

shari - 11-30-2007 at 04:04 PM

HOLY MOLEY...since last night it has rained more than we get in a couple years the moment it is blowing 30 mph or more and raining super hard....all the windows are leaking with the force of the wind..our house has a lake in it! The roads are flooded and this will wreak havok on the roads into here and the highways and's a deluge amigos. We have guests from BOLA stranded here,but I brought them a bunch of DVD's and baking and they are hunkered down at the beach house. Any news on the arroyos on the highways????? Sirenita says the water in guerrero Negro streets is up to the doors of the's a real disaster zone at the is everyone else doing?

[Edited on 12-1-2007 by shari]

Downtown Rosarito Under Water

Gypsy Jan - 11-30-2007 at 04:16 PM


I drove into town today to buy dog food - the main boulevard, Benito Juarez (aren't all Mexican towns' main boulevards named Benito Juarez?), was under water - not wanting to flood my engine, I had to detour around and out.

The U.S. TV news is reporting flooding and problems in the recent burn areas in San Diego and Malibu.

This system is supposed to pass in the next twelve hours, but, is this a predictor for December and January? Ay, yi, yi.

[Edited on 11-30-2007 by Gypsy Jan]

shari - 11-30-2007 at 04:20 PM

NO MANCHES...NO ME DIGAS!!! Yes our Benito Juarez is under water too...winds have increased to 40 knots at least and rain is outrageous, hopefully this is the worst of it. The roads will definately be washed out. Good thing I have a big bottle of rum!

shari - 11-30-2007 at 04:36 PM

getting worse here now and the power is hast luego storm fans

Mexitron - 11-30-2007 at 04:42 PM

There's a saying in Texas that droughts of epic proportions are followed by floods of biblical proportions. Two or three years of drought here was followed this year with almost 50 inches of rain! While I don't like the damage it causes, Baja was looking pretty parched in August.

capt. mike - 11-30-2007 at 05:11 PM

well if this means the water stays on city of mulege m-w-f i am all for it!!
they turn it off those days and what a pain when you are in town if your pilla does not have a pressure pump like mine does not!!:O

A Critical Component

Gypsy Jan - 11-30-2007 at 05:20 PM

of basic emergency rations...
is a big bottle of rum.

Bajagypsy - 11-30-2007 at 06:19 PM

Oh goodness Shari, I hope you are ok. Todd said that he would trade you places :P It has been -37 here. Please keep us posted on how everything is going.

jorgie - 11-30-2007 at 06:35 PM

there should be more info somewhere ????

pics of damaged roads

shari - 11-30-2007 at 06:55 PM

the power went out for awhile so we drove around the village to check the road damage...most roads are washed out...water pipes have been uncovered...interesting which areas constructions in arroyos etc. this first pic is at the corner by the high school.

schoolcorner.jpg - 19kB

shari - 11-30-2007 at 06:57 PM

this is the road in front of the taco stand...nasty...wont be eating tacos tonight!

tacoroad.jpg - 27kB

shari - 11-30-2007 at 07:01 PM

we are listening to the VHF and hearing about cars stuck on the road waiting for arroyos to go down...the good thing is that the wind & rain seems to be subsiding...whew...I hope that is the worst of it...the arroyos are running very high and lots of folks stuck..this pic is of the road by the internet cafe...the good news is that today is the first day with DHL at the internet cafe!!!!yahooo...Dianne will be very happy to hear THAT! I sure hope her roof didn't leak!

internetroad.jpg - 30kB

comitan - 11-30-2007 at 07:07 PM


I think your just about out of it now, its going eastward fast even missing us here in La Paz. It looked for awhile a big downpour but its mostly south now.

shari - 11-30-2007 at 07:10 PM

thanks for that...things seem to be calming down FINALLY...weird how hard it hit all of a sudden! (our La Paz trip has been postoned till January)...

vacaenbaja - 11-30-2007 at 07:38 PM

Seems like everytime we get back fram Asuncion we just miss some kind of natural event. Last year it was earthquakes! Timing is everything. Good luck to you all Shari.

Bajagypsy - 11-30-2007 at 07:49 PM


A good money making tip for you Shari, Asuncion Female Mud Wresteling!!! You could take the procedees and give it to charity. Or we could get Juan, Diver and Todd to Mud Wrestel in thongs!!!!!

On a serious note glad you are ok!

shari - 11-30-2007 at 07:55 PM

wish you were here Lady Gypsy to join me in a mud! Have you guys ordered your shirts yet from bajaboy? I still think he should include thongs in his Arce brothers promotions.

Bajagypsy - 11-30-2007 at 07:58 PM

Its all part of the spa package shari, sea weed wrap and mud wrap!

SiReNiTa - 11-30-2007 at 07:58 PM

who0o0o0a the water is covering the biggest tope in guerrero negro and that is saying means all topes are underwater car doors leaked when i was driving to work...i walked from the door of my house to my car..about 15 ft.......and i got soaked!!!!!!!! it has not calmed down here and it's yuckey here...boohoo...the hotel filled up 15 minutes after i got here...becaus eof rain...haha good for buisness anyway...hahaha....

fishbuck - 11-30-2007 at 08:05 PM

Originally posted by shari
wish you were here Lady Gypsy to join me in a mud! Have you guys ordered your shirts yet from bajaboy? I still think he should include thongs in his Arce brothers promotions.

"Okay boys it looks like rain. You better put your mud thongs on" Shari

fishbuck - 11-30-2007 at 08:12 PM

I think the forcast is for clearing. I hope the town is cleaned up by next weekend. I'm still planing on coming down.
U2U me if you need anything brought down.
I think this will shut down the fishing for a while. Fish don't like muddy water. I think they don't like the taste and swim out to clean water.

Diver - 11-30-2007 at 08:14 PM

Just you wait Fishbuck; hang around with this crowd long enough and we will see you in a thong too !! :biggrin:


SiReNiTa - 11-30-2007 at 08:20 PM

lmao.....oh no thong madness is spreading pleeeeez call a doctor!!! there is a new virus around called thong sindrome.....ay ay ay

fishbuck - 11-30-2007 at 08:21 PM

Originally posted by Diver
Just you wait Fishbuck; hang around with this crowd long enough and we will see you in a thong too !! :biggrin:


Couldn't I just go with the Arce Brothers tee shirt( with beach trunks ofcourse!)

BornFisher - 11-30-2007 at 08:48 PM

Heavy rains uncover opportunities. Hummmmm............. fossils??? artifacts?? shark`s teeth??? old shipwreck??? Keep a sharp eye out for a momento of "The Perfect Asuncion Storm 2007"!!!

DianaT - 11-30-2007 at 10:06 PM

We are quite concerned about our home---it is difficult to not be there! But, if there are problems, we will fix them---we keep reminding ourselves of our Baja Philosophy, it is what it is.

How long was the power out? We have some things in the freezer.

Sure hope there were no human problems in town and all of the people stuck on the road were able to get home.

Now the positive side

Maybe they will grade the road.:P

The desert should be blooming big time by the time we return. It should be a BEAUTIFUL Christmas :yes::yes:

If Jose Luis got DHL at the Internet Cafe, he should be able to set up his satelite system. :bounce::bounce::bounce

John and Diane

fdt - 11-30-2007 at 10:25 PM

Think positive Diane, specialy when you have a fort "Let it pour".

DianaT - 11-30-2007 at 10:44 PM

Originally posted by fdt
Think positive Diane, specialy when you have a fort "Let it pour".

But it is not a covered fort!

oladulce - 12-1-2007 at 12:11 AM

Originally posted by shari
...the good news is that today is the first day with DHL at the internet cafe!!!!

My first thought was "oh cool, I'm always having to DHL documents to La Paz and now it sounds like they have regional satellite delivery facilities".

Then I realized you probably meant "DSL" at your internet cafe. Dang.

Sharksbaja - 12-1-2007 at 02:28 AM

Originally posted by jdtrotter

How long was the power out? We have some things in the freezer.

John and Diane

You gotta be kidding. In Baja?:?: Be careful Diane, food that thaws and refreezes can be dangerous.

[Edited on 12-1-2007 by Sharksbaja]

jorgie - 12-1-2007 at 06:58 AM

go to select travel, then classic local maps, then cabo san lucas mx, you can call up hawaii to show you what's coming next. most sheer off to the south but ............

Tiomiguel - 12-1-2007 at 07:39 AM

Hey Shari
Hope everything is ok there. Will be interesting driving around for awhile for sure. If the internet cafe got DSL, does that not mean that we/you could also get DSL or is it based on the lines. I will u2u about some other stuff.

bajajudy - 12-1-2007 at 07:45 AM


Sharks is right. Never leave food in the freezer...the surprise when you return can be disgusting. If you want to leave it running fill it up with milk cartons full of water. You can leave bread and stuff like that but never fish(yucky to the max if thawed) or meats or dairy products.
Power outages can come at any time with no rhyme or reason, storms aside!

Cypress - 12-1-2007 at 07:47 AM

shari, Hope no serious damage has occured and the cleanup/repairs won't be too costly. :D

Bob and Susan - 12-1-2007 at 07:53 AM

i drove from camalu to mulege yesterday...

mex1 was fine no washouts even in the vados

one guy at guerrero negro did drive off the pavement and was stuck in the mud
we wondered WHY he would do THAT anyway:light:

Pescador - 12-1-2007 at 08:19 AM

I heard the best idea for Mexico refrigerators last night, Leave a bowl of ice cubes in the freezer and when you open it to check, if the ice cubes have melted and it is now a bowl of frozen water, then you know the refrigerator was off long enough for the ice to melt and you can throw the food away (mostly fish) away and not eat it.

meme - 12-1-2007 at 09:36 AM

We got 1/2 inch here at our home just north of San Felipe.
Should be a good day to go to the desert, no dust!
Get those roads in shape Shari, we are having our meeting today on trip plans to get to you.We may be coming sooner than first planned?

DianaT - 12-1-2007 at 10:11 AM

Originally posted by bajajudy

Sharks is right. Never leave food in the freezer...the surprise when you return can be disgusting. If you want to leave it running fill it up with milk cartons full of water. You can leave bread and stuff like that but never fish(yucky to the max if thawed) or meats or dairy products.
Power outages can come at any time with no rhyme or reason, storms aside!

We don't leave much, and what I like to do is put a few ice cubes in a bowl in the freezer so if the power was out for a while, they will melt and refreeze. Just like Pescador suggested

We don't leave much----fish, NEVER---guess next time we just need to stay longer and eat everything up. :lol::lol:

DHL? Well, I will be thrilled to DSL, but DHL would also be nice. :yes::yes: It would be nice to have any kind of delivery system out there---bus or anything.

Now, back to being concerned about the roof. Since the Vizcaino Pen is one of the driest places ----only one of three fog deserts in the world, this kind of rain hits hard.

Ah, but that desert will be in full bloom.

Tiomiguel---U2U me and I will tell you about what Jose Luis in the Internet Cafe told me he wanted to set up for the community. Can't wait to get back and see if it now possible. If it is, no more naps while using the internet! If it works, your sister may need some upgraded equip.


[Edited on 12-1-2007 by jdtrotter]

[Edited on 12-1-2007 by jdtrotter]

Cardon - 12-1-2007 at 12:41 PM

Originally posted by shari
HOLY MOLEY...since last night it has rained more than we get in a couple years is everyone else doing?

[Edited on 12-1-2007 by shari]

Shari, I got your rain right here. By the time it moved northeast to Utah it turned to snow. This is my motorcycle that I like to ride around when I'm in Baja. When I went to bed last night it was dry, when I got up to go shopping this morning it looked like this.

bajajudy - 12-1-2007 at 01:04 PM

Hey, I like that ice cube trick! is everything there oday?

Just overcast here and HUMID.

marek - 12-1-2007 at 01:11 PM

We just got back to Northern CA after driving through 2 days of rain in Baja. We didn't see any washouts along Mexico 1, but saw lots of accidents and Ensenada was pretty flooded as we went through.

Gadget - 12-1-2007 at 02:39 PM

Originally posted by shari
HOLY MOLEY...since last night it has rained more than we get in a couple years the moment it is blowing 30 mph or more and raining super hard....all the windows are leaking with the force of the wind..our house has a lake in it! The roads are flooded and this will wreak havok on the roads into here and the highways and's a deluge amigos. We have guests from BOLA stranded here,but I brought them a bunch of DVD's and baking and they are hunkered down at the beach house. Any news on the arroyos on the highways????? Sirenita says the water in guerrero Negro streets is up to the doors of the's a real disaster zone at the is everyone else doing?

[Edited on 12-1-2007 by shari]


Tell Larry, Lois, Steve and who ever else is over from BoLA we hope they make it back OK. They had asked me alot of questions about you and Juan and the set up there and were excited to get over there and explore around. Hope they had a good time :o
They will know me by Will, not my handle.

Roberto - 12-1-2007 at 08:30 PM

Originally posted by Gadget

Tell Larry, Lois, <snip>

Would that be Larry and Lois of Rancho Pacifico (aka Cochrane)? My it IS a small Baja.

Bajame - 12-1-2007 at 08:55 PM

Lots of rain in San Ignaico but itīs suposed to be clearing up soon. Very big storms! So far the river hasnīt gone over itīs banks but we have to wait and see as itīs still getting water even after the rain stops. You sure find out where the leaks are in weather like this! :?:

Gadget - 12-1-2007 at 09:25 PM

Originally posted by Roberto
Originally posted by Gadget

Tell Larry, Lois, <snip>

Would that be Larry and Lois of Rancho Pacifico (aka Cochrane)? My it IS a small Baja.

Thats a big 10-4

Paulina - 12-1-2007 at 09:56 PM


That's what I was thinking too, Munoz people. So since we are thinking along the same lines, they won't have any problems hanging with the rain in Asuncion as they are baja people, ready for anything, and making the best of what comes their way.


shari - 12-3-2007 at 03:25 PM

Well the BOLA folks were fine stranded guests as they wrung out wet rugs and watched DVD's...great attitude! I admit I have never seen rain hit like that here...the winds drove it into all the places that aren't caulked..which is everywhere...very few mexicans caulk the windows and doors...I used to shake my head at all those casas without any windows,but they were the winners in this big storm...IF they had a good roof! One casualty of this storm was sthe loss of 2 of our cats..Mica and her calico daugher have disappeared..I hope they are just lost and will show up soon, but I fear the worst. Today the town is a nightmare as the main street is closed as they are trying to get rid of the hard caked on mud on the pavement...the guys are out there swinging pick axes to break it up and shovel it into trucks...the sidestreets are all but washed out, most you can pass on a narrow strip but have to be careful you don't fall into deep crevices. The water is off too as the pipe was broken in spots. Everyone is washing clothes and bedding as lots got wet..very few have rain gear here so we were all helping each other getting soaked plus all the towels we had under the doors and windows needed washing...carpets and furniture and beds aired out...looks like a big garage sale in town. But it's a gorgeous hot sunny day here today, great for drying stuff out. It sure looks like our area of the coast got the worst of it, for once. Martillo can't wait for all the new grass & flowers!

[Edited on 12-3-2007 by shari]

Sunman - 12-3-2007 at 04:47 PM

Man, just catching up on this thread Shari, you guys sure got a healthy dose down there. All we got was some minor stuff. Hope your cats find their way home. Be sure to give Martillo a pat for me!

shari - 12-3-2007 at 05:16 PM

nice to hear from ya sunman...I have added a page to our website featuring weekly updates on whats' happening in Asuncion which will include road reports, village events and some anecdotes and photos so ya'll can keep up with the local gossip!