
Female travel companion wanted

juangrandebigjohn - 11-22-2007 at 04:26 PM

Adventurer seeks his adventuress!I am 62,presentable looking,in all parts of Mexico expect Baja,I speak Spanish.I have an old van with a mattress in back,guess I am 62 going on 26!I seek a fun,romantic trip with compatible single lady.Low budget is more fun!Your age,height ,weight not imortant but your zest for life and sense of adventure is very important.Like to leave in December,have all the time in the world.Been through Central America,Ecuador,just never to Baja.Do not be shy my direct email is Looking forward to hearing from you.In any event,have a good day!

vandenberg - 11-22-2007 at 04:48 PM

With that name alone you should have your pick :biggrin::biggrin::biggrin:

Al G - 11-22-2007 at 05:54 PM

let us see...I qualifiy on all points, except one...I'm not female:lol:
also this romance thing is not going to work...I only make love to Pacificos. The roughing it part, is OK, but we should use my motorhome :biggrin:
Good luck John...if you find two ladys let me know.

fishbuck - 11-22-2007 at 05:59 PM

An old van with a matress. Well, it worked for me in highschool. Let us know how this works out for you. I might need to buy another old van.

DENNIS - 11-22-2007 at 07:14 PM

Hey there big john...[your last name isn't Holmes, is it]
If you get an overload of replys, send a few my way, five at a time at least, so I can revitalize withered youth.
Oh boy....This is what I've been waiting for. True love.

juangrandebigjohn - 11-22-2007 at 08:22 PM

Thank you for the replies,not the one I hope for but I just posted.I happen to hear a different drummer,but certainly have respect for all people with decided more affluent lifestyles.I purchased the van for $500 a couple months back from a young gentleman in Chetemal,on the frontier of Belize,he drove it from San Francisco,I drove it back to New Mexico,I. paid a few mordidas with a car permit not in my name but got through okay.Before that I backpacked through G.uatemala and Belize.Also Nicaragua,El Savador,Honduras,Costa Rica,Panama by bus.I try to stay neat and clean and clean cut,on the outside look like many folks my age.My ad is sincere,I am surely not for everyone and vice versa.I am old fashioned in many ways,despite being a world traveler.I seek ONE special lady.By the way,my laptop with Vista wireless exceeded the cost of my van!

fishbuck - 11-22-2007 at 08:35 PM

I was sincere BigJohn. I hope there is more than one "old van with matress" girl out there. Be sure to send the overflow to me and Dennis.
I don't have a van yet but can I get by with a 99 Ford F150 and a sleeping bag?

Bajafun777 - 11-22-2007 at 09:31 PM

Amazing, Just amazing that life still goes in those zig-zag ways even at 62. Fun is Fun and the Run to the Fun is even more Fun. Never say never but I doubt very seriously if you get any female on this forum to take up your offer. Now, at some parks in Mexico were people wait for a better life maybe this offer is that better life, who can guess??? Live Life like there may not be a tomorrow and then when the light grows dark your memories will get you through this passing over time. Later------ bajafun777

DENNIS - 11-22-2007 at 09:48 PM

Actually if you park your last-chance mobile in front of the ABC bus station, you may end up with a midnight cowgirl who will immortalize you in a secret saga of western redemption. "Oaxaca goes to Hollywood." Sequel to follow.

Al G - 11-22-2007 at 10:01 PM

Actually...juangrandebigjohn you will have to get use to the abuse on this board. We are all kidders and don't miss any opportunities to do so. We are all jealous and wish you the best...

DENNIS - 11-22-2007 at 10:04 PM

Thanks Al........I'll go to bed now.

Al G - 11-22-2007 at 10:17 PM

Dennis I was talking about my post...I'll go to bed now:lol:

Paulina - 11-22-2007 at 10:20 PM

I'm thinking that juangrandebigjohn needs to pull his van up to the next Punta Banda singles shin dig and introduce himself...Perhaps Bajadock can show him around?


Stickers - 11-22-2007 at 10:24 PM

You guys 'kill' me and I shall also now go to bed.


capt. mike - 11-23-2007 at 04:12 AM

hey big juan - you ought to be willin to post a pic of yourself!:lol:

why not just rent one for a month or 2? they are all over!!

