
Thank you Shari

dgi-donna - 11-24-2007 at 09:43 AM

I want to let all of you know what a help Shari has been. We were comming down to Baja from San Deigo with a group of 50 power boats called the FUBAR Odyssey.(Fleet Underway to Baja And Rally) This is the first time this many boats have gone down the coast at one time. Our stops would be Ensenada, Turtle Bay, Santa Maria Bay, Mag. Bay, San Jose del Cabo, Los Muertos, and then La Paz. We are also part of the Baja Bush Pilots and go to Mulege often.
Last year the Bush Pilots brought school supplies to Mulege after the hurricane John and I thought that maybe the boaters could do the same thing for Turtle Bay schools. So, I went on the Forum to ask Shari if she knew anyone to help me at the bay. She emailed me back with the name of a lady to contact. I ws in contact with her and she got a list of needs from the elementry school next to her house. I then did a blog on the FUBAR website for any interested boats to bring school supplies. We had several boats bring things. We filled up the back of a pick up truck with school supplies.
So, I just want to thank Shari again for the contact. When we passed her bay, I got to talk to her on the radio. It was great to put a voice to the postings on this forum. We hope to come back to Turtle Bay and also Asuncion and meet Shari.
Just a note: if you are going to Baja and have a extra little cash before you go, get some school supplies. Any school would be happy to get them. They get very little from the goverment. We are now in La Paz and am going to the mainland and points south. We will be going back to So. CA in June. -Donna -boat: "Live Wire"

Barry A. - 11-24-2007 at 10:55 AM

Welcome to the NOMADS board.

Well done, Donna. NorteAmericanos are amongst the most generous people in the world, and you are living proof.

I applaud you, and your fellow boaters.

Great that Shari was able to give you that "lead"------another super norte-americano helping others.


shari - 11-24-2007 at 11:00 AM

You are MOST welcome and it was great for me to help out the kids in Turtle Bay too...that's what this board is all about...leads, hints, info, helping others...and it's really nice to be recognized and thanks for the thank you amiga...please stop in on the way back and let other boaters know we DO have diesel here too.

dgi-donna - 11-24-2007 at 03:21 PM

Shari, we will be gone until June but definately want to come back by car or plane to see you. So I'll get in touch and I can try to get things for a school your way. Donna

Bob H - 11-24-2007 at 03:25 PM

Kudo's to Shari for helping out (as usual) with what seems like a very good cause! Donna, what you and your group are doing is just fantastic!
Bob H

DianaT - 11-24-2007 at 03:35 PM

Just our opinion, but when taking school supplies to Baja, we like to also remember the teachers --- things they can use for the benefit of the classroom. As ex-teachers, we know how much of our own money we spent for supplies.

Just a few ideas
stickers and other little prizes---even high school students enjoy them
ink pens
staplers and staples
hole punch
wall decorations
construction paper, markers, etc. for projects
dictionaries and other resouce books

Bahia Asuncion is well worth a visit---but then again, we are biased. :yes::yes:


Iflyfish - 11-24-2007 at 07:18 PM

It is wonderful to read about efforts like this. You guys ROCK!


stanburn - 11-24-2007 at 09:16 PM

Just a little clarification. The OP writes, and I have read it elsewhere, that this is the first time this many boats have come down the coast together. I think everyone is forgetting about the HAHA. They have had over 140 boats every for the past 4 years, come down the first week of November, and have been going for over 10 years.

dgi-donna - 11-25-2007 at 02:13 PM

This is the first time a large group of "Power Boats" have come down Baja. The logestics of getting fuel for 50 boats, that each need 350+ gal. of fuel at each stop, was, I am sure a nightmare. But Del Ray Yacht Club made it possible. The "Ha Ha's are almost all sailboats and do not require fuel like the power boats. Our boat is 46' and it was one of the smaller ones. One boat was 97'. If I knew how to post a picture here I would show one of all the boats in Turtle Bay. What a sight! All the fuel was delivered to the boats with a special panga rigged with a fuel pump. Geez, I love Mexico.
Also, we got a wish list from the school and teachers. Brought down a lot of things for the teachers including a printer with extra ink and paper.