
Safe travel ideas

Dianamo - 11-24-2007 at 01:53 PM

Hello Nomads!

Have any recent attacks occurred during daylight or they all after dark? I plan to drive down to Baja Sur in the next couple of weeks and with reduced daylight hours, I'm trying to plan my stops by 5pm.

I didn't find this posted anywhere on BajaNomad, here's the rest of the Hall kidnapping and robbery story:

I love Baja, spending time anywhere else (especially in the US) doesn't satisfy my Baja infection! I can't imagine not being in Baja.

This may sound crazy and a time waster to some, but is anyone interested in caravaning? What if Nomads had informal meeting places, three or four times a day, then travel together north or south until Ensenada or the border together. (I know there will be many criticizers of this idea, so please don't ruin the post with all the "Can never work" statements! There are no guarantees in life! :saint:) But a brainstorming session can always produce positive ideas:light:! I want to continue enjoying Baja and I think we can generate so some safe traveling possibilities!

Thanks to all and have SAFE holi-daze!


Check this thread with like-minded people

Keri - 11-24-2007 at 02:53 PM,k:yes:

dccf - 11-25-2007 at 12:02 AM

Should be on the newly established board for semi-official caravans.;D

Ken Cooke - 11-25-2007 at 12:26 AM

Here is my idea of safe travel ideas:

"You gonna mess wit me, punk? I got somethin' especially 4 you!!"

Watch my Jeep as it rolls over your lifeless body!!

Problem solved!! :light: