Originally posted by gnukid
Mexican officials are totally aware of the problems, they experience them too. And I can attest are painfully aware in a way that foreigners are not,
here people have even less faith that change for Mexico is possible, that trait is an American concept not shared by many outside the USA.
Mexicans are looking toward outsiders to demonstrate the courage and know how to challenge the corruption. To Mexicans resolving a crime promptly, the
right way is something so miraculous its almost frightening. The tools include, internet, photography, video and detailed stories which can be printed
in places anonymously and demonstrate the corruption in detail in order to allow prosecution of corruption.
Prosecution requires jail time. We all know what a big expense that is as we have more jails in the US than anywhere in the world. Mexico doesn't have
those resources either.
Basically, Mexico is totally corrupt, there is little but corruption. That is the system. There are almost no people willing to stand up for whats
right because they would be killed by the bad guys. They say for every 100 pesos earned, 40% goes to pay off corruption and theft while 20-30% goes to
the government for taxes so, that leaves 30% to pay for food, housing and miscellaneous.
Mexico can't change itself and most likely never will.
The truth is everything we love about Mexico is still here. Boating is nice, climbing and hiking is nice, playing in the ocean is nice and the
majority of people are warm and pleasant. Its just the bad guys get in the way sometimes. |