Bob and Susan - 11-23-2007 at 05:41 AM

this string is so great...
how will the story end for "JuanGrandeBigJohn"??? :lol:

"Al G... I only make love to Pacificos"...
how do you do that???:lol:
"long necks"???:lol::lol:

[Edited on 11-23-2007 by Bob and Susan]

vandenberg - 11-23-2007 at 10:47 AM

Yeah, Big John, it helps to have an elephant hide if you want to survive this cruel crew :P:P:biggrin:

vandenberg - 11-23-2007 at 10:50 AM

Originally posted by Bob and Susan
this string is so great...

"Al G... I only make love to Pacificos"...
how do you do that???:lol:

Hence, pencilpecker ?

fishbuck - 11-23-2007 at 11:44 AM

Originally posted by capt. mike

hey big juan - you ought to be willin to post a pic of yourself!:lol:

why not just rent one for a month or 2? they are all over!!

Note to self:Spend more time hanging out with Capt Mike.

vandenberg - 11-23-2007 at 01:29 PM

Originally posted by capt. mike

hey big juan - you ought to be willin to post a pic of yourself!:lol:

why not just rent one for a month or 2? they are all over!!

You mean to tell me that I can make money renting a picture of myself to someone.:?::?:
Big John, how much are you willing to shell out :?::?:

Al G - 11-23-2007 at 04:46 PM

Originally posted by Bob and Susan
this string is so great...
how will the story end for "JuanGrandeBigJohn"??? :lol:

"Al G... I only make love to Pacificos"...
how do you do that???:lol:
"long necks"???:lol::lol:

[Edited on 11-23-2007 by Bob and Susan]

Hay... I did not say it was an apparatus...only exchanges of love with the eyes:lol::lol::lol:....well I guess the mouth too:lol::lol::lol:
Nasty boy....bobby.

Al G - 11-23-2007 at 05:00 PM

I guess while we are on you remember the baja chicken or the egg story...
The chicken and the egg were laying in bed and the chicken was leaning on the headboard smoking a cigarette with a satisfying smile on it's face...the egg pulled up the cover and rolled over and said well I guess that answers THAT question.:biggrin:

Al G - 11-23-2007 at 05:08 PM

OK I am not laughing or telling anymore fat chick jokes...unless you consider the egg a fat chick....:lol:

Al G - 11-23-2007 at 05:16 PM

El Major Jaun...I would not think any ladies will answer on this thread.
I'll bet you have many U2Us already though...many single ladies on this board. They don't like me though...just get hate mail. Maybe you can tell a few, I'm not so bad...sorta like the chicken though, when it comes to Pacificos:lol:

David K - 11-23-2007 at 05:26 PM

Al, are you having too much fun with this topic, perhaps???:biggrin:;D

Al G - 11-23-2007 at 05:31 PM

It has just been a good week...cannot help myself:biggrin:

Sallysouth - 11-23-2007 at 05:53 PM

Wow, and only ONE female (nomad) has resonded to this post!Must be something about the "old van with a mattress" that keeps em away!? Good Luck to you Big John (whatever).Have you tried singles type of websites?Anyhow, you sure are providing a lot of room for imagination for some of our "guys" here!! :spingrin:;D

DENNIS - 11-23-2007 at 06:11 PM

When all else fails, "Anthonys" in Ensenada. It's a type of social club. You'll like it. Bring a wallet full of fun tickets.

fishbuck - 11-23-2007 at 07:57 PM

Originally posted by DENNIS
When all else fails, "Anthonys" in Ensenada. It's a type of social club. You'll like it. Bring a wallet full of fun tickets.

Big John, DENNIS carries a lot of weight here on the board so I think you better follow his suggestion. Maybe if you park the van close by it might see some action.
If Big Johns van is rockin...

rogerj1 - 11-23-2007 at 11:23 PM

Big John, I'm very optimistic you'll find your partner. Whether it's on this board or not, I don't know. Straightforward, no apologies for who you are, that's got to be irresistible. Some lady, surfing the net at work, bored with life, will grab your golden (OK maybe bronze) ticket and have a grand adventure. I hope I can still pull off something like this when I hit 62. Capt. Mike, it looks like is still available. Maybe there's a way we can make a few pesos off this. You get started on researching the senoritas. I'll pay for the jet fuel.

capt. mike - 11-24-2007 at 07:24 AM

we can combine it with that travel guide about baja cat houses!!

i'll start the research asap............maybe buzz down to Lord Black's for a nite.:yes:

DENNIS - 11-24-2007 at 07:27 AM

Originally posted by capt. mike
i'll start the research asap............

Don't forget Anthonys.

vandenberg - 11-24-2007 at 07:56 AM

Don't forget Anthonys.

Buddy of yours :?::?:

Are you shilling :?::?:

What's the rake off :biggrin::biggrin:

DENNIS - 11-24-2007 at 08:43 AM

No. I mentioned it earlier. It's a stress reduction social club. Lots of cultural interchange going on at Anthonys.

bajamigo - 11-24-2007 at 08:53 AM

True, a lot of UABC faculty hang out there.

DENNIS - 11-24-2007 at 01:19 PM

As a matter of fact, Anthonys is considered a graduate's school. Never get past the door on a student allowance.

Dennis this is funnier than Hell!

juangrandebigjohn - 11-24-2007 at 03:06 PM

Originally posted by DENNIS
Actually if you park your last-chance mobile in front of the ABC bus station, you may end up with a midnight cowgirl who will immortalize you in a secret saga of western redemption. "Oaxaca goes to Hollywood." Sequel to follow.
Oaxaca goes to Hollywood,I like that!Certainly humorous.

juangrandebigjohn - 11-24-2007 at 03:15 PM

Originally posted by rogerj1
Big John, I'm very optimistic you'll find your partner. Whether it's on this board or not, I don't know. Straightforward, no apologies for who you are, that's got to be irresistible. Some lady, surfing the net at work, bored with life, will grab your golden (OK maybe bronze) ticket and have a grand adventure. I hope I can still pull off something like this when I hit 62. Capt. Mike, it looks like is still available. Maybe there's a way we can make a few pesos off this. You get started on researching the senoritas. I'll pay for the jet fuel.
Thanks for your confidence,Roger 1.As a young man,I saved money in Alaska,then backpacked three years in 24 African Countries.At 30,I thought i was old,what a joke,so married twice,sold cars,sold commercial real estate,2 wives four kids later,a backpacker again,who I really was to begin with.!!I met an 81 year old backpacker from England last summer,I plan to ge there also.Some folks asked for photo.Need to get digitial camera.

vandenberg - 11-24-2007 at 04:26 PM

.Need to get digitial camera.

Add that to your companion's requirements:biggrin::biggrin:

Al G - 11-24-2007 at 04:38 PM


Big John, DENNIS carries a lot of weight here on the board so I think you better follow his suggestion. Maybe if you park the van close by it might see some action.
If Big Johns van is rockin...

Wait a minute did you let this slip by:lol::lol:

vandenberg - 11-24-2007 at 04:42 PM


DENNIS carries a lot of weight

You mean to tell us "HE IS FAT":?::?::biggrin:

DENNIS - 11-24-2007 at 05:11 PM

I chose to see it differntly. I saw it as being really cool and far-out and groovy and right-on. You guys just don't understand.

toneart - 11-24-2007 at 05:33 PM

Originally posted by DENNIS
When all else fails, "Anthonys" in Ensenada. It's a type of social club. You'll like it. Bring a wallet full of fun tickets.

Maybe my name can get me a free I'm "family":?: I would worry though, that I might leave with a present :o

toneart - 11-24-2007 at 05:39 PM

This string is giving me ideas. I wonder if I should advertise for a roaming woman. I tow a rolling mattress and they call it a "Toy Box". Could get interesting! :light::bounce::cool:

DENNIS - 11-24-2007 at 05:50 PM

Who here is old enough to remember Humphrey Pennyworth in the Joe Palooka comic strip? I think it was Joe Palooka. Anyway, he had the first motorhome I've ever seen. of course, he was the motor since it was a tricycle with a house on back.
He is Tonearts roll model. His idol. His inspiration.

docsmom - 11-25-2007 at 01:38 PM

I was going to post, just to be a smart ass. But this thread has gone way too far south for me.

oldjack - 12-29-2007 at 07:44 PM

It has been a month+.... did Big John find the travel partner... I'll bet there are at least 2-3 guys on this board that would like to have the opportunity to make such a trip... Big John if you get to Los Barriles the tacos and beer are my treat....

DENNIS - 12-29-2007 at 07:53 PM

Big John is now the after-dark male companion to illegal Chinos in Anthonys. It's said he has a large tab to work off. He will let you know when he's available.

Al G - 12-29-2007 at 08:01 PM

Originally posted by DENNIS
Big John is now the after-dark male companion to illegal Chinos in Anthonys. It's said he has a large tab to work off. He will let you know when he's available.

damn Dennis I thoudht I was bad when I drank tequlia...:lol::lol::lol:
What nare chinos??? maybe I will retract...:lol:

DENNIS - 12-29-2007 at 08:06 PM

Originally posted by Al G
What are Chinos???

Illegal Chinese immigrants. This area is crawling with them.

Von - 12-29-2007 at 09:35 PM

Hi horndog, I have a female campanion for you the only thing is she scratches a lot you know, being that she has four legs and on ocasion she might howl at the fire departmen and bark she is available for a Baja trip..:lol: Please send picture first to consired...;)

Bajafun777 - 12-29-2007 at 11:22 PM

Now, I knew a farmer that left Westmoreland and went to Los Mochis at 56 and married his wife at the age of 16, I believe he said it was sweet 16. Went hunting down there with him when he had turned 72 and his wife was then 32, which by that time they had two children a boy and girl. He was still farming and life was sweet to hear him tell it. He also at 72 walked most of our hunting group into the ground when hunting dove and quail down there. Never too late for romance but making the romance last is something that takes great care and attention, as anything worthwhile in life. Another friend agrees with Dennis and visits the local social club, Anthony's, in Ensenada but he says "she don't love me she loves the loving." I think "she loves the money and nothing else." Ah, such is life one man's quest is another man's fame and fortune. I still note that Big John has not answered if all worked out, so maybe he just does not kiss and tell which would be the safe route. Later---------------------bajafun777

bajadedom - 12-31-2007 at 11:10 AM

Big John - if this works, let me know - I'm gonna start a dating service called - " It's Just Baja" be continued

bajadock - 12-31-2007 at 11:33 AM

"fun tickets", thanks Toneart! Someone suggested a "Baja Singles & Dating" forum area for Nomads. However, everyone was alone and sleeping by 8PM and couldn't reply.

Editing upon review, now that I see it was Dennis who originally had all of the "fun tickets".

[Edited on 12-31-2007 by bajadock]

Big John reappears!

juangrandebigjohn - 1-6-2008 at 04:09 PM

Originally posted by bajadedom
Big John - if this works, let me know - I'm gonna start a dating service called - " It's Just Baja" be continuedHowdy,folks,Big john resurfaces!Here is a squel to my search.I found and lost,later,a traveling companion,a 49 year old woman I met at the Slabs in Niland,Cafornia,we made it three weeks,mostly good but she decided to go home and care for 85 year Dad so we split amicably with no ties so again searching.I did or we did not make it too far South,only El Rosario.Spend much time on beaches south of San Quintin.Differencial went out on the 83 van in El Rosario,but took bus to Ensenada and and ..scowered wrecking yards thereFound other rear end $75,thank God for Mexico.Mechanic in El Rosario helped me install Xmas day for $30 ,in USa could not afford.Hey,i love fish market Ensenada,also junk shops in Ensenada south of the town.Also like Anthonys,the beer is fairly cheap but the scenery not!Crossed at Tecate twice,border patrol searched me heavilyUSA,admittedly van does look pretty bad and certainly a polluter!Right now in Calexico searching again and preparing to go again.And yes,got a taker,but not on this board,that is okay.probably go alone to Ensenada,as somebody offerd free beer and tacos on this board!Man,some of you guys are cruel but I can take ribbing!Oh,a warning,stay away from Motel America on Lopez Mateos.When scouring junkyards in E nsenada, stayed there overnight,as van in El Rosario as was my friend Claire.I was out walking to the Centro ,the night clerk let a hooker in my room without my consent!!she split when she saw me,but she took about $90 from a bag I had,glad did not have more!management no help nor were the cops,probably all in on that deal!The manager thought it okay to let people in who said they were friends!The night clerk is a cripple,wanted to take it out in his hide,but feared consequences.did file tourist board complaint.Most of trip very good..hope to get further South,but sure like Ensenada and fish market especially,also Starbucks free wireless,you sit there hours for price of coffee.Big John PS.Military check point soldiers very nice and did not really search me at all,opposite of USA.

Al G - 1-6-2008 at 04:32 PM

Big John...I am a will get use to our silliness. The important thing is, you are doing it and we are not:lol:

DENNIS - 1-6-2008 at 05:12 PM

Right on Big John................

Sounds as though adventure is no stranger to you. Good luck on the next one. If you get jambed-up around Ensenada and can get online, get ahold of me here. I don't have a phone.

[Edited on 1-7-2008 by DENNIS]

bajadedom - 1-6-2008 at 07:25 PM

Thanks for the reply BigJohn - I picture you a lot like 'Kramer' - another big guy who cracks me up!! Keep the stories coming...It's Just Baja!

juangrandebigjohn - 1-8-2008 at 10:18 AM

Originally posted by DENNIS
Right on Big John................

Sounds as though adventure is no stranger to you. Good luck on the next one. If you get jambed-up around Ensenada and can get online, get ahold of me here. I don't have a phone.Dennis and to other guys who replied.Intend to go to Ensenada in next few days.Getting van ready,afraid to drive in California,but smokers no problem in Mexico,may stay at some campgrounds by blowhole,also a hotel behind Anthonys for $25 i might check out.You are right adventure is no stranger to me.Dennis,Ensenada is an easy place to get online with a laptop,Mcds and Starbucks both have it free for wireless laptops,I am not a Starbucks man in the USA,but Starbucks in Ensenada you can get a huge excellent coffee,, for 22 pesosand be online hours if desired......this is an exception,generally prefer the coffepot campfire to cuppincino by the water cooler!Cio,Bigjohn

toneart - 1-8-2008 at 10:30 AM

...........just a rockin and a rollin, huh Big John?:bounce::tumble:

Martyman - 1-8-2008 at 10:44 AM

Hey Big John;
I think that hotel behind Anthony's is $25 per hour!! Watch your pesos. Good luck with all your adventures. I'm Jealous!

Hotel behind anthonys

juangrandebigjohn - 1-8-2008 at 11:37 AM

Originally posted by Martyman
Hey Big John;
I think that hotel behind Anthony's is $25 per hour!! Watch your pesos. Good luck with all your adventures. I'm Jealous!
No,i checked with the management last month,it is $25 per night,looked a room,fairly priced.Bigjohn

bajadedom - 1-9-2008 at 07:21 PM

:biggrin: Did ya check in!

DENNIS - 1-9-2008 at 07:29 PM

Bring your own sheets. Scabies are the state parasite.

bajadedom - 1-9-2008 at 07:35 PM

"A garlic pill a day keeps the scabie bug away"

DENNIS - 1-9-2008 at 07:37 PM

Originally posted by bajadedom
"A garlic pill a day keeps the scabie bug away"

I can attest that is not true.

Al G - 1-9-2008 at 07:38 PM

Originally posted by bajadedom
"A garlic pill a day keeps the scabie bug away"
oI take one a day for mosquitoes too...does a good job on the women too

Fred - 1-10-2008 at 12:11 PM

I can attest that is also NOT true.

bajadedom - 1-10-2008 at 03:41 PM

Fred - you talking about women or mosquitos??? Must depend on your blood....

Fred - 1-10-2008 at 04:36 PM

If you eat the garlic you no get the women, but still get the mosquitos

juangrandebigjohn - 1-10-2008 at 08:38 PM

BIG JOHN IS IN ENSENADA!Hi to all,especially all who offered free beer.It is Thurday 7pm,in CafeEquinoxio internet down both Starbucks and MCDonalds.In room 9,Hotel Royal,Gasteleum #127,a pretty nice place,huge rooms and beds,negotiated down from 350 to 300 pesos,good place after van.Check into Anthonys later,wearing moto jacket brown,gray beard,6 foot 4 inches,hey,delicious fish tacos 10p,maybe go to blowhole manana or stay here!Hey ready from free beer!LOL!Bigjohn

Debra - 1-10-2008 at 09:36 PM

You guys are just too dang funny! Good luck to you Juan.

Sorry, but, have to say my first thought when I read your ad was "Oh Crap!" "I hope this isn't ********', all you folks from Bahia and Camp Gecko know who I'm talking about. :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::o

Sallysouth - 1-10-2008 at 10:44 PM

Come on Deb, spill the beens! Where are you BTW?

juangrandebigjohn - 1-11-2008 at 12:55 PM

Bigjohn got husseld a bit much in Anthonys last night but then that is their business.Went to locals bar,dirt cheap,16 pesos dos Pacificos y Negra Modelo 15p.In Hotel Royal,Rm 9,Gasteleum #127,nice place for 300p,my 83 van in front of room,walking around ,blowhole manana.YES,i am for real,now seeking another adventuress!Ayudame,Juan!

Debra - 1-11-2008 at 01:46 PM

Sal, I'm in Georgia!

Sorry, no public bean spilling here. Check your U2. :saint::saint: :biggrin:

Sallysouth - 1-11-2008 at 02:17 PM

Deb, what the heck are you doing there???.Thanks for the U2U, got it! maybe the masses should know also, but understand why you don't want to share. Take care and hugs to Brendan.Hope to see you sometime again.Looks like "he" got it anyway!!:P:P:biggrin:

juangrandebigjohn - 1-15-2008 at 02:01 PM

Bigjohn is at Campo Refugio,on Bc-23 near Cantu and Sharkys Bar.This campground has hot showers,$8 no hookups,which is me,$15 with,before at basic place nearblowhole for $5.The sun is out,un dia bonita.Saludos,Bigjohn Juangrandebigjohn

DENNIS - 1-15-2008 at 04:52 PM

How long are you in the area BJ? A few days I hope. It's late today so I'll catch up with you tomorrow.

Paulina - 1-15-2008 at 05:16 PM

I wish I could be a fly on the wall at Sharkey's this afternoon, better yet, be there in person.
You boys have fun!


DENNIS - 1-16-2008 at 10:15 AM

Hey Bob...
Maybe Big John and Ramey can share that bed in your guest house.

Thank you

juangrandebigjohn - 1-17-2008 at 08:38 PM

Originally posted by durrelllrobert
Originally posted by juangrandebigjohn
Bigjohn is at Campo Refugio,on Bc-23 near Cantu and Sharkys Bar.This campground has hot showers,$8 no hookups,which is me,$15 with,before at basic place nearblowhole for $5.The sun is out,un dia bonita.Saludos,Bigjohn Juangrandebigjohn
:no: Big John: met you @ Sharkies looking for internet cafe, but didn't realize you were the Nomad guy with the old van. Best wishes and enjoy your stay.
Yes,I recall you and hope to see you again.Bigjohn

Who is Ramey??

juangrandebigjohn - 1-17-2008 at 08:39 PM

Originally posted by DENNIS
Hey Bob...
Maybe Big John and Ramey can share that bed in your guest house.
Who in the heck is Ramey?Bigjohn

Yes,in area for awhile!

juangrandebigjohn - 1-17-2008 at 08:47 PM

Originally posted by DENNIS
How long are you in the area BJ? A few days I hope. It's la te today so I'll catch up with you tomorrow.
Dennis,Yes,i like it here and Campo Refugio,it is Thursday pm,will be here a few more days,I go into Mandadero,I also walk a lot, and sometimes Ensensenda on the little buses;Hope to meet,leave message at the house of manager if not around,I am well liked by the owner of El Refugio,Alfonso,Thanks for thinking of me Dennis.Bigjohn

juangrandebigjohn - 1-18-2008 at 08:05 PM

Dennis and others,was just in Sharkeys 6 pm.Ceaser said you Dennis looking for me,right now on net El Refugio wireless in van always welcome.Bigjohn

juangrandebigjohn - 1-21-2008 at 09:27 PM

Dennis,Good to meet this am,thanks for coming byCampo refugio.Bigjohn

CaboRon - 1-26-2008 at 04:05 PM

This has been a very entertaining thread :lol:


DENNIS - 1-26-2008 at 05:56 PM

BigJohn........ Are you still with us? What's up?

juangrandebigjohn - 1-29-2008 at 09:49 PM

Originally posted by DENNIS[/John........ Are you still with us? What's up?
Dennis,Just got to Calexico,have some business in states,but back later.Crossed at Tecate last night 8pm,only one car ahead of me,nothing to do till Bigjohn appeared,then searched over for 45 minutes!Obviously intersting from a phsychological stand point though,different people took turns asking me same questions meto compare if answers consistent,oh well,guess they were!

bajalera - 2-13-2008 at 11:11 PM

Dang, bigjohn! If I were only 40 or 50 years younger . . . .

DENNIS - 2-14-2008 at 07:10 AM

Bonnie and Clyde go to Baja. I can't wait.

pascuale - 3-9-2008 at 08:15 AM

I hope you find what you're looking for Big Jon but this isnt the right place. Good luck on your next adventure. It sounds like you have been to alot of places and I think its cool you arent afraid to do or say what you want.

Phil S - 3-9-2008 at 08:35 PM

Juan. Don't give up on this site. There are a lot of "ladies" that read this site, that aren't "smart mouths" as some MALE are that have nothing better to do than try to increase their #'s count. Your inquiry was legit. Hopefully some reader will U2U and you'll end up with some great experiences in Baja. Camping on beaches. Camp fires under a full moon. What a great experience for two "new friends" TO GET TO KNOW THEMSELVES BETTER.