ELINVESTIG8R - 12-3-2007 at 11:44 AM
Estimado David *******.
Por este medio le informo que recibimos su correo electronico, en el cual solicita al Gobernador del Estado acciones para seguir favoreciendo
al turismo que viene a visitar nuestro Estado, ya que se han visto perjudicados con robos y secuestros y se pone en riesgo esta actividad. Por tal
motivo quiero informarle que su peticion fue turnada a la Secretaria de Turismo para su atencion correspondiente.
En caso de tener alguna duda, comuniquese con Dolores Gomez Prado, Asistente del Titular, al correo dgomez@baja.gob.mx o al telefono (664) 682-33-67
para informacion.
Arturo Amador Rivera
Atencion Ciudadana Oficina del Gobernador
My humble translation:
Dear David *******.
By these means (E-mail) I am informing you that we have received your electronic mail, in which you ask for to the Governor of the State to take
action regarding tourists that come to visit our State, since they have been harmed with robberies and kidnappings and this activity had put them at
risk. By such reason I want to inform you that your request was forwarded to the Secretary of Tourism for his attention.
In case you have any concerns please communicate with Dolores Gomez Prado, Assistant of the Secretary of Tourism at dgomez@baja.gob.mx or telephone
(664) 682-33-67 for information.
Arturo Amador Rivera
Office of Citizen Requests for the Governor
[Edited on 12-3-2007 by ELINVESTI8]
fdt - 12-3-2007 at 12:09 PM
I'm glad to see it was not an automated response. Now if only they would agree to come and talk dirctly to all of you here on the radio, and that way
you could ask questions and they could respond to you all live.
[Edited on 12-3-2007 by fdt]
ELINVESTIG8R - 12-3-2007 at 12:49 PM
Now I am waiting a response from the President of Mexico and the head of the PGR. Let's see if I get one.