
Shark Norma News

Osprey - 11-17-2007 at 03:14 PM

The Nov. 12 issue of the Southern Gringo Gazette has a front page story saying SHARK NORMA NOW ON HOLD. Once again Ms. Duncan knows all and waaaay before Google, et al. I once read a story in the GG which turned out to be right on, the truth, veriable. It was about a dead parrot.

DENNIS - 11-17-2007 at 03:18 PM

Not to change the subject Osprey but, the new edition here says that the Baja 1000 was remarkably quiet. Didn't seem so quiet to me. How many casualtys?

Back to original programming........

CaboMagic - 11-17-2007 at 04:06 PM

Hello Osprey - As replied via u2u we have heard nothing and no reply <yet> from Minerva .. shes pretty involved hopefully she'll privde some current info .. will post here when/if .. Lori

Don Alley - 11-18-2007 at 10:10 PM

I got this a couple of weeks ago, from The Billfish Foundation (TBF), sorry for not posting it sooner...

TBF Wins Major Battle in Effort to Overturn the Shark Norma

This week two significant actions in Mexico have moved our campaign to overturn the effort by Mexican fisheries officials in Sagarpa/Conapesca to allow longlining for billfish, dorado and other species. The Mexican Senate passed a resolution informing the fisheries agency that the commercial access to billfish afforded to longliners and gillnets in Shark Norma-029 is not legal under the federal fisheries law and requested that the agency revise the regulation to conform to the points raised in our legal action and conservation demands. Almost simultaneously the Secretary of Economy advised the agency that they also would not approve any allowance for a 30% bycatch of billfish and requested that the fisheries agency conform the Norma to the demands included in our legal action, our concerns for the future of sportfishing in Mexico and the recovery of once abundant marine resources along the Pacific and Caribbean coasts.

TBF's advocacy efforts in Mexico have been spearheaded by Dr. Russell Nelson, Guillermo Alvarez and Mexico City legal advisor Luis Fueyo. Our advocacy efforts with our Mexican conservation partners have been made possible by generous donations from TBF members and supporters. TBF President Ellen Peel hailed this week's developments in Mexico, "We hope that the officials in Sagarpa and Conapesca will now respond promptly and effectively to the requests from the Senate and Secretary of the Economy and transform Nom-029 from a conservation negative to conservation positive action that generates real social and economic benefits for Mexico. If they do not do so promptly, we will file our second law suit and give the courts the opportunity to order them to do so."

Details on these two actions are available on line at:

Secretary of Economy (COFEMER):

Mexican Senate: