
Stopped at Bob and Susan's Today

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djh - 11-21-2007 at 06:29 PM

I know many BajaNomads have been watching Bob and Susan's progress for the last couple of years. Some of us vicariously exercising our dreams, and ALL of us rooting for their success and happiness.

Today Shing and I and brother Bruce and Kate stopped in to say hello to Bob and Susan and both see and congratulate their amazing progress on building such a wonderful home ~ for themselves and their visitors.

And as most of you well know.... these very sweet folks (and their friendly little furry friends) welcomed us, and gave us a grand tour .

We'll stay with them one day soon, and we encourage any of you looking for that muy tranquillo week off the grid to stay with Bob and Susan too.

Really great folks living the dream!

djh and shing.

Roberto - 11-21-2007 at 06:45 PM

Originally posted by djh
And as most of you well know.... these very sweet folks (and their friendly little furry friends) welcomed us, and gave us a grand tour .

All true. But, they won't let OUR furry friends to stay there. Unfortunately, that takes them out of the running, regardless of how much I'd like to stay there.

I think I understand why they do that, but I think there are other solutions, especially on the scale they are operating at.

Not a criticism, just my opinion, and you know what they say about opinions ... :lol::lol::lol::lol:

Minnow - 11-21-2007 at 06:49 PM

The funny thing is that they are dog lovers. Bringing dogs in just causes too many problems for too many people. Besides they have two guard dogs there. Two of the meanest wheeny dogs any bandito ever met.

Roberto - 11-21-2007 at 06:57 PM

Tom, I understand that. But, look at it this way - if I'm a dog lover, I can't take my own dogs. If I'm not, I have to put up with theirs.

Minnow - 11-21-2007 at 06:59 PM

Knowing Bob as I do, I don't think he is worried about losing any business over the issue.:lol:

Roberto - 11-21-2007 at 07:01 PM

That's pretty much what I figured. In his position, I would have the same perspective. We're back to opinions and everyone having one, just like ... well, you know. :lol::lol::lol::lol:

fishbuck - 11-21-2007 at 07:39 PM

The place looks fantastic from the photos.
$200/night during the introductory period and I heard $400/night normal price.
Any opinions about that?
Oh ya, three night minimum.

[Edited on 11-22-2007 by fishbuck]

Bob and Susan - 11-21-2007 at 07:41 PM

roberto...with your name how cold you have a BAAAD dog????

email for a special exemption:biggrin:

Roberto - 11-21-2007 at 07:55 PM

Yes, Bob, my dog is horrible. You run the serious risk of being licked to death. From where he sits, he thinks the world is a wonderful place full of new friends. We can all learn from him. And yes, he's a Labrador Retriever.

I will email at the appropriate time.

Bob and Susan - 11-21-2007 at 07:56 PM

we had one of those:biggrin:

805gregg - 11-22-2007 at 08:51 AM

Originally posted by fishbuck
The place looks fantastic from the photos.
$200/night during the introductory period and I heard $400/night normal price.
Any opinions about that?
Oh ya, three night minimum.

[Edited on 11-22-2007 by fishbuck]

Way too high priced for me and my friends.

backninedan - 11-22-2007 at 09:16 AM

I can't send people there at that price. But I have poor friends!!

[Edited on 11-22-2007 by backninedan]

fishbuck - 11-22-2007 at 12:11 PM

Like I said it looks beautiful and I would love to go there. But that seems like a place for rich people at those prices.
I use to stay at the hotel Punta Chivato when it was about $55/night. What a deal. But then the new guy bought it and it's $400/night. It's the same place basically. I'll probably never go back.
As for Playa Frambes, I think it's worth about $100/night. But then again I'm no rich guy.

BAJACAT - 11-22-2007 at 12:20 PM

wow I thought paying $5 at EL COYOTE BEACH, was expensive, this prices are over my head.....:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:(just having fun Bob&susan)....

vandenberg - 11-22-2007 at 12:22 PM

I use to stay at the hotel Punta Chivato when it was about $55/night. What a deal. But then the new guy bought it and it's $400/night. It's the same place basically. I'll probably never go back.

I think nobody's interested in guests there. Maybe used more like a giant washing machine, whites only :?::biggrin:

vgabndo - 11-22-2007 at 01:20 PM

Discounting the cost of fuel and insurance, we normally spend about forty days in Baja for the price of a minimum stay with Bob and Susan. We're just retired folks with a couple of jobs to augment our income. I guess I'm happy for folks who can afford $1200.00 for three nights in a motel, but that is so far from our reality that it is a little difficult to take it seriously.

It should be noted that these potentially harsh comments are coming from someone who is currently reading a lot about the Zen principles of "right livlihood".

My business is not based on charging as much as I can get away with, but how little I can charge and still make an acceptable profit. My clients get the responsible, accountable, authentic man I am, complete with the ready smile, at an obviously competitive price. I really like it that way even if I can't afford to stay at Playa Frambes.

These are just MY judgements.

Could It Be In Peso's?

JG - 11-22-2007 at 01:47 PM

Rate for high season in a 2bdr. casita...4 persons...$199+ $199+ $98+ $98=$594 X 12%tax= $665.28X 3 days=$1995.84 ..NOT INC. AIR, DINNER, GROUND TRASPORTATION, BOOZE, HOOKERS, JEWELERY?....Switzerland here we come!

vandenberg - 11-22-2007 at 02:25 PM

Yes,!!!! However there are the penthouse hotel suites that rent for up to $ 30.000 per night in some swank hotels around the world, which ,in this case, makes it all relevant.:biggrin::biggrin::biggrin:

And... who wouldn't rather be in Baja :P:P

[Edited on 11-22-2007 by vandenberg]

Bajajack - 11-22-2007 at 02:25 PM

Yup, it's gotta be in them mexican dollares as I could'nt imagine anyone running the gauntlet to get that far in the boondocks just for the priviledge of paying that kind of inflated rate.

