
Surprising findings about riding ATVs on the beach.

Packoderm - 12-5-2007 at 11:28 PM

Apparently, by virtue of having four tires each with a big footprint, ATVs are not as harmful to beach life than had been previously thought. By the weight of the ATV and rider being evenly distributed among four, big footprint tires, the impaction of the sand is minimized thus lowering damage done to sea turtle eggs and other subterranean life such as sand crabs. Astonishingly, it is when a person puts his or her weight down on one foot while walking on the beach that much damage is done. Therefore, if a person wishes to wade in the sea, he or she should either limit their range to rocky areas, or drive the ATV on the sand to the waterline, lower themselves on an inflatable mattress placed in the water, then paddle out to where they will cause no harm by pushing the balls of their feet into the sand.

Save the beach

islandmusicteach - 12-6-2007 at 12:00 AM

Perhaps this would be a compromise we could all live with?:wow:

cbuzzetti - 12-6-2007 at 12:09 AM

Just as long as you don't land where the sea turtle eggs are. ;-)

What is the season for the laying of turtle eggs? Is it the same all over Baja? Does it only occour on the SOC side?

Inquiring minds want to know.

Bajabus - 12-6-2007 at 03:57 AM

The issue with the turtle eggs is not that ATV's squash the eggs but that by making multiple continuous ruts they essentially make a moat. The hatch-lings fall into the moat on their way to the water, can't climb out and either perish there or are made easy pickings for bigger beasts up the food chain.

shari - 12-6-2007 at 07:17 AM

Oh Man, where can I get one of those canons? It would be perfect for a new tourist attraction in San Roque...better than parasailing...for the hard core baja eco I love the suit!:tumble:

Osprey - 12-6-2007 at 07:43 AM

Where will you find a man of that caliber?

4baja - 12-6-2007 at 07:49 AM

pack ive been saying that for years and as far as im concernd it wasnt an issue of the turtles as they claim ,they just dont want you rideing in front of there new beach front casa. a heel print makes for a very large hole for a turtle to fall in to, my quad makes a 1/2 inch deep print.

2004 xmas 011.jpg - 34kB

coconaco - 12-6-2007 at 09:06 AM

Originally posted by Osprey
Where will you find a man of that caliber?

Minnow - 12-6-2007 at 09:22 AM

Good one Osprey?:bounce:

capn.sharky - 12-6-2007 at 09:24 AM

As far as the sea turtles go---they are an endangered species and I applaud anything done to save them. Rich gringos, on the other hand, don't seem to be endangered at all and in fact, are thriving. I could care less about what happens in front of their ritzy, titzy houses. Fact is, you can't cut the beach off from anyone to the high tide line. I have yet to see a structure that adds to the beauty of the beach.

Minnow - 12-6-2007 at 09:30 AM

Originally posted by capn.sharky
I have yet to see a structure that adds to the beauty of the beach.

You can take that to the bank.

Al G - 12-6-2007 at 10:05 AM

Originally posted by Bajabus
The issue with the turtle eggs is not that ATV's squash the eggs but that by making multiple continuous ruts they essentially make a moat. The hatch-lings fall into the moat on their way to the water, can't climb out and either perish there or are made easy pickings for bigger beasts up the food chain.

This is a load of the tide line there is never a track that last long enough to mean anything...most all ATV tracks everywhere else (where the turtles nest) are wiped out by wind and foot traffic with-in a very short time.
I am not advocating ATV's running amuck on the beach...there must be controls on the stupid...
BTW packoderm...everyone besides the people with an agenda already knew this...simple physics.

marv sherrill - 12-6-2007 at 04:33 PM

If truth be known, harmful or not, it is against the law to drive on beaches in Baja - there is a federal law against it - Give me a few more weeks and I can get the exact page paragraph, etc. Check the sign as you come into Bahia de los Angeles, just before the new "sail" monument. fyi

tripledigitken - 12-6-2007 at 04:39 PM

Here we go again.:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

I can almost smell the popcorn.


Oh NO, Not AGAIN !

MrBillM - 12-6-2007 at 04:55 PM

Wasn't this subject beat to Death (or nearly so) a short while back ?

EVERYBODY now knows that it is against Federal Law to ride Motor Vehicles on the Beach. MOST knew it long ago. No need for anyone to go on a search through the morass of the Mexican Laws to bring it back.

The bottom line is, however, that it is Against the Law when someone in authority says it is (or not). Thanks to the Free-Style Smorgasbord of Mexican Law Enforcement, it is legal sometimes and not legal at other times or places.

Enjoy while you can and Ride Accordingly. Try not to crunch Turtles.

David K - 12-6-2007 at 05:15 PM

Making an issue about it has a lot to do with the beach you know, in Baja...

