doing the wedding dress dance. Perhaps one Friday we might watch videos of Vandy's granddaughter and her cheerleader friends - quality entertainment as well as allowing some of us to relive the good ol' days.;D:dudette:

I will provide rocking chairs, but you must promise to keep rocking as we watch that deck sealer dry.... otherwise you risk getting stuck and becoming a permanent object d'art. About watching sealer dry... Diane and I already know how much fun this type of thing can be, and I hope the rest of you learn to enjoy it as much as we do.

Once a year we'll celebrate Leave Your Spouse at the Gas Station Day. After doing so, we'll gather for a viewing of Baghdad Cafe.

I've received mail indicating feelings of exclusion by some of the male contingent. So... once a month we'll include non-blind/deaf/mute men for the Margarita hour. I have a large backyard.... will put a fire ring and portapotty in the southwest corner. Vandy has volunteered to bring beer. From that vantage point you can see the deck, the sealer drying, and the lovely vision of all of us Nomad wimmen rocking and sipping tequila. Surely a voyeur's dream come true.:lol:

**A special thanks to Diane, who is such a good sport about the silly turn her post has taken.


DENNIS - 11-18-2007 at 01:17 PM

I still think you guys are missing a great oportunity to develop this theme by not taking it to Chat, at least. This could be the start of a thousand year tradition and a BajaNomad showcase. "c-cktails at Natalie Anns."

Diver - 11-18-2007 at 01:27 PM

OK, I have a better idea;

January in Bahia Asuncion so Shari and Diane and my wife can join you.

I will serve Margies, sushi, and other delectibles while sporting my darkest shades and sound-blocking ear muffs.
Maybe Juan will stroll by in his Speedo ?? :biggrin:


[Edited on 11-18-2007 by Diver]

DianaT - 11-18-2007 at 01:33 PM

Originally posted by Diver
OK, I have a better idea;

January in Bahia Asuncion so Shari and Diane and my wife can join you.

I will serve Margies, sushi, and other delectibles while sporting my darkest shades and sound-blocking ear muffs.
Maybe Juan will stroll by in his Speedo ?? :biggrin:

[Edited on 11-18-2007 by Diver]

And, we can trust those sound-blocking ear muffs?? Yea, right. :spingrin::spingrin:

Nena, I thought about calling out the thread police and I understand they do NOT accept mordida. But I like this party idea far better. :lol::lol::lol:


[Edited on 11-18-2007 by jdtrotter]

Natalie Ann - 11-18-2007 at 02:33 PM

Originally posted by Diver
OK, I have a better idea;

January in Bahia Asuncion so Shari and Diane and my wife can join you.

I will serve Margies, sushi, and other delectibles while sporting my darkest shades and sound-blocking ear muffs.
Maybe Juan will stroll by in his Speedo ?? :biggrin:


[Edited on 11-18-2007 by Diver]

Well Diver, those shades must be doing a good job or you would have noticed that Shari and Diane and your wife (even if she does not post here) are all wimmen of Nomads, and therefore part of the founders of this fiesta.

We'll leave the check on those sound-blocking earmuffs to Diane, who seems to be on to your tricks.;D You will also need some duct tape for the mouth (remember it's see/hear/speak no evil). Fortunately we have an ample supply of this tape at my place... often used for me when I've been prattling on too long.:rolleyes:

Juan, with or without thong, is welcome to join the men's contingent 'round the fire.:O

And now I think it's best if I duct tape my fingers and post here no more. See y'all next Friday for the famed Berkeley Virtual Margarita Hour. Get your best stories ready, por favor.


Hook - 11-18-2007 at 07:47 PM

Originally posted by Mexitron
Originally posted by Hook
I believe the only plausible explanation is that much looser soil surrounding the boulders eventually eroded away, revealing the boulders.

I think this is what John Minch told me, if memory serves...........which it often doesnt these days.

I worked for Minch in the early 90s for a short stint--did you know him or are you referring to his book?

He worked for several years at the college I am still working at. We backpacked many times together; multi day trips. Couple times ascending Whitney.

I do have his book, too. Havent seen him in many years now. Cant believe he's not occasionally checking this board.


docsmom - 11-18-2007 at 09:05 PM

You're the hostess with the mostest! See ya there Nomad Wimmen!

Iflyfish - 11-18-2007 at 11:02 PM

I'm still wondering why the guy didn't notice the silence????



Paulina - 11-19-2007 at 08:00 AM

Originally posted by Iflyfish
I'm still wondering why the guy didn't notice the silence????



Well MY theory is because the wife was sleeping in the back when he pulled in, and assumed she was still snoozing when he took off. Maybe she's not the snoring type.
I'm sure the silence was broken once she climbed back in that motorhome!


Iflyfish - 11-19-2007 at 08:38 AM

Hunh? Yu said somethin?


vandenberg - 11-19-2007 at 08:41 AM


Surely a voyeur's dream come true.:lol:

Could you post some pictures please, so we know what we get to " Voyeur ":):)

Has to be worth our valuable time.:biggrin:
No fakes please.:P


Cap - 11-19-2007 at 11:17 AM

Nena my dear, deck sealer will never dry if you keep applying fresh coats and rocking along in the fumes. :tumble:

oops... I think I am getting the duct tape.

Natalie Ann - 11-19-2007 at 11:46 AM

Cap - You're definitely getting the duct tape, smartypants.:P;D

And if ya want to grok this sealer thing, you'd have to understand that there was only ever one coat applied... but the dude sprayed on roughly four times the required amount. We'll be rocking and breathing fumes for years to come.:no::lol:
