
Just to be fair

rdrrm8e - 12-6-2007 at 11:42 PM

I probably post more scary stuff I hear about in Baja than good stuff. Hell....I am afraid to go to Baja any more.

But to be fair I must post this. Don't know if it is true...but then I haven't personally witnessed the bad crap either.

My stuff in Baja is still for sale...but I gotta be fair

I did not write this..I C&P'd from Bloody Decks

Good Story about Baja...


With all of the ******** that happens south of the border, here is a true story about the good people down there that deserve recognition.

A friend of mine went into Captain Tony's in the Cabo marina for a breakfast burrito before he set off to go fishing on his yacht that burns about as much fuel as Al Gores G-4. He had his bag with him that had his gas money in it. He should use a credit card, but Turtle does not take a card. Also, it is rat hole money. You know.

Well, he leaves Capt Tony's and heads out around the corner to chase Marlin and Tuna. About an hour later he realizes that he left his bag of cash at Captain Tony's. Now, a couple of c notes would not get anyones shorts in a bunch, but this bag had about 6 g's in it. He freaked, and turned his carbon footprint around (it took time) and headed back in. You are thinking "how would anyone forget a bag with 6 g's in it? Well, **** happens, it is true, and I dont know what he had been drinking the night before, and , well... you know.

He gets back to Captain Tony's and does not see the bag. He asks the person behind the counter. It was the owner. He recognized my friend and brought the bag out. The owner made my friend open the bag and count the money to make sure that it was all there. It was..... My friend offered him a c note to thank him and he would not take it......He just said "when you come to Cabo, eat at my restaurant." We always do....... He deserves it...

True Story....
The most valuable thing we have in life is time, some people know how to spend it better than others.

[Edited on 12-7-2007 by Hose A]

DrTom - 12-7-2007 at 06:31 AM

I know tony and he is a good guy. Beautiful wife too....

bajajudy - 12-7-2007 at 07:18 AM

Great story!
Thanks for a postive note.