

Sharksbaja - 12-10-2007 at 02:07 PM

That is his real name(sp?) but most folks know him as "the guy with the goods" down on Playa Coyote.
He also goes by another name but it's a tough one to remember.
He is a regular there peddling blankets and hammocks but more importantly, iron-wood carved sculptures. You know the place, it's next to the south tope in Mulege..
This guy is a lot of fun and he has big huevos.
We needed some fish for tacos one morning. He volunteered to get us a few if we'd let him take the jetski out for a dive. My buddy John said "sure" and our new friend grabbed his mask, fins and speargun and hopped on the craft.
It was a nail-biting experience as he'd never driven a jetski. After flooding the engine and conking out for the first fifty feet we urged him to "give it the gas".
Away he went off across the bay to the other side. We could see him with the binocs and relaxed.

About an hour later we saw start to head back in towards us. When we turned our attention elsewhere then looked back again, he was no where in sight.
No biggie we figured , he must have headed out around the south point.
Two hours later we were certainly concerned when he still was missing from view. We were not afraid he was up to no good because he left all his goods in our care.
Away goes John on his 650 Honda to see if he could locate him. Twenty minutes laer John arrives to report he had found him around the nothern point. He waved him to head back and was acknowleged. We all relaxed. .....and relaxed.....and relaxed but still no Bonafacio.
Alas after another hour (3-1/2 toatl) here he comes.
We got our fish and he had a great time out there. Damn I love the casual attitude the locals possess. It's catchy!

bajajudy - 12-10-2007 at 04:25 PM

I have met that guy. Stopped in his shop and am the proud owner of a beautiful turtle that he carved. He also gave us some lena for our campfire.
How were those tacos?