
Comet Holmes

vandy - 11-17-2007 at 12:19 PM

Although the comet tail isn't streaming behind it, it's still a comet visible to the naked eye between the Pleides (seven sisters) and Cassiopeoia (the "W").
With binoculars, you can see a halo of dust around it.
Visible just after sunset, I's too cloudy and cold here in Rhode Island.
Wish I was in Baja!

reefrocket - 11-17-2007 at 07:20 PM

Wish I was too! I thougth you had decided to stay in Baja. You were there when I left 3 or 4 years ago and were still there (Loreto) 2 years ago in Feb. when I passed through.
Ps thanks for the heads us on comet. I bougth a star map book and plan on some looking in Feb, next. Nothing like BCS sand and stars.

vandy - 11-17-2007 at 09:26 PM

Yeah, I'm up north helping take care of the old folks.
When I go back to Baja in January, I get to house-sit down near Santiago where I spent last winter.
Man I wish I could find somebody reliable to take my job!