
Dealing with TJ policia - would this work?

Ken Cooke - 12-8-2007 at 12:09 AM

When the policia ask for your driver's license and registration, what if we (United States) drivers offered only a xerox copy of these items and kept the originals carefully hidden?

When traveling in places such as Russia where corruption is also a problem, it is also advised to only carry photocopies, and to walk away from police if they try and stop you on the street. I obtained this info from a Scandanavian travel guide, not word of mouth.

By only offering a photo copy and demanding to pay traffic tickets with the bilingual tickets which can be paid back in the United States via mail, do we all agree that this might help our chances of not getting messed over by the policia?

[Edited on 12-8-2007 by Ken Cooke]

gnukid - 12-8-2007 at 06:26 AM

Absolutely, Never give up your license and reg. BTW a copy of reg is legal in US. Basically we all need to be super polite, firm and really patient with corruptos. Never show your angry, move really slowly. In fact the more you show you are willing to wait out the corruptos while they pretend to talk on the radio or whatever and call home, the sooner they will walk away in disgust that you obviously won't pay. And please do not ever pay on the spot. You can always say I have no money, I was robbed. What can I do?

ELINVESTIG8R - 12-8-2007 at 06:44 AM

Originally posted by gnukid
Absolutely, Never give up your license and reg. BTW a copy of reg is legal in US. Basically we all need to be super polite, firm and really patient with corruptos. Never show your angry, move really slowly. In fact the more you show you are willing to wait out the corruptos while they pretend to talk on the radio or whatever and call home, the sooner they will walk away in disgust that you obviously won't pay. And please do not ever pay on the spot. You can always say I have no money, I was robbed. What can I do?

Great Advice!

Walk your post from flank to flank and take no s...t from any rank.

Bajagypsy - 12-8-2007 at 07:17 AM

I feel very fortunate, and probably should knock on wood, we have never been stopped in TJ, we have been stopped once on the highway before GN, and the police let us go with a warning, have been stopped before San Jose, but they were looking for bandito's, and stopped once in Mulege because our car was to dirty. Never once got a ticket or the threat of a ticket. I probably just wrecked that and next time we will be stopped every 100 kilometers!!

Santiago - 12-8-2007 at 07:35 AM

Ken: I have wondered this myself and intend on doing something similar: print a copy of my lic and reg of auto, boat and trailer on one side and then copy the pages of sindicatura's tourista guide regarding tickets, paying polica etc on the other side. I don't think anyone really knows how this will play out as I haven't seen any posts from actual experience – we’re all just guessing what would happen.
Here's something else I've thought of doing but might be overkill: show the cop my hand help GPS unit and explain that it keeps a record of my location and speed and that I want to take it to the municipal judge as proof that I was not speeding. They might just buy it???

gnukid - 12-8-2007 at 08:54 AM

I make a envelope of copies of stuff and a pen, like reg, licensio, articluo 106, a police report form, sindicatura contacts, emergency contacts, a carta no molestar (please do not bother this kind person written by another nice person) and once pulled over I play it very very slow, like watch each step they make and give a corresponding answer, like tit for tat always with a joking confident wry smile but polite and slow and finally ater shuffling for a while very slowly begin to pull out the papers one by one and begin to write the report. They will look at the papers and be very overwhelmed and concerned you might be a double secret agent, you can say I have copies for you to take of the articlulo 106 which you may need to read, it says FM-3 people may import their car temporarily in Mexico its complicated and confusing enough to difuse the situation, but first I need to complete the police incident report immediately by request of el gobierno y Calderon mi amigo. I want to understand exactly why you stopped me and your identification so this report will be submitted to the transit office and my lawyer, begin to write on the report and pull out your camera and take his photo without asking. They will leave running in the other direction. Or they will try to give you a warning and apology. Be very polite and never ever get impatient or mad-just its like you are now paying yourself for your time, every minute you work it you will save money.

Of course this is because I drive the gauntlet of La Paz daily.

I tried to upload pdfs of the forms here but they are each more than 50k and over the attachment limit. I will put them somewhere for you guys.

[Edited on 12-8-2007 by gnukid]

bajalou - 12-8-2007 at 09:06 AM

Copies of the registration might work with the police, but customs wants only originals to examine when you bring something into Mex. They say it's too easy to make fake registrations with photo copies.

Ken Cooke - 12-8-2007 at 09:25 AM

Before my Baja Pole Line trip, I'll make my copy of the drivers license and travel with added peace of mind! :bounce:

ELINVESTIG8R - 12-8-2007 at 10:17 AM

Cut and past the below into word shrink the font and print several of them to stick on your driver’s license vehicle registration etc. Make the word SINDICATURA in red.

Estimado (a) Señor (a) (Your name here) por cualquier problema con
la Policía Municipal Estatal o Federal por favor marca al
SINDICATURA indicada abajo.
Tijuana - (664) 688-2810 - 973-7770 - 973-7759 - 683-4095
Ensenada - (646) 617-1561 - 176-2222 - 617-1561
Mexicali - (686) 558-1600 ext. 1661

[Edited on 12-8-2007 by ELINVESTI8]

islandmusicteach - 12-8-2007 at 12:52 PM

I know this is serious crappola when it happens but you had me laughing so hard I spilled coffee all over my lap - Gnukid you truly are one of a kind!

Originally posted by gnukid
I make a envelope of copies of stuff and a pen, like reg, licensio, articluo 106, a police report form, sindicatura contacts, emergency contacts, a carta no molestar (please do not bother this kind person written by another nice person) and once pulled over I play it very very slow, like watch each step they make and give a corresponding answer, like tit for tat always with a joking confident wry smile but polite and slow and finally ater shuffling for a while very slowly begin to pull out the papers one by one and begin to write the report. They will look at the papers and be very overwhelmed and concerned you might be a double secret agent, you can say I have copies for you to take of the articlulo 106 which you may need to read, it says FM-3 people may import their car temporarily in Mexico its complicated and confusing enough to difuse the situation, but first I need to complete the police incident report immediately by request of el gobierno y Calderon mi amigo. I want to understand exactly why you stopped me and your identification so this report will be submitted to the transit office and my lawyer, begin to write on the report and pull out your camera and take his photo without asking. They will leave running in the other direction. Or they will try to give you a warning and apology. Be very polite and never ever get impatient or mad-just its like you are now paying yourself for your time, every minute you work it you will save money.

Of course this is because I drive the gauntlet of La Paz daily.

I tried to upload pdfs of the forms here but they are each more than 50k and over the attachment limit. I will put them somewhere for you guys.

[Edited on 12-8-2007 by gnukid]

DrTom - 12-8-2007 at 05:51 PM

gnukid, the pdf's would be appreciated......u2u me if you would email them to me, ill get you my email.