
article in sunday paper re:crime

pappy - 12-2-2007 at 09:41 AM

in this a.m. ventura county star another article on robberies in baja targeting mentions most of the events seen here ( focusing on the weber and girlfriend incedent and the hall family incedent) it end with a quote from new tj mayor ramos he will create a special police force to patrol coastal highway and one from secretary of tourism claimin he'll do whatever it takes. it also warns people to travel in daylight hours only between tj and san quintin

Skipjack Joe - 12-2-2007 at 10:11 AM

Could you post a link to the article?

pargo - 12-2-2007 at 10:19 AM

It's true...i read it in the LA times. i miss Baja...just can't go. I've got a family to look after.
The Mexican government continues to bite the hand that feeds. Sadly, i must admit that i've given up on my beloved Baja and i will now close that chapter of my life. I love this forum and everyone in it but i haven't visited in a good long while because it only reminds me of what has been lost. The only reason i'm here right now is because i wanted to hear the Nomads take on all this stuff...and there have been many a post on this topic i know:(

Russ - 12-2-2007 at 10:54 AM

Pargo and others, It is very sad that Baja now threatens you to the point of not returning. It is one thing for a new visitor to choose not to return but those of us with the Baja dust in our blood it must be very difficult and painful to make that decision. I understand and agree with your reasoning. I only have to go north once or twice and year now and worry about traveling through the TJ / Ensanada corridor the whole time. I hope Mexico takes this situation very serious and that there come a time, sooner the better, we'll all travel without fear.

elgatoloco - 12-2-2007 at 12:52 PM

Originally posted by Skipjack Joe
Could you post a link to the article?


toneart - 12-2-2007 at 12:59 PM

It also appeared in The Grass Valley Union yesterday.

Hook - 12-2-2007 at 02:10 PM

The recent article in the LA Times has now spawned radio reports on KNX 1070 News Radio and a video story on KABC-TVs morning newscasts today (Sunday). The bulk of the TV story showed the partially constructed high-rises between TJ and Ensenada, mostly Rosarito.

The electronic media reports all spoke in general terms about the nature of the attacks.......except, of course, the incident involving the rape of the girl "right in front of her boyfriend".

This is about as much initial saturation as one can get on a story in the LA Basin. How many people saw, heard and read these accounts over the last few days and have crossed ALL of Baja off their list for the foreseeable future? Possibly thousands. Serious dinero.

And IF the Mexican authorities begin to get a handle on the crime situation, will THAT story get the same level of exposure? Not a chance. Because the story of criminal incidents ceasing really has no INCIDENT to report for the media. Even an account of crime stats going down wont have the memorability of a kidnapped family or a rape.

Even if this situation is solved overnight, Baja will be paying for its lack of competence in its police forces for a bit of time to come.

Their best chance at righting this PR nightmare, at this point, is to come up with something really splashy when and if they roll out this new police force.

And I sure hope this isnt just an excuse for the new mayor of TJ to hire HIS incompetent buddies into an enforcement arm...........

[Edited on 12-2-2007 by Hook]

DENNIS - 12-2-2007 at 04:26 PM

Originally posted by Hook
And IF the Mexican authorities begin to get a handle on the crime situation, will THAT story get the same level of exposure? Not a chance. Because the story of criminal incidents ceasing really has no INCIDENT to report for the media. Even an account of crime stats going down wont have the memorability of a kidnapped family or a rape.

Our govenment has a different opinion of non-news as you portray it above. "The surge is working. Less violence, fewer incidents." We hear that a lot these days, truth or otherwise. If the Mexican government is effective, I believe we'll hear a lot about that as well. They wont waste a second in telling the world that it's safe to come back.

Welcome to the Jungle

Lee - 12-2-2007 at 04:33 PM

Originally posted by DENNIS
If the Mexican government is effective, I believe we'll hear a lot about that as well. They wont waste a second in telling the world that it's safe to come back.

Or they'll settle for less because the violence can't be controlled. I can name a hand full of streets and cities and countries where it is what it is.

DENNIS - 12-2-2007 at 04:52 PM


Very possible. So far, the government response has been less than half-hearted. No police on the toll road at night? What's that all about?
Call off a meeting to address the situation? Hear a new local mayor propose that his police force take over jurisdiction of a federal highway when the same police force wallows in their reputation as the most corrupt in the district? Tijuana police in Playas taking crime victims directly to the border rather than to proper authority to make a report, just hoping they might go away and forget about what happened? Basically ignoring the entire issue?
Now, new administration lip service.
We'll see.

Just watch your back

Lee - 12-2-2007 at 06:46 PM

Originally posted by DENNIS

Very possible. So far, the government response has been less than half-hearted. No police on the toll road at night? What's that all about? Basically ignoring the entire issue? ...... Now, new administration lip service. ...... We'll see.

I'm as optimistic as the next Nomad but, generally, I think MX is slow to change anything.

Buy your ticket, take your chances. Sad but, like you said, we'll see.

Dennis: answer this. I'll assume you don't drive at night. Does the toll road, Rosarito or Ensenada scare you? (Doesn't mean anything to me -- and I don't drive at night.)

DENNIS - 12-2-2007 at 07:00 PM

My normal time to leave for a stateside day-trip is two AM in order to cross the border before the work traffic build up. I don't worry about it. I drive a turd-mobile and nobody would want it. If I had lots of expensive toys, I'd think differently I suppose.

pappy - 12-3-2007 at 01:46 PM

i know i'm not in any hurry to take the chance losing all i have ....first trip to baja-1968...last trip???i quite possibly have taken my last trip unless things change soon.....:no:

Al G - 12-3-2007 at 01:58 PM

I would like to report that the recent stories about the Gauntlet is getting press in SF bay area, Sacramento, Roseville and I believe in most small papers too...The article is a reprint of the LA Times. Most of the people I know...know I am moving to Baja, so they are calling to see if I know of the horrible things going on in Baja...two have ask me to reconsider going there. Many people have fears of Baja already and now you could not drag them there with a bull dozer now.

Skipjack Joe - 12-3-2007 at 02:16 PM

I'm so glad that these crimes are getting so much press time. That's just what we need. When the plane loads to Loreto, LaPaz, and Cabo are half empty. When the air carriers have to change their schedules to save money. Then we might start to see results from the Mexican authorities.

DENNIS - 12-3-2007 at 02:21 PM

Originally posted by Skipjack Joe
I'm so glad that these crimes are getting so much press time. That's just what we need. When the plane loads to Loreto, LaPaz, and Cabo are half empty. When the air carriers have to change their schedules to save money. Then we might start to see results from the Mexican authorities.

Isn't it a shame that nothing but money will motivate them? I mean, assuming it will?

Skipjack Joe - 12-3-2007 at 02:30 PM

Yes, I thought all of the letter writing was good and well intentioned but there is nothing like economic pressure to bring about change.

toneart - 12-3-2007 at 09:13 PM

Originally posted by DENNIS
My normal time to leave for a stateside day-trip is two AM in order to cross the border before the work traffic build up. I don't worry about it. I drive a turd-mobile and nobody would want it. If I had lots of expensive toys, I'd think differently I suppose.

Do you have California license plates?