
Surfers Ride Giant Waves In Baja

Bajaboy - 12-7-2007 at 05:21 PM

Check out this video:

updated 11:21 a.m. PT, Fri., Dec. 7, 2007

BAJA, Calif. - They're pictures you have to see to believe -- mighty waves that only the masters dared to tackle off the coast of Ensenada.

The high surf that crowds gathered to watch in San Diego was nothing compared to what was caught on tape off the Baja Coast.

The largest waves generated by the high surf advisory were videotaped off Todos Santos, which is an island approximately 10 miles off Ensenada.

The area is known as a "surfer's paradise," according to the official Web site and the proof is in the images.

Waves as high as 40-feet were cresting in the Pacific, according to the photographer who captured the images.

BornFisher - 12-7-2007 at 07:37 PM

Cool-- trouble with those skies is if your guy falls, you have to go get him!!
I was gassing up my boat in La Salina Tues afternoon, with thoughts of some fishing and heading over to TS to watch the show. One security guy shows up and tells me the harbor is closed and will be for a few days. I tell him, "Yes but tomorrow at high tide, between sets you could make it". Few minutes later reinforcements show up (Chuey) and I`m told, "Bill, tomorrow, NO!!!!" So I missed it. Heard they closed Ensenada also but some guys ran it anyway. 60 people (Wed) at Salsipuedies, many paid $10 to security. Thurs they closed it.

shari - 12-7-2007 at 08:33 PM

whew, thank goodness that swell never got got to be about 14' for a couple hours only at low tide so didn't reach our house..we were making an evacuation plan just in case!

shari - 12-8-2007 at 01:53 PM

o talvez POCO COCO!