
Mag Bay Winding Down…

bajafly - 11-17-2007 at 03:51 PM

Endless Season Update 11/17/2007
REPORT #1088 "Below the Border" Saltwater Fly-Fishing reports since 1996

East Cape

As East Cape begins the fall-to-winter transition, the weather becomes more sporadic. Most of this week was ‘picture perfect’ until this morning when the north wind began howling down the Sea of Cortez.

There were still good catches of tuna this week, though some boats traveled long distances south to find them. Smatterings of dorado were also to be found along with a few early morning wahoo.

Beach action for small roosters and jacks was good early in the week but the north wind will probably slow that down for the next few days.

Water temperature 77-85
Air temperature 52-81
Humidity 74 %
Wind: NNW 11 to 14 knots
Conditions: Mostly Clear
Visibility 6 miles
Sunrise 6:35 a.m. MST
Sunset 5:33 p.m. MST

Magdalena Bay, Baja Mexico

The best offshore season in years has been enjoyed off Mag Bay with marlin being taken in extraordinary numbers, but the cold winds crept in and have brought off-color water and cooler temperatures which have slowed the action down dramatically! Bird schools are few and far between as the remaining boats in the area fan out looking for warmer water.
The bright spot is that inside the Entrada this week the boats caught quality yellows in the 30 – 40 lb. range.

Up at Boca Santo Domingo, the Estero action was non-stop for pargo, grouper, and corvina, and a few small snook were landed with several larger ones lost.

Hopefully the winds will back off, the warmer water will be found and everyone will get another “whack” before the season shuts down entirely.

Water temperature 67 - 73
Air temperature 59 -83
Humidity 83%
Wind: WNW 11 to 15 knots
Conditions: Mostly Clear
Visibility 6 miles
Sunrise 6:45 a.m. MST
Sunset 5:39 p.m. MST

Zihuatanejo, Mainland Mexico

The 84° blue water is just off the beach. The seas are almost dead calm, and fishing conditions are ideal. The fishing has seen a variety of action this week, with a lot depending on being at the right place at the right time.

Most boats are averaging a sailfish a day, and we are also getting blue marlin, yellowfin tuna, and dorado.

For one day counts this week, Cheva on the panga, Dos Hermanos II, got two sailfish and two dorado for his client. Santiago, on the panga, Gitana, took a 275 pound blue marlin while fishing with Russ Kirtchner of Iowa. Laura Sanders of LA got 1 sailfish and 7 yellowfin tuna while fishing with Captain Ruben on the Vamonos III.

Adolpho, on the panga Dos Hermanos, found the roosterfish concentrations again by traveling 20 miles to the North. They got 5 roosters weighing 30 to 50 pounds. And, Dave Martin of Colorado also took a 50 pound rooster while fishing the Pantla area on the panga, Esturion.

Ed Kunze
Water temperature 80 - 84
Air temperature 70-94
Humidity 89%
Wind: NNW at 3mph
Conditions: Cloudy
Visibility 10 miles
Sunrise 6:52 a.m. CST
Sunset 6:10 p.m. CST