Originally posted by David K
Okay... a request is hereby made for a Nomad to visit Agua Caliente Canyon (Sierra San Pedro Martir/ Valle Chico) and photograph any development for
the hot springs there... showing where they are in the canyon in relation to the hot spring and the terrace in the canyon where the pot farm was
located in 2001. How is the water brought to tubs, what services, is the road passable to the tubs (in '04, a mile hike was needed from the furthest
point a 4X4 could drive).
Here is my last time there, 4-2004 in this web page: http://vivabaja.com/404
The time previous, when the pot farm was being developed, 12-31-00 on page 2 & 3 of this web site: http://www.vivabaja.com/baja_2001 |