Diver - 11-22-2007 at 02:44 PM

You cheapos are obviously not the clientelle that Bob is after.
Your comments only identify you as cheap or poor.

Although I normally prefer to camp when in Baja, a 2 bedroom casita on the beach with all the conveniences, toys, and some meals is well worth the price.
Imagine 2 rooms at the La Pinta plus breakfast and toy rentals....
I'd rather stay with Bob !!


losfrailes - 11-22-2007 at 03:23 PM

Amen Diver.

Some very poorly place comments here.

If you do not like it, I would suggest you continue to camp for the minimum price available.

Bob and Susan have created a class act place with all the amenities. $200 a night is a bargain when compared to other places. Course you don't have to stay there if you cannot afford it.

fishbuck - 11-22-2007 at 04:41 PM

Originally posted by losfrailes
Amen Diver.

Some very poorly place comments here.

If you do not like it, I would suggest you continue to camp for the minimum price available.

Bob and Susan have created a class act place with all the amenities. $200 a night is a bargain when compared to other places. Course you don't have to stay there if you cannot afford it.

That ought to get you a free margarita, you kissup!

Bajagypsy - 11-22-2007 at 04:53 PM

I'm with Diver, on this one.

The beautiful thing about Baja is that there is something for everyone. We like to camp on the beach, so that's what we do. Sometimes we do get a hotel/beach house as well. Since we have such a long drive, and 4 kids yes we tend to cheap out sometimes.

Try staying in Cabo, I know that there are places down there that are way more than what Bob & Susan are charging.

Lindalou - 11-22-2007 at 04:53 PM

Originally posted by fishbuck
Originally posted by losfrailes
Amen Diver.

Some very poorly place comments here.

If you do not like it, I would suggest you continue to camp for the minimum price available.

Bob and Susan have created a class act place with all the amenities. $200 a night is a bargain when compared to other places. Course you don't have to stay there if you cannot afford it.

That ought to get you a free margarita, you kissup!


Bajajack - 11-22-2007 at 04:59 PM

Originally posted by losfrailes
Amen Diver.

Some very poorly place comments here.

If you do not like it, I would suggest you continue to camp for the minimum price available.

Bob and Susan have created a class act place with all the amenities. $200 a night is a bargain when compared to other places. Course you don't have to stay there if you cannot afford it.
Hey, if I'm paying 200 a night I expect a whole hell of a lot of amenities, toilets that work and a lot of sucking up from the servant's!

Bob and Susan - 11-22-2007 at 05:24 PM

welcome everyone to 2007:lol:

sorry...last week from thursday to sunday FULL!!!

week before one couple for a week...
they were happy
they had an entire resort to themselves:lol:

some people are tired of dirty dingy noisy places.

some people lke a NICE vacation without "suffering"
they want something a little beter than home:lol:
i do:light:

my neighbor has rentals for $35 a nite
clean and rustic
on the beach
you'd like it

if no one comes no one comes
if they do they will leave happy and relaxed:spingrin:

fishbuck so you think you can rent a million dollar house for $100 a night:lol::lol::lol::lol:

[Edited on 11-23-2007 by Bob and Susan]

fishbuck - 11-22-2007 at 05:51 PM

Well Bob, I guess if each one of those little casitas cost a million dollars I guess you'll need get that $200-400/night. I figure I could build one for about $20,000.
You're a good sport directing me to your neighbors place. For the money you are saving me I can go fishing. I wave on the way by.
If I win the lotto I'd love to stay at your place. It does look classy.

losfrailes - 11-22-2007 at 07:12 PM


what part of kiss my ass do you understand. Get outta this thread and find someplace else to pander your cheap ass views.

I do not drink margaritas.

fishbuck - 11-22-2007 at 07:24 PM

Originally posted by losfrailes

what part of kiss my burro do you understand. Get outta this thread and find someplace else to pander your cheap burro views.

I do not drink margaritas.

Hey at least Bob was a good sport about it. You got the part about you being an a$$ right.

Diver - 11-22-2007 at 08:08 PM

Why should Bob have to be a good sport about someone trashing his business ?
Just because you feel like being rude and telling us how cheap you are ?
Someone in Asuncion told me Fishbuck was a nice guy. :no:
Will you have the same nasty things to say when rates go up there, as well ?

fishbuck - 11-22-2007 at 08:26 PM

Originally posted by Diver
Why should Bob have to be a good sport about someone trashing his business ?
Just because you feel like being rude and telling us how cheap you are ?
Someone in Asuncion told me Fishbuck was a nice guy. :no:
Will you have the same nasty things to say when rates go up there, as well ?

I don't think I trashed Bob's place. I said it looked beautiful and classy and I'm sure it is. And no Bob did not have to be a good sport but he was.
Yes I am thrifty. I probably could afford Bob's place if I wanted. But I don't think I could relax for $200/night. That's just me. I'm sure that there are many people who think that is a reasonable price. That is a place for them.
As for Asuncion, I loved it and felt very good about spending my money there. I intend to spend more there too. $200 will go along way in Asuncion.
So let's call a truce here on this issue.
This is after all a general discussion forum. I think I'm aloud to speak my mind.

[Edited on 11-23-2007 by fishbuck]

Diver - 11-22-2007 at 09:00 PM

Much better explanation, thank you.
But just wait until I open my fancy lodgings in Asuncion !! :biggrin:

capt. mike - 11-23-2007 at 04:25 AM

fishbuck et al - you missed the point, its $200 for a TWO BEDROOM CASITA with living room THAT SLEEPS 4!!!!!!!!!!!!!


so..............for $100 a couple you get an amenity like that plus free beer and breakfast.

get real people, the old days of $60 a nite for great digs are gone. its 2008 almost.
and the Posada del los flores is not the same as it was as when Bill ran it as the old chivato hotel - it was totally renovated to the max. but i am NO FAN of marcelleto and his group believe me. the prices are one thing but they are not friendly like Bob Frambes and Co.

who's going to the big swap meet ar santispac today?????????????

Bob and Susan - 11-23-2007 at 05:32 AM

fishbuck...its ok to think...
and i dont think you're trashing anything

you belive the price is too high...
and that's fine
you're just living in the past EXACTLY like i do ALL the time!!!:lol:
rver's ....fancy camp
(and those rvs arn not cheap$$$)
there is a market that has "some vacation money" and
wants a "little" luxury while
they spend their "little vacation time" in baja

some wives won't camp in the dirt
they are tired of bugs falling from a palapa roof:light:
they are just tired of lving out of a metal box

we did ALL this for years....

this NEW target group wants...

fresh towels and soap daily...

a shower with HOT water

a nice cook to cook breakfast in a CLEAN kitchen
so the wife can "take a real vacation"
no dishes

robes to "strool" around in the morning with coffee in their hand

a clean "fresh-water" pool like at home
(and they'll probably be ALL alone in the pool)

wireless internet
(these guys have blackberries and laptops)
kayaks (we have 5)

a fishing guide that will pick them up and
drop them off right out front on the beach

safe parking for their truck and boat
a hose with real water pressure to "flush" the engine:light:

sorry fishbuck ...
you dont get this at a $35 a day motel
and you shouldn't

i LOVE paying $28:P
for a room on the road but
I bring my own bedding:o:o:o
and wear flip flops in the shower:light:
i have to take the bedding back to get clean sheets!!!:lol:

then the bed...that something else:lol:

well... end or rant...

fishbuck... come and visit
have a beer on top of the lighthouse...
for sure stay next door
clean...rustic...and on the beach $10 to $35 a day
its REALLY nice!!!!

remember if you're a 1000 feet away you MUST visit:lol::lol:

fishbuck - 11-23-2007 at 07:10 AM

Bob, you are a classy guy. The more I read your posts the more I like you. I think I'm starting to understand the market you are providing for.
I guess I'll have save my pennies up and stay at your place some time. It's seems like a reasonable price afterall.

fishbuck - 11-23-2007 at 07:14 AM

Originally posted by capt. mike
fishbuck et al - you missed the point, its $200 for a TWO BEDROOM CASITA with living room THAT SLEEPS 4!!!!!!!!!!!!!


so..............for $100 a couple you get an amenity like that plus free beer and breakfast.

get real people, the old days of $60 a nite for great digs are gone. its 2008 almost.
and the Posada del los flores is not the same as it was as when Bill ran it as the old chivato hotel - it was totally renovated to the max. but i am NO FAN of marcelleto and his group believe me. the prices are one thing but they are not friendly like Bob Frambes and Co.

who's going to the big swap meet ar santispac today?????????????

Capt Mike, I make it a rule to never disagree with another pilot. Especially one with as many Baja hours as you.
I sure do miss the old Hotel Chivato though. It was good enough for me the way it was.

capt. mike - 11-23-2007 at 07:58 AM

"Capt Mike, I make it a rule to never disagree with another pilot. Especially one with as many Baja hours as you.
I sure do miss the old Hotel Chivato though. It was good enough for me the way it was. "

yeah, me too!:coolup:
you should read my rants on the BBP board back when the italians took it over. the price jump from $65 to $175 a nite was the end of flying sams staying there 2 nites a month after 10 years!

bajamigo - 11-23-2007 at 09:24 AM

Originally posted by Bob and Susan
rver's ....fancy camp
(and those rvs arn not cheap$$$)
there is a market that has "some vacation money" and
wants a "little" luxury while
they spend their "little vacation time" in baja


Excellent point, Bob. We're fortunate enough to be able to afford a reasonably nice RV. But when we compared that cost to buying a nice ride to take us from luxury hotel to luxury hotel, we passed on the RV. Obviously, that's a little bit of apples and oranges, but whether you stay at Playa Frambes or camp in a cardboard box is mostly a matter of preference. The price of your accommodations isn't the real issue at all.

David K - 11-23-2007 at 09:41 AM

Okay guys... relax a bit!

Bob and Susan have been working very hard and shared that work with us here for a long time. It is THEIR business, so it is their choice on what kind of customers they want to serve... If the price is too high to get enough customers, then they can drop the price if they want.

The point is that Baja has something for everyone, and a little bit more. So, pick and choose your 'cup-of-tea'...

If you want to turn this into a discussion on business ethics, then a new thread may be in order. I personally like what Vgabndo had to say, and that is pretty much how I am in business... and also, perhaps why I am not 'rich'!

Good luck to Bob and Susan... best wishes... and a Baja Nomad member discount will always be welcome by the gang here!!;D:lol::light:

Minnow - 11-23-2007 at 10:03 AM

I would be willing to bet if Bob and Susan had guest there paying $1000 per night and he didn't like them he would ask them to leave. It is not about the money. Playa Frambes is Bob and Susans dream. Not your dream Fishbuck, or anyone else who choses to bash them for asking their price. (The million dollar figure probably comes from the total cost of the project, and if you stay there you will more than likely have the place to yourself.) Not to mention each Casita sleeps 4, has its own living room and kithchen, so that two couples will be very comfortable, and is completely furnished with top grade everything. No hard beds here, top of the line pillow tops only, with brand new linens. All of that for only 50 bucks a person. I have paid a lot more to stay in dumps. Oh, yeah. I forgot to mention RIGHT ON one of the most beautiful bays in the entire WORLD. Give me a break. If you can afford it, and want a quiet getaway, it is well worth it.

Also, Bob and Susan are great fun, totally cool people.

[Edited on 23-11-2007 by Minnow]

vandenberg - 11-23-2007 at 10:11 AM

Originally posted by Minnow
I would be willing to bet if Bob and Susan had guest there paying $1000 per night and he didn't like them he would ask them to leave. It is not about the money. Playa Frambes is Bob and Susans dream. Not your dream Fishbuck, or anyone else who choses to bash them for asking their price. (The million dollar figure probably comes from the total cost of the project, and if you stay there you will more than likely have the place to yourself.) Not to mention each Casita sleeps 4, has its own living room and kithchen, so that two couples will be very comfortable, and is completely furnished with top grade everything. No hard beds here, top of the line pillow tops only, with brand new linens. All of that for only 50 bucks a person. I have paid a lot more to stay in dumps. Oh, yeah. I forgot to mention RIGHT ON one of the most beautiful bays in the entire WORLD. Give me a break. If you can afford it, and want a quiet getaway, it is well worth it.

Also, Bob and Susan are great fun, totally cool people.

[Edited on 23-11-2007 by Minnow]

Well Minnow,
after that endorsment you almost make me leave my simple abode to have a look/see what all this fuzz is about.
At least from my local we don't have to run "the gauntlet":P:biggrin:

And, after sampling one of Bob's famous margaritas, maybe even able to get back home to my own bed, a king with pillowtopped mattress I might add.:biggrin:

[Edited on 11-23-2007 by vandenberg]

Bob and Susan - 11-23-2007 at 10:11 AM

this is a GREAT discussion:spingrin:

i LOVE this stuff!!!!:biggrin:

vandenberg - 11-23-2007 at 10:16 AM

Originally posted by Bob and Susan
this is a GREAT discussion:spingrin:

i LOVE this stuff!!!!:biggrin:

You ought to. Can't get any better free advertising:P:lol:

ELINVESTIG8R - 11-23-2007 at 10:24 AM

I do not know Bob and Susan but I am sure they are good human beings who have built a dream and do not go around gouging people who stay at their place. I went to their site and liked what I saw and yes I would pay that price to live in the luxury they provide. I also liked the Enchilada plate they have pictured. Maybe some day I can go down to their place for a couple of days to visit. It’s been 40 years since I was last in Baja California but back then I was 15 and homeless drinking water out of cattle hoof prints in the desert until Mama Anita Espinoza from El Rosario took me in as one of her own kids. Thank God I am no longer homeless and can afford to stay at those places if I so choose. Saludos a Bob and Susan...

David K - 11-23-2007 at 10:28 AM

Originally posted by ELINVESTI8
.... It’s been 40 years since I was last in Baja California but back then I was 15 and homeless drinking water out of cattle hoof prints in the desert until Mama Anita Espinoza from El Rosario took me in as one of her own kids. Thank God I am no longer homeless and can afford to stay at those places if I so choose. Saludos a Bob and Susan...

You have just got to post the 'rest of the story' sometime... please!

[Edited on 11-23-2007 by David K]

ELINVESTIG8R - 11-23-2007 at 10:37 AM

I would love to tell my story here but it is a long story and I might get chewed out by the owner of this site for writing too much. I am going down to see Mama Espinoza in El Rosario on December 15 through the 18th. It has been 40 years since I have seen her. I recently found out she is still alive and turned 100 years old as of October 16, 2007. I have contacted them and they know I am coming and are excited to see me as I am to see all of her family. It will be an emotional reunion for me to finally see Mama Espinoza.

vandenberg - 11-23-2007 at 10:38 AM

It’s been 40 years since I was last in Baja California but back then I was 15 and homeless drinking water out of cattle hoof prints in the desert until Mama Anita Espinoza from El Rosario took me in as one of her own kids. Thank God I am no longer homeless and can afford to stay at those places if I so choose.

You can't keep this story to yourself :no::no:
And if you need any help putting your thoughts and experiences in writing, I suggest using Gnukid as a ghost writer.:biggrin::biggrin:
Waiting with anticipation......:?::?:

ELINVESTIG8R - 11-23-2007 at 10:41 AM

Oh I did a video of me singing Las Mananitas to Mama Espinoza and had to post it on YouTube because I could not send her the video via the restaurant e-mail. You can see the video on YouTube. Just put elinvesti8 in the search window and it should come up.

[Edited on 11-23-2007 by ELINVESTI8]

fishbuck - 11-23-2007 at 11:22 AM

Originally posted by ELINVESTI8
I do not know Bob and Susan but I am sure they are good human beings who have built a dream and do not go around gouging people who stay at their place. I went to their site and liked what I saw and yes I would pay that price to live in the luxury they provide. I also liked the Enchilada plate they have pictured. Maybe some day I can go down to their place for a couple of days to visit. It’s been 40 years since I was last in Baja California but back then I was 15 and homeless drinking water out of cattle hoof prints in the desert until Mama Anita Espinoza from El Rosario took me in as one of her own kids. Thank God I am no longer homeless and can afford to stay at those places if I so choose. Saludos a Bob and Susan...

That wasn't water in those hoof prints! Maybe that's why Mama took pity on you.

fishbuck - 11-23-2007 at 11:38 AM

Originally posted by Minnow
I would be willing to bet if Bob and Susan had guest there paying $1000 per night and he didn't like them he would ask them to leave. It is not about the money. Playa Frambes is Bob and Susans dream. Not your dream Fishbuck, or anyone else who choses to bash them for asking their price. (The million dollar figure probably comes from the total cost of the project, and if you stay there you will more than likely have the place to yourself.) Not to mention each Casita sleeps 4, has its own living room and kithchen, so that two couples will be very comfortable, and is completely furnished with top grade everything. No hard beds here, top of the line pillow tops only, with brand new linens. All of that for only 50 bucks a person. I have paid a lot more to stay in dumps. Oh, yeah. I forgot to mention RIGHT ON one of the most beautiful bays in the entire WORLD. Give me a break. If you can afford it, and want a quiet getaway, it is well worth it.

Also, Bob and Susan are great fun, totally cool people.

[Edited on 23-11-2007 by Minnow]

I've been kinda dreaming about the place. It's been fun to watch the project unfold.
I even have been thinking of a scaled down version for my place in San Quintin. I'll might call it Playa El Cheapo. Ha, ha just kidding. I'll call mine Puertal De La Pacifica.
Ya, I figured out the million was for the whole place.
My only question is why not have one of the castas with 4 single beds so 4 guys could stay and go fishing. My guess is that they don't want those guys there. Because $50/night is a deal!

[Edited on 11-23-2007 by fishbuck]

CaboRon - 11-23-2007 at 11:50 AM

Originally posted by 805gregg
Originally posted by fishbuck
The place looks fantastic from the photos.
$200/night during the introductory period and I heard $400/night normal price.
Any opinions about that?
Oh ya, three night minimum.

[Edited on 11-22-2007 by fishbuck]

Way too high priced for me and my friends.

My opinion is these prices Stink.!!!!!!

- CaboRon

bajamigo - 11-23-2007 at 12:16 PM

Thus proving there's no such thing as bad publicity. Now my wife HAVE to go and spend a few days to see what all this fuss is about.

bajalera - 11-23-2007 at 01:50 PM

This board is really one of the last places I ever expected to see a class war being played out on.

It seems to me that where people choose to spend the night is not so much a matter of money as it is of what you happen to like about Baja California. Terrific bed-pillows and gourmet meals and a constant supply of hot running water are amenities I appreciate, but these are not things I associate with Baja.

And I think you guys who sneer at fellow Nomads for being cheap, because they don't care to--or can't afford to-- take advantage of Bob and Susan's five-star accommodations ought to be ashamed of yourselves.

For the present, at least, the peninsula has room for all of us.

DENNIS - 11-23-2007 at 02:10 PM

Originally posted by bajalera

For the present, at least, the peninsula has room for all of us.

And our varied opinions.

vandenberg - 11-23-2007 at 03:12 PM

Bob and Susan's five-star accommodations

If I recall right, it was the Michelin guide that started assigning stars to restaurants and accomodations around the world. The star giving has gotten a little out of hand with every hotel and motel in the world assigning themselves stars. Loreto's hotel/motel guide has very few establishments below a ( their own ) 4 star rating. Most of them I wouldn't let my dog stay in. Hard to believe that one would rate his/hers establishment on the same level as the Waldorf or a penthouse suite in Vegas. Most of them in Baja can't even compare themselves with a motel 6.
But then again, living in Nopolo, I have to listen to the folks staying in the 5 star Loreto Bay Inn.:(:( Whatever floats your boat :P:biggrin::biggrin:

Oso - 11-23-2007 at 04:41 PM

Everything is relative to situation, circumstance and Location, Location, Location. I've stayed in a Motel 6 that was much better quality- bed, shower, TV, AC, continental breakfast etc. for less than what I once payed at the Cielito Feo dump. The difference? The former was east of LAX and the latter was on the beach in Baja.

I'm usually pretty cheap, but sometimes I tire of it. On the way down for the race a couple weeks ago, I balked and turned around at the gate to Percebu when I saw the $25 fee for just camping! In spite of the lure of the famous cazuelas, it just seemed out of reason. Campo Beluga in Gonzaga at $15 seemed within reason, even for an open palapa. The toilets do actually flush, although "showers" is an exercise in semantics. It's a straight shot of cold water from an overhead pipe with no "showerhead", probably ok in the summer. But, the sudden drop in temperatures the day I left made the night on a cot in the wind a bit less than cozy.

After two nights of cojones congelados, I didn't mind the $60 at Raquel and Larry's even if that is a wee bit more than what I generally want to spend for no TV etc. and gravity feed trickle shower. But, it was just me and Chu and the room contained one double and three single beds, adequate for a large family or five fishing buddies (if two of them were really good friends) that would have come to $12 each, a real bargain.. The location was very nice, the food is still good even if it's not Raquel's cooking anymore and Larry is a heluva great guy. I ended up staying three days. (BTW, Chu did not sleep on any of the beds, we carry his own.)

On the way back, instead of the usual stay at Old Mill ($40 a couple years ago- still?), I stayed at Jardines Baja nearby. I am on the horns of a dilemma recommending this place. On the one hand, I don't want the "secret" to get TOO discovered to the point they raise prices or it gets hard to find a room. On the other, I want them to prosper enough (they deserve it) that they stay open. It's not on the beach, but in a lovely garden setting amid pomegranate trees, roses and Bird of Paradise flowers, a nice break from sand and wind. They had two singles for $38 but they are interior rooms with window on a hallway and I have mild claustrophobia. So I paid $50 for an excellent, very modern double with a great high pressure hot water shower in a stall big enough for a coed dorm party. Some may recall this place as a great restaurant. No worries, mate, they are building another next door- a stunning colonial design with double cupolas.

Bob and Susan's place looks really first cabin. My usual Baja travels include just me and an antisocial dog who does not play well with others, so it may not be in the cards for me unless circumstances change. But, when you factor in the amenities and consider splitting the cost between two couples vacationing together and not desiring to rough it, the cost is not all that prohibitive and a stay there would make a great game show prize.

vandenberg - 11-23-2007 at 05:00 PM

WHEEL OF FORTUNE ,here we come :biggrin::biggrin:

Roberto - 11-23-2007 at 06:24 PM

Originally posted by CaboRon
My opinion is these prices Stink.!!!!!!

- CaboRon

My opinion is you are a marooon. :lol::lol::lol::lol:

motoged - 11-24-2007 at 12:21 AM

Baja appeals to and attracts a wide range of people....some wealthy and some not, some who wear white knee socks in their sandals and some who are comfortable with sand between their toes.

I see nothing wrong with being poor or cheap, and nothing wrong with being wealthy (wish I was :lol: ). Both categories of folks can be jerks or gracious.

Mexico doesn't offer the great deals of a few years ago as readily, but I would guess that most Nomads who spend most of their time in Baja are there because of the expense factor (less expensive than north of the border), and not just the "lay of the land".

Baja and other parts of "rustic" Mexico are being overtaken by a grab for tourist dollars and by the wealthy folks who buy, develop, and drive up land costs (sometimes displacing locals and sometimes creating more employment opportunities).

I also appreciate Vag's comments as they also reflect my values....and that's just my personal thing.

Bob and Susan have apparently put a lot of energy and money into their business...I wish them luck. I can't afford that way of travelling or vacationing....I sometimes go to the expensive places to have a look, a drink, a swim ....or at least until the evil eye makes me leave ...

And you know....the robes these expensive places have just don't fit I lounge around in my shorts and t-shirt with my killer marg, smoke, and view to the rest of the day.

Free beer .....about $10

Free breakfast....about $3.00

the other $387 to spend as I want....priceless

Come now....

djh - 11-24-2007 at 08:18 AM

I started this post to simply congratulate Bob and Susan and to say thanks for their hospitality, and to encourage fellow Nomads to enjoy their beautiful place.

A few of the comments that followed seemed quite disrespectful and I felt a little crummy for starting the post.

As a friend once said .... If you can't say something nice.... maybe you should have a nice cup of shut the * * * * up.

* adjective of your choice ~ or would that be an adverb...? (something new to disect and pontificate on...)

It is an old, but good practice to put yourself in the other person's shoes for a moment before you comment... also to "talk to people, not about people."

vandenberg - 11-24-2007 at 08:32 AM

I, for one, totally disagree with you. This thread has created quite an interest in Bob and Susan's place, which paid advertising can't match :yes::yes:

And the negative comments won't, in any way, keep their kind of clientel ( well to do :biggrin: ) away from their digs.
If you pay attention to the ad campaigns on TV you should know what I mean. Some make you swear to never, never, never buy that item in a hundred years :barf::no::no:
But it works :biggrin::biggrin:

opinions are like what ?

mulege marv - 11-24-2007 at 08:54 AM

lol, i have found this thread very amusing. well worth the price of admission. me and my wife have sat around the pool and "knocked back a few" with bob & susan, great people, and a great place they have created. my wife and i have not been the type to "rough it " for quite a while. as a matter of fact roughing it to my wife is no room service. we usually stay at the nicer places when we do venture away from our home in mulege which is not very often. we would be very comfortable staying at "Playa Frambes" , very clean, secluded, quite, excellant hosts, and "the lighthouse" all a stones throw from the water. $200 a nite, you cant go out to a nice dinner in the states for that last time i checked. and have any of you that think $200 is too much ever attempted any type of construction in baja ? thats another story in itself. my hats off to you bob & susan, not many folks (including myself) would have the b**** to even attempt to do what you have succeded in doing. im sure you will do very well, you already have.

CaboRon - 11-24-2007 at 10:17 AM

Originally posted by Roberto
Originally posted by CaboRon
My opinion is these prices Stink.!!!!!!

- CaboRon

My opinion is you are a marooon. :lol::lol::lol::lol:

Is that your best shot?

uh oh

mulege marv - 11-24-2007 at 10:32 AM

pull up a chair and get ready, could get ugly !

calvinaugh.gif - 49kB

Barry A. - 11-24-2007 at 12:23 PM

The accomodations etc. sound wonderful------

------but $200 seems stiff, to me, too.

Last night I spent the night in a ROADWAY INN in Yreka, CA with all the amenities we would ever want, or need, for 2 of us and the total bill with tax and everything was $47.30.

Last year we had a beautiful room at the Bright Angel Lodge with a full plateglass view of the Grand Canyon from our room, only about 100 feet from the rim, for $205.

In July this year we spent the night at the Classic old Yellowstone Inn in a large beautiful room with a view of the geyser basin, overlooking Old Faithful geyser, for $87.

Again, everything is relative, I suppose.


Cypress - 11-24-2007 at 12:38 PM

Thumbs up to Bob and Susan!:D They have a beautiful place and are neat people. Enjoyed a visit with Bob, Susan was busy elsewhere. Regarding the costs for a stay there, they really don't care whether you stay with 'em or not. I sorta get the idea they'd just as soon sit back and enjoy it all to themselves. You ought to see the view from there lighthouse. By the way, there's a place down the beach you can stay at for $20/night.:D

Minnow - 11-24-2007 at 01:25 PM

Originally posted by Cypress
. I sorta get the idea they'd just as soon sit back and enjoy it all to themselves.

One of your most cogent posts Cypress. Have a great trip.:yes:

DENNIS - 11-24-2007 at 01:32 PM

Seems a lot of folks here are driven by comparative pricing. If Motel-6 suits your needs, by all means, stay there. You could even save more if you slept in the back seat of your car.
What Bob and Susan are offering is a unique environment. Look at the pictures of the setting, the bay and the sky, the privacy and the opportunity to be in your own little world.
I would venture a guess that if Motel-6 was in the same place, they would be offering a special at $200 per night as well. They would be crazy not to.

docsmom - 11-24-2007 at 03:32 PM

I can't wait 'till I'm able to stay with Bob & Susan. I am very cost conscious and work furiously before every trip to find the best value for the money. $200 per night, without a private kitchen is a bit steep. But if we were traveling with great friends, $100 per couple, a community kitchen available, and the hospitality of Bob and Susan......... Sounds great to me!
Can't wait to see you all!

vandenberg - 11-24-2007 at 04:21 PM

Originally posted by docsmom
I can't wait 'till I'm able to stay with Bob & Susan. I am very cost conscious and work furiously before every trip to find the best value for the money. $200 per night, without a private kitchen is a bit steep. But if we were traveling with great friends, $100 per couple, a community kitchen available, and the hospitality of Bob and Susan......... Sounds great to me!
Can't wait to see you all!

Hey Mom,
Since you're a little money conscious, maybe you should get a ride with " Big John ", in case the accommodations are not what you expected :(
That way you can always sleep in his van, for next to nothing I might add, and maybe see even more of our Baja then you expected :wow::biggrin:

docsmom - 11-24-2007 at 04:42 PM

Het Berg,
Are you really feeling "mellow"? 'Cuz you post didn't feel that way......
Reads a bit hostile to me. Who the **** is "Big John". If I'm wrong please explain yourself. Otherwise, same to you *******.

[Edited on 11-25-2007 by Hose A]

vandenberg - 11-24-2007 at 04:49 PM

Originally posted by docsmom
Het Berg,
Are you really feeling "mellow"? 'Cuz you post didn't feel that way......
Reads a bit hostile to me. Who the F*** is "Big John". If I'm wrong please explain yourself. Otherwise, same to you A**hole.

No offense meant and not " mellow ". My imbibing days are over. Please read my U2U.:(

docsmom - 11-24-2007 at 04:54 PM

There's nothing in my U2U from you. But if no offense was meant, none will be taken and sorry for the knee-jerk response. Still don't know what you were referencing but I'll consider it my confusion, not yours.
By the way, you're the one who has posted your mood as "mellow".

[Edited on 11-24-2007 by docsmom]

vandenberg - 11-24-2007 at 05:05 PM

There's nothing in my U2U from you.

On it's way. Should be there by now.:?::(

Roberto - 11-24-2007 at 06:15 PM

Originally posted by CaboRon
Originally posted by Roberto
Originally posted by CaboRon
My opinion is these prices Stink.!!!!!!

- CaboRon

My opinion is you are a marooon. :lol::lol::lol::lol:

Is that your best shot?

No, but anything more would be wasted on you, since you are ... oh yeah (see above). And, you have proven this time and time again, with stupid, senseless, empty comments. Are you going to ask if Bob and Susan's is a secret surf spot?


Smoke - 11-24-2007 at 07:19 PM

I have not stayed at bob & susans but I have stayed at Rancho Leonero, Palmas De Cortez and Playa De Sol. From the pictures of Bob $ Susans I would say they are competively priced. The rooms at Eddies places are single rooms with 2 double beds, except for the Suite's & Condos all are in that price range.

vgabndo - 11-24-2007 at 08:17 PM

I guess it IS some form of "class" discussion.

Marv's opinion that you can't get a nice dinner in the States for less than $100.00 a plate is a fine example. It is my pleasure to remind those that DON'T find this appalling that if you have money in a bank you are far far richer than more than half of the people on the face of the earth.

In my judgement, there is no moral way to spend that kind of money on ONE meal when billions of our fellow human beings, many of them babies and children, are going to sleep hungry tonight.

For those of you who think I am wrong, and who are so inclined (supposedly the majority) , I recommend that next time you are about to crack a bottle of $50.00 wine you crack your Bible in stead.

Conspicuous consumption has never rested well with me.

DENNIS - 11-24-2007 at 08:32 PM


I appreciate your heartfelt sentiment.

Paula - 11-24-2007 at 10:20 PM

I agree with you, but I didn't come to my conclusions by reading the Bible. Religion isn't a prerequisite for a sense of social justice.

Bob and Susan - 11-25-2007 at 06:01 AM

We agree the morals in the bible are what keep us ALL safe and sane.
Imagine a world without these basic beliefs. WOW!!!

The $100 meal is not uncommon in the states.

If you live in any urbanized location like Los Angeles, Chicago, New York, or San Francisco you know what I mean.

Many people make ALOT of money.
They make too much to spend on just basic needs.
The extra money is THEIR disposal income to do with as THEY please.

They contribute to the economy (of the world) by SPENDING “their” DISPOSAL cash.

They indirectly pay for the salary of others, in services, rent, and products.
EVERYONE benefits when a $100 meal is served!!!

When you retire, holding your money in the bank is (IMHO) just foolish.

You worked ALL your life to provide for a comfortable retirement for yourself.
By “penny pinching” YOU suffer in your “golden years”.

Worrying about your future is foolish.
Life is too short…look around!!!

“Smell the Roses”
Enjoy Life
Spend EVERY penny before you “leave”

While you do that…help others…

edit...spelling again:biggrin:

[Edited on 11-25-2007 by Bob and Susan]

Can you top this?

baitcast - 11-25-2007 at 07:23 AM

Large cabana with a flusher........ .50 cents per day,1965,no minimum,right in front of PaPa Fernandez casa on the beach:biggrin:

vandenberg - 11-25-2007 at 08:13 AM

Originally posted by Paula
I agree with you, but I didn't come to my conclusions by reading the Bible. Religion isn't a prerequisite for a sense of social justice.

In other words: Bible, Koran or any other religeous fairy tale book thumping, and $ 1.00 get you a cup of coffee at McDonalds :biggrin:

vandenberg - 11-25-2007 at 08:17 AM

Spend EVERY penny before you “leave”

But it sure would help to know when you're leaving :?::biggrin:
Any suggestions :?::?::(:(

ELINVESTIG8R - 11-25-2007 at 08:25 AM

Hay mucha envidia aquí entre algunas gentes y eso es un monstruo muy feo. Deja que la gente buena viva en paz y ya con los comentarios hediondos.

Bruce R Leech - 11-25-2007 at 08:27 AM

Originally posted by Barry A.
The accomodations etc. sound wonderful------

------but $200 seems stiff, to me, too.

Last night I spent the night in a ROADWAY INN in Yreka, CA with all the amenities we would ever want, or need, for 2 of us and the total bill with tax and everything was $47.30.

Last year we had a beautiful room at the Bright Angel Lodge with a full plateglass view of the Grand Canyon from our room, only about 100 feet from the rim, for $205.

In July this year we spent the night at the Classic old Yellowstone Inn in a large beautiful room with a view of the geyser basin, overlooking Old Faithful geyser, for $87.

Again, everything is relative, I suppose.


$47.30. seems a little high to stay at a ROADWAY INN in Yreka, CA . I think you would need to pay me to stay there:lol: Yreka, CA is the kind of place you want to get out of, Bobs place is a resort vacation destination.

capt. mike - 11-25-2007 at 08:28 AM

"When being questioned make no statement, make no waivers and take no polygraph. And never sign a consent to search form either. Well the consent to search part is a mute point if you are on probation or parole and have search terms attached to it."

why??? WGAF??

DENNIS - 11-25-2007 at 08:33 AM

Originally posted by capt. mike

why??? WGAF??

I think that's just a statement in his signature box. But, you're right.....WGAF

ELINVESTIG8R - 11-25-2007 at 08:39 AM

It is something one should always follow when being questioned where we have rights. And what does WGAF stand for.

Barry A. - 11-25-2007 at 09:00 AM

Originally posted by Bruce R Leech
Originally posted by Barry A.
The accomodations etc. sound wonderful------

------but $200 seems stiff, to me, too.

Last night I spent the night in a ROADWAY INN in Yreka, CA with all the amenities we would ever want, or need, for 2 of us and the total bill with tax and everything was $47.30.

Last year we had a beautiful room at the Bright Angel Lodge with a full plateglass view of the Grand Canyon from our room, only about 100 feet from the rim, for $205.

In July this year we spent the night at the Classic old Yellowstone Inn in a large beautiful room with a view of the geyser basin, overlooking Old Faithful geyser, for $87.

Again, everything is relative, I suppose.


$47.30. seems a little high to stay at a ROADWAY INN in Yreka, CA . I think you would need to pay me to stay there:lol: Yreka, CA is the kind of place you want to get out of, Bobs place is a resort vacation destination.

Heyyyyy-------Yreka is a sports capitol of Northern California, in the summer, anyway. Fishing, river running (Klamath), hunting of all kinds, skiing on Mt. Shasta, beautiful high country with Mt. Shasta looming over all of it, it is really nice country. AND, I never stay in Motel 6's----too primitive even for me, and way too expensive for what you get------but Roadway Inn's have everything you would want in their rooms. But I must confess, even I was surprised at the $47.30 rate---you don't often find a rate that low.

Bob and Susan's place looks outstanding-------I was just pointing out that $200 is a LOT of money for a place to stay, in my opinion-----that's all.

And while I am at it: $100 a plate dinners (that somebody mentioned) are absurd (to me)----I have NEVER paid even close to that much in my 70 years on earth------I would much rather invest that money and use the "returns" to pay for things I REALLY want, and to help others less fortunate----it is not a question of being able to "afford it", it just is the principal of the thing, as somebody else has suggested. :light:

However, I applaud Bob and Susan for following their dream, and they certainly can "charge" anything they want.


ELINVESTIG8R - 11-25-2007 at 09:14 AM

Originally posted by DENNIS
Originally posted by capt. mike

why??? WGAF??

I think that's just a statement in his signature box. But, you're right.....WGAF

Can someone tell me what the initials "WGAF" stands for? Remember I am just a Junior Nomad in here. Tambien porque no quiero enojarme por un mal entendimiento si fue algo de respeto.



[Edited on 11-25-2007 by ELINVESTI8]

[Edited on 11-25-2007 by ELINVESTI8]

vandenberg - 11-25-2007 at 09:22 AM

Can someone tell me what the initials "WGAF" stands for? Remember I am just a Junior Nomad in here.



Who Gives A........... and you fill in the rest :biggrin:
Comprende :?:

BTW,your signature suggest that you had some run-ins with the law during your life :?:
Is that how you ended up at Espinoza's at 15 :?:
Had an early start :?::biggrin:

[Edited on 11-25-2007 by vandenberg]

[Edited on 11-25-2007 by vandenberg]

Oso - 11-25-2007 at 09:22 AM

Who gives a f...?

some kind of record

mulege marv - 11-25-2007 at 09:25 AM

2,818 views ? wow ! amazing how a simple topic "stopped by bob & susans" has just taken off in all sorts of directions ! what is the record for views and replies on a post ?
and oh yea, no offense but barry you need to get out more, if you cant relate to a $100 dinner, been car shopping lately ? or how about even fill one up with gas ?

smurf1.gif - 4kB

ELINVESTIG8R - 11-25-2007 at 09:29 AM

Thank you for the clarification of “WGAF” I must remember to thank and shake the hands of Captain Mike and Dennis
when I meet them in person. Con todo mi respeto Muchachos.

[Edited on 11-25-2007 by ELINVESTI8]

[Edited on 11-25-2007 by ELINVESTI8]

Oso - 11-25-2007 at 09:31 AM

$100 a plate usually buys some rubber chicken and a minimal amount of access to some politician. Actually influencing legislation, of course, is much more expensive.

ELINVESTIG8R - 11-25-2007 at 09:37 AM

Originally posted by vandenberg
Can someone tell me what the initials "WGAF" stands for? Remember I am just a Junior Nomad in here.



Who Gives A........... and you fill in the rest :biggrin:
Comprende :?:

BTW,your signature suggest that you had some run-ins with the law during your life :?:
Is that how you ended up at Espinoza's at 15 :?:
Had an early start :?::biggrin:

[Edited on 11-25-2007 by vandenberg]

[Edited on 11-25-2007 by vandenberg]

No, I'm no law breaker. I can post my life story in here if the owner does not mind. I have an outline written out but it is a little long. I am sure someone will write "WGAF" HA H A H A


[Edited on 11-25-2007 by ELINVESTI8]

David K - 11-25-2007 at 09:43 AM

Hey David, what does your handle 'ELINVESTI8' mean? How is it pronounced?


ELINVESTIG8R - 11-25-2007 at 09:59 AM

Originally posted by David K
Hey David, what does your handle 'ELINVESTI8' mean? How is it pronounced?


Hi David my handle stands for "The Investigator"

"el" - "invest" - "i" makes the long "e" sound - then say eight.


David K - 11-25-2007 at 10:08 AM

Ah so... thanks... that helps when we read your posts, to be able to 'say' your name, even if only in our heads!

EL INVESTI 8 :yes:

ELINVESTIG8R - 11-25-2007 at 10:15 AM

Originally posted by David K
Ah so... thanks... that helps when we read your posts, to be able to 'say' your name, even if only in our heads!

EL INVESTI 8 :yes:

Es mi placer Senor David

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