Beaches in front of civilization (Rosarito, Los Barriles, whatever) is where enough people are there to make driving (or riding) on the beach dangerous. If people are there without vehicles, then vehicles are not needed to get there. The law is to protect people and careless vehicle operation on populated beaches are what makes those laws get enforced.

Another issue are the beachfront home owners who don't want to hear or see vehicles in front of their vacation homes (Gonzaga, L.A. Bay, Cape area, etc.) L.A. Bay has such a narrow beach (except the south end) and there are roads along them, beach driving is not necessary there.

Beaches that are far from civilization, unknown or unvisted by most, and only accessable by vehicle are another matter... a vehicle on a remote beach harms nobody... the next high tide or wind erases the tracks... man has a right to enjoy the planet, too. Sometimes driving on the beach is the only way to access an area for fishing or camping. Again, this is in areas with no civilization, roads or many if any people.

Natural habitat (known turtle egg nests or other such areas) should be signed with warnings so people neither drive on them or walk on them! As stated above, foot and hoof prints can go much deeper than vehicle prints.

My examples of beach driving in remote places, plus one not so remote, at the end!:

Beach driving to get to fishing spots, 1967 (Nuevo Mazatlan):

Beach driving to get to camping spot, 1978 (Shell island):

In 2001, Shell Island:

In 2005, my tracks just below the high tide line on Shell Island:

Mexican citizen driving on the beach in front of San Felipe with his mobile cantina... nobody complaing then!:

[Edited on 12-7-2007 by David K]

4baja - 12-6-2007 at 06:33 PM

bottom line is that the mexican authorities dont make a big deal untill the gringos start crying. they have been driveing the beach for years(it has been a true road for them for commerce) to get there supplies and visit famillies and now with the big gringo houses along the way there has been the complaints. a large wallet will change alot.:coolup:

marv sherrill - 12-6-2007 at 08:53 PM

did not want to open a can o- worms - I missed the last thread so I can claim ignorance - I just like to obey laws whenever possible, and dispise those who blatently break them - solamente mi opinion - Marv

Al G - 12-6-2007 at 09:26 PM

Hey...since we got this quad law shoved down our throat...not to mention the Mexican the condo builder and beach front owners,under the guise of turtle protection. Lets join forces and get a no walking on the beach law passed.........I like it.:biggrin:

Paulina - 12-6-2007 at 10:28 PM

While we are all at it, we should pass a...

that peeing on the beach is illegal too. (Yes, I do know that urinating in public is illegal in Mexico, so don't even go there. I guess you could call my example situational law abiding/breaking, but if no one was looking doesn't that make it ok? ) By the way, I would have used the word "law" instead of "Bill" but I didn't have that word in my Pee photobucket file.

This thread has become silly in my opinion. There's bad quad riders and then there's those who don't abuse the method of transportation.

I believe we also talked about this regarding jet skis.

There's fishermen/women who fish for dinner and those who fish for the freezer and for the "locals" and eventually for the trash can. There's home owners who know where their houses are and those who think that they are still in the UEA.

There's all kinds, the right and the wrong, and no one is going to change anyone's opinion on this board. There's no end to this topic as evident because we're back here again.

I've had a trailer on the beach for 19 years. If someone HAS TO drive their quad on the beach in front of my trailer trash spot instead of using the road provided right behind our trailers, then so be it. BUT, if they feel they have to go back and forth, and back and forth, and up and down and then around, because they think they have "a right" to it, they'd better have a pretty good excuse, or they may find themselves being p*ssed on, and I'm not that good of an aim.
If it were up to me, you'd find yourself with a William all over yourself instead. You're going to have to park the quad and be patient and look the other way, but most likely by the time I've finished you won't want to be driving on the beach in front of my place again.


ps. edit: We've got two quads and I grew up racing desert Powder Puff division so I understand the eco part. It's the brainless four wheelers that I have an issue with.

[Edited on 7-12-2007 by Paulina]

Roberto - 12-7-2007 at 12:51 AM

Was that written in a single "session"? :lol::lol:

Oh my!

rts551 - 12-7-2007 at 08:16 AM

Originally posted by Al G
Hey...since we got this quad law shoved down our throat...not to mention the Mexican the condo builder and beach front owners,under the guise of turtle protection. Lets join forces and get a no walking on the beach law passed.........I like it.:biggrin:

You didn't choke on the Mexican people did you?:lol:

[Edited on 12-7-2007 by rts551]

Paulina - 12-7-2007 at 08:47 AM

Originally posted by Roberto
Was that written in a single "session"? :lol::lol:

Oh my!


My therapist and I had fun with the topic.

DENNIS - 12-7-2007 at 08:54 AM

How many peeificos were required for that?

vandenberg - 12-7-2007 at 09:26 AM

Originally posted by DENNIS
How many peeificos were required for that?

I still have to get rid of some of my inhibitions before I can take a "peeifico leak" on the highway and shake "IT" at passersby, like the Mexicans do.:biggrin::biggrin: