
Saturday and Sunday or just Sunday for Dia de Reyes, what would you like?

fdt - 12-4-2007 at 06:48 PM

I would like to know, for those that are interested in attendig this comming Dia de Reyes Toy Drive if youd like to come and make a weekend of it, come down on Saturday, have fun all day, Sunday go take gifts to the kids ad return home.
I would of course arrange for free roundtrip transportation US/Mexico/US (probably from San Ysidro were you can leave your vehicles), sightseeing on saturday, maybe a bingo night at Caliente and dinner, a light or cont. b'fst the following morning and head up to see the kids and have tamales, chocolate and Rosca de Reyes then head back to the US in the afteroon some time. I would need to know ahead of time so I can start getting some sponsors for roms, bus, ad so on.
Of course for those interested I will still have transportation for just Sunday.

[Edited on 12-5-2007 by fdt]

[Edited on 12-5-2007 by fdt]

fdt - 12-4-2007 at 06:50 PM

For those comming from México, we would set up a pick up point for either option.

bajabound2005 - 12-4-2007 at 09:06 PM

More details, Ferna, for us challenged folk...dates - yes I know it's like Jan 6 or something like that. And if we get the baby in the Rosca there are we liable for making the tamales for that group of people???? We Need Details!

fdt - 12-5-2007 at 08:37 AM

What I'm asking is, since Dia de Reyes is January 6th and this comming one happens to fall on a Sunday, maybe some of you would like to come here on Saturday Jan 05, spend the day sightseeing, visiting different landmarks and interesting places, have a great dinner get together, maybe even do a Bingo night or Greyhound races, spend the night at one of the great hotels and then on Sunday Jan 06 after breakfast go deliver presents to the children and enjoy great tasting tamales, champurrado, chocolate and of course the traditional Rosca de Reyes.
After that we would take people back to the US or for those comming from México to their drop off point.
As for getting free transportation, I beleive I can do that. Depending on how many of you are interested in doing the overnight I would see into getting some freebies from the major hotels or a very low rate and as for meals, well I have to see, also depending on how many we are what I can get.
If we do decide on some sort of adult entertainment as betting I don't believe I can get free bets :(
I would need to know pretty soon, so I can arrange all of this.
As for safety, wich I am sure would be a concerne to some, I am sure we can provide that.
Now if you all prefer to just come down on Sunday, I would still arange for the transportation and sight seeing, since some would only be able to do Sunday.
The whole idea of doing this is to take gifts to children that otherwise would probably have none and the joy that you would get from doing this will be something very memorable.
All this that would be arranged for you would be as a way to say thanks for providing some toys for the kids.

fdt - 12-5-2007 at 09:17 AM

Originally posted by bajabound2005
And if we get the baby in the Rosca there are we liable for making the tamales for that group of people???? We Need Details!

Rosca de Reyes is shared on Dia de Reyes, January 06

Who ever gets the "Monito" wich is a figurine representing the baby Jesus is named the padrino or godfather of the baby and is suposed to take care of the baby, get him a new gound and protect him until February 2nd, Dia de la Candelaria when the padrinos present the baby all dressed up during a special mass and of course since they are the padrinos, they must throw a party after that were tamales, atole or champurrado or hot chocolate are served.
Are you planning on getting the monito so we can all go to Ensenada Feb 2nd? It will also be a weekend ;D

fdt - 12-6-2007 at 11:17 AM

At this time 100% of the votes say Sunday only, the one person that has sumited a vote has the lead.:rolleyes:

fdt - 12-6-2007 at 06:21 PM

Still Sunday is at 100% :